Japan Today

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Posted in: Tokyo school swaps fresh fruit for jelly as food prices soar See in context

Agricultural reform is desperately needed in Japan.

This article doesn't mention JA and the absolute strangle hold they have on food production in this country. These bloated tax payer funded government bodies are the real issue here.

The tax payer needs to start demanding some clarity and oversight into whats going on, if you're docile and unquestioning there will be no change. Kids and young people are getting the short end of the stick to keep that all important 'wa'.

Im afraid the blame falls on both the corrupt government bodies and the citizens themselves.

Don't ask questions keep doing as you're told and the modicum of safety offered by your betters will be all you can expect in life.

2 ( +4 / -2 )

Posted in: Gov't preparing to resume foreign tourist entry in June See in context

What @Paul14 said, this is not a cheap or easy place to get to, nobody is planning that trip of a life time to be given the stink eye for not wanting to wear a mask.

-2 ( +2 / -4 )

Posted in: Businesses rattled by gov't caution to ease restrictions for foreign tourists See in context

Playing with fire on this one, a weak Yen, a flatlined economy, people fearful and hesitant to spend, business closures up and down the country.

Tokyo placed 9th in a list of cities for 'international visitor spending' in Q2 2018, it's hurting the whole country from the bottom up. Closing the borders is a $46 billion rug pull. Keep this up and things are only going to get worse.

Absolute madness.

1 ( +3 / -2 )

Posted in: Japan to allow 20,000 daily international arrivals from June See in context

@ Elvis is here

With the state of the Yen I wouldn't be surprised

6 ( +13 / -7 )

Posted in: 1,600 empty seats at major Japanese gymnastics competition reserved by single unpaying person See in context

If one thing remains constant in Japan it's passing the buck when something goes wrong.

Your booking system was a joke, you messed up, own it!

5 ( +8 / -3 )

Posted in: Court finds COVID restrictions for Tokyo restaurant chain illegal See in context

The government went after an easy target with the restrictions here, bars and restaurants. They're visible and a lot of them are not tied to giant zibatsu style corporations, thus not leveraging the government with their economic power. The little guy got a kick in the teeth and all the while the government knew it wasn't going to really affect the spread of the virus. It saved that all important face for the LDP though.

5 ( +7 / -2 )

Posted in: Japan planning to allow 20,000 daily foreign arrivals in June See in context

Ain't nobody flying half way round the world to jump through hoops and be treated like dirt and told to put a piece of paper on your face..

The Thai's tried it, didn't work out well for them, they dropped all entry requirements last month.

1 ( +2 / -1 )

Posted in: Shanghai reaffirms zero-COVID policy; WHO says it is not sustainable See in context

I heard an interesting take on this the other day. It could be a stress test to see how the urban populations deals with extreme duress like those they could potentially suffer if the CCP decide to invade Taiwan!

Let's hope thats not the case and they are just being their usual selves and brutalising the Chinese people in the name of ideology.

6 ( +7 / -1 )

Posted in: Japan to ease COVID border controls 'in stages' from June: Kishida See in context

Japan can do what it likes about its borders but it has consequences.

Burying your collective head in the sand for a dream of safety seems like a fools errand. The mask wearing is just simply 面子 by this point. Wouldn't want to stick your neck out and think for yourself.

The closing of the borders has had a knock-on effect for so many business here that the longer it persists the deep the financial shockwave will run.

The state of Yen should be a warning siren for anybody living in Japan.

1 ( +5 / -4 )

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