Posted in: Over 85% wary of bad tourist behavior at Japan national parks: poll See in context
When I visit Japan, I am sick of seeing poor behavior. Come-on people, behave yourselves! Be aware of others, do Japanese behave?
Yes, that’s so true. ‘When in Rome..’ right? But when it’s the Japanese drinking in the street, being rowdy; or when it’s Japanese being noisy, making a journey intolerable; there are very few complaints by other locals. Yet all we see in the press is ‘rowdy foreign tourists.’ It kind of sticks in the throat when all we do - most of us who live here anyway - is behave like the Japanese. We’re an easy target for the TV and web news outlets who try to provide for the perpetually outraged - the “See, I told you foreigners were trouble” types - because they know it sells. More clicks and less scanning channels to watch.
-7 ( +8 / -15 )
Posted in: Overseas people see Japanese women as sexual beings and think they don’t speak up for themselves, but I’ve always thought that is not true. See in context
Xenophobic much, Anna? Totally ignoring the JAV industry and J-men as JeffLee pointed out? Well, this “overseas person” won’t be watching anything with you in it. See how you like them apples.
-13 ( +9 / -22 )
Posted in: Tokyo expands underground 'cathedral' complex to counter climate change rains See in context
“Roaring Fires, Malt Beer, Ripe Meat Off The Bone!”
Looks impressive; that first picture is very ‘Mines of Moria-esque.’
9 ( +11 / -2 )
Posted in: Japan's new first lady a hometown favorite; more popular than husband See in context
Get her to run the country; couldn’t do any worse than her husband or the leagues of withering old men in the LDP that have come before.
-1 ( +1 / -2 )
Posted in: What do you think outgoing Japanese Prime Minister Fumio Kishida's legacy will be? See in context
Nada. Zip. Zilch. Nowt. Nothing. Fanny Adams.
1 ( +6 / -5 )
Posted in: Ishiba picks veterans, ex-PMs as execs for divided ruling party See in context
Such a strange photo. Nothing on the table. Is there some symbology to this? A clean start?
No, it means he Hasn’t Got A Clue.
1 ( +2 / -1 )
Posted in: What to expect as Japan prepares for Oct 27 election See in context
I am completely overwhelmed and over-excited at the prospect of yet another election in this country. This country that takes my money but says I am ineligible to vote - glorifies in my ineligibility, even rubs my nose in it - but half of you don’t really vote anyway, ‘cos you don’t really care about the result. This country that only cares about being seen to support “the winner.”
This one's easy... What can we expect? Noise.
With you on this. When I hear the vans coming, I just give them a blast of Zeppelin or Floyd.
-2 ( +5 / -7 )
Posted in: What are some movies you watch when you are feeling sad, that cheer you up? See in context
1 ( +3 / -2 )
Posted in: Ishiba says he will focus on boosting wages, consumption See in context
The Lady of the Lake will emerge lifting the sword Excalibur aloft, before Incoming prime minister Shigeru Ishiba will enact a fundamental policy program of real economic political change.
Strange women lying in ponds distributing swords is no basis for a system of government. Supreme executive power derives from a mandate from the masses, not from some farcical aquatic ceremony.
1 ( +2 / -1 )
Posted in: Maggie Smith, scene-stealing actor famed for Harry Potter and 'Downton Abbey,' dies at 89 See in context
Wonderful, wonderful actress.
I concur.
She and Michael Caine were great together in “California Suite,” but to an impressionable young boy, she she will always be Miss Jean Brodie.
9 ( +9 / -0 )
Posted in: Starbucks serves up new afternoon tea set in Japan with super high price tag See in context
As for Starbucks making “afternoon tea,” don’t make me laugh! They know Sweet FA about tea. Besides, BDS.
2 ( +4 / -2 )
Posted in: Starbucks serves up new afternoon tea set in Japan with super high price tag See in context
I once had "afternoon tea" with my Welsh Uncle Di and Auntie Edna in London 25 years ago,
Mother told me the cost was over £22 each.
22 Quid each for tea and scones, 25 year ago? In That London? Did your uncle Dai have deep pockets? Or were you at the Ritz?
I never paid that anywhere in the Cotswolds, ever, and they rip-off tourists left right and centre. Even in Bourton-on-the-Bleedin’-Water. Not 25 year ago.
4 ( +5 / -1 )
Posted in: Katy Perry returns with the uninspired and forgettable '143' See in context
Hmmm. In that case I’m not sure you are qualified to contribute much to this discussion, Dog, and wonder why you are trying.
Well, Swiss, having made five comments on dross/“pop tarts”, I guess you must have skin in the game. Either that, or you’re an expert on pop tarts and dross.
0 ( +1 / -1 )
Posted in: Katy Perry returns with the uninspired and forgettable '143' See in context
Dog, we seem to be miscommunicating. Sure,Kate Bush is great! I wouldn’t even mention her in the same breath as her Perry namesake.
Ah, well, that’s grand. I am relieved.
Im referring to Perry’s peers - the current regular slew of pop tarts on the scene. I think if you compare Perry’s new album to their slop it compares quite well. That was my point.
Wouldn’t know about that, having never listened to any of them and don’t allow any of them through my speakers for fear of breaking….the speakers that is. But each to his, or her, own.
-1 ( +1 / -2 )
Posted in: Katy Perry returns with the uninspired and forgettable '143' See in context
As opposed to…?
Oh Dog….have I really got to tell you, to back-up my claim with proof? Isn’t it obvious enough already? But if you really want to know, then I suggest you start with the other Kate. The English one. Kate Bush.
4 ( +4 / -0 )
Posted in: Katy Perry returns with the uninspired and forgettable '143' See in context
Katy Perry returns with the uninspired and forgettable '143'
Let’s be honest here: Katy Perry is uninspiring and easily forgettable.
3 ( +4 / -1 )
Posted in: Sterilization is the most effective method to ensure that islanders and cats coexist peacefully. See in context
Sterilization is the most effective method to ensure that islanders and cats coexist peacefully.
Maybe the islanders could also get Trump to deport some Haitians from Springfield, Ohio - should he win in November of course - to come and have their fill…….?
-2 ( +1 / -3 )
Posted in: Vance doesn't back away from false claims about migrants in Ohio even amid threats to the community See in context
“Whatever some local mayor said about this case, I am hearing from dozens of racists/xenophobes who are obsessed about making these lies,” Vance said.
There, fixed it for you JD.
9 ( +10 / -1 )
Posted in: Trump says 'I hate Taylor Swift!' in Truth Social post See in context
“I hate Taylor Swift!!
So much hate for someone you accepted a fake endorsement from……
Mmmmm. Sounds more like the real endorsement caused some botty-hurt.
15 ( +17 / -2 )
Posted in: Hearts, tails and blubber at Japan fin whale tasting event See in context
My kids enjoyed it though… not sure I can trust what you say over my own loved experience.
As John Lennon said, whatever gets you thru’ the night. It’s alright…..
8 ( +15 / -7 )
Posted in: 'We’re totally fine if you don’t bother to come,' says Shinjuku mayor on Halloween drinking ban See in context
Go back about 20 years, and it was hardly a thing at all in the country.
Too right. If I wanted Halloween goods for school, I had to traipse over to a poxy little shop almost in the middle of no-where, and pay extortionate prices for my trouble. Now I can walk to my local home centre, where they’ve been on sale since mid-August. Mid-August! I’m literally “up-to-here” with Halloween now. It’s too much.
6 ( +15 / -9 )
Posted in: Do you think Nippon Steel's offer to buy U.S. Steel poses a national security risk to the United States, as U.S. opponents to the deal claim? See in context
After the 7-11 announcement, yes. Yes I do. I hope that the US Steel deal falls through, just to spite the J-Govt.
-2 ( +1 / -3 )
Posted in: Hearts, tails and blubber at Japan fin whale tasting event See in context
"Once young people eat it and they realize it's good, they will eat it more and more,”
No, they won’t. Whenever it was served-up in school lunches, it was left on the plates in droves. So much so, that my school area, thankfully, no longer serves whale meat. I think the kids have spoken.
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20 ( +33 / -13 )
Posted in: Israeli strike on Palestinian tent camp kills at least 19 See in context
Add this to the list of war crimes committed by Bibi&Co. If this were any other nation….
15 ( +22 / -7 )
Posted in: Tokyo Gaien redevelopment under review amid conservation protest See in context
Whenever this story comes up, it brings to mind a comment made by a “Nihon Tora” here last year(?) regarding the green open space in Tokyo only being 7.4%, compared to New York, Seoul and London. (27%;27.9% and 33%). I am pleased that the developers seem to have had a change of heart.
1 ( +3 / -2 )
Posted in: Deepfake porn crisis batters South Korean schools See in context
Doubtful. They just want to see girl-bits, like most boys/men do. Approximated or real, doesn't matter. Just look at the upskirt photo problem in Japan for examples.
Men/boys have always wanted to see women/girls. It is how we are built/created.
Speak for yourself.
Hope this deepfake stuff doesn’t take hold in Japanese schools. Sadly, with J-children being far more naive than most, I would hazard to guess that this type of thing would be more believe-able.
As soon as Caxton invented the printing press……….
And I have to correct this: William Caxton did not invent the printing press. Thought everyone knew it was Johannes Gutenberg, many years earlier.
1 ( +3 / -2 )
Posted in: U.S. election officials decry Trump's threat to jail them if he returns to White House See in context
The idea that there was some vast conspiracy to defraud Trump and only Trump, not the down ballot Republicans who won on the same ticket is logistically so implausible as to call into question the basic cognition and sanity of anyone dumb enough to postulate it.
For me, that’s the end of the story. Any further discussion is not only unnecessary, but utterly ludicrous.
11 ( +15 / -4 )
Posted in: Springbok World Cup winner Nkosi given three-year doping ban See in context
You could say he joined the correct club. “Cheetah” by name, cheater by nature.
2 ( +2 / -0 )
Posted in: Aging Japan struggling with slow adoption of cashless payments See in context
Not just “Aging Japan” struggling to to adopt cashless. This not-so-aging foregner simply refuses to go cashless. Buying goods on tick and having mounting debts are bad. Very bad.
6 ( +10 / -4 )
Posted in: Russia’s shrinking world: The war in Ukraine and Moscow’s global reach
I doubt it very much, I get itchy eyes and throat pain every evening while walking the dog.
Posted in: Japan targets 60% emissions cut by 2035 from 2013 levels
Posted in: Mizuho Bank says worker stole safe-deposit box valuables in 2019
The megalomaniacal psychopath won't be happy until he has ruined the world.
Posted in: Russia’s shrinking world: The war in Ukraine and Moscow’s global reach