Posted in: Teacher arrested over videos of elementary school girls in toilet See in context
As an intelligent teacher, he could have recognized his own problem ahead of time and realized he wasn't brave enough to seek counseling on his own, so planted the device with the intent of being discovered. His confession could actually be a cover story to hide the fact that he may have been trying to peep on a specific girl, and out of respect for the particular girl he claimed it was generally "girls" instead.
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Posted in: Man arrested for allegedly molesting schoolgirl in Saitama See in context
chotto -- I can't think of any reason a grown man would even actually shout "pervert" (which is a word generally used by women to describe men). A grown man getting groped would probably first think, "Ooh.." and then wonder if the groping-person was a girl, and whether she's cute or not. And then he would marry her.
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Posted in: Nikkatsu revives successful porn genre of ’70s and ’80s See in context
My jaw tumbled southward at TWENTY SEQUELS.
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Posted in: Headless body of woman found in suitcase in Kanazawa mountains See in context
Seems like it was more of a signal to someone that someone trying to deter identification. Why put the suitcase (and how big is this suitcase, btw?) in plain view, why not bury it 30 ft below ground if they didn't want it discovered?
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Posted in: Johnny Depp to spend 15 hours in Japan for 'Alice in Wonderland' premiere See in context
He must be on a pretty tight schedule. I wonder which direction he'll be flying in from -- is crossing the Atlantic shorter, or the Pacific, to Japan from Italy?
Lancestar: There are arguably no actors, ever, then -- because no personality trait can be made from scratch. All stories are also ultimately combinations and twists upon previous stories. Your comment is also therefore not a real comment, because all of the words have been used in great works of literature before you used them here.
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Posted in: 10 U.S. Baptists charged with kidnapping Haiti children See in context
I think most of this is a perfectly legit misunderstanding. They weren't smuggling kids -- there was no secret sneaky-by going on, the parents of the kids knew about it and wanted them to go to a better life, and all 10 have been cooperative. Also, we're talking about Haiti, the poorest nation in the Western Hemisphere, here. I'd be surprised if the government there even knew how to officially identify its own citizens, much less keep any migration or visa data.
They're not religious nutjobs trying to kidnap children, as far as anyone can tell. Had you actually read the article, they'd been planning to go to Haiti long prior to the earthquake on humanitarian reasons and for creating a Haitian child welfare center, which clearly fell through. I think labeling them bonkers speaks more disturbingly about the name-caller's failure to mete due process of law and assert guilt without actually investigating the matter at hand.
@meloveulongtime - Skirting the law is to obey the law. If you drive 44kph in a 45kph zone, you're skirting the law. If you drink up to .1 within the intoxication limits of public drunkenness, you're skirting the law. To skirt it is to respect the line that's been drawn and not break it.
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Posted in: Robot shopper See in context
Heaven knows that thing is gonna tip over once it puts four 2-litre bottles of Root Beer in that little hand basket ^_~
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Posted in: Court bans sale of Word; Microsoft has fix ready See in context
Uh, XML is plain text. A Canadian company has a patent on editing plain text? And since when do US courts (in Texas, even) have jurisdiction on Canadian patents?
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Posted in: Man steals 200 fan letters destined for girl group AKB48 See in context
Someone over there at JapanToday needs to go back to journalism school. There aren't just 11 members of AKB48. They're divided up into team A, team B and team K. One team alone may have 11 in it -- with well over thirty total. Also, the headline doesn't match the story. So was it 200 fan letters, or 200 letters and bills mixed?
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Posted in: More Tokyo train stations start using lights to stem suicides See in context
I'm not sure "stem" is the word the headline writer should have used. Stem means both "stop" (such as to remove stems from cherries) and "start" (an event that stems from committee suggestions).
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Posted in: AKB48 drop in on Tamori See in context
I bet he was thinking, "This isn't quite how I dreamed this would happen. Can we get less cameras?"
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Posted in: Mikitty promotes Mixi’s New Year Card greeting service See in context
Hephat -- Mikitty is very very widely known for being a nickname for Miki Fujimoto, a self-given name prior to her Hello!Project involvement, and she is by FAR not a nobody. She has a decent fanbase even in the US (me included), where none of the H!P products have even been in release.
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Posted in: Model citizens See in context
I wonder how many gals from AKB48 or Hello!Project signed up..
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Posted in: Home away from home See in context
USD $28k for a month? I think I'll take one of those tube-compartment hotels instead.
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Posted in: Woman on minibike injured after run-in with rope tied across road See in context
grr. "wouldn't" immediately jump, I meant. can't edit my own comments.
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Posted in: Woman on minibike injured after run-in with rope tied across road See in context
Unless this is a familiar form of deterrent, I would immediately jump to the conclusion that it was meant for foul play. That's certainly an option, but may not be the genuine reason. Until other details come about in this particular case (rather than anecdotal experiences of commenters), it'll just be a mystery.
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Posted in: AKB See in context
Glad to see AKB in the news, but that's not even close to all of them and doesn't comprise "the pop group" as the caption notes. "A few members of AKB48.." would have been a bit more accurate, as there's loads more than that. You don't have to just be cute, you've got to sing well enough and be coordinated enough to perform daily shows.
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Posted in: 3 family members die after falling into feed silo See in context
Could have easily been a murder-suicide planned to look like an accident.
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Posted in: Iran says it is prepared to crush any military threat See in context
The US could airstrike Iran into submission before Iran got finished repacking their gunpowder muskets. Reminds me of the Onion article from a while back, where Kuwait sent their 1 troop to assist the Iraq struggle. With all the short range missile testing, the US should demonstrate its long range missile capability by firing something from the east coast of the US, and hitting something on the west coast of the US, from the long way around.
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Posted in: Russia says it won't deploy missiles near Poland; scolds Iran See in context
So, Russia won't deploy missile sites, because we've withdrawn plans to make a missile defense project? How does that make sense? Wouldn't that be more reason to deploy missile sites, now that the defense shield is out?
And Morris: There are aspects of American policy that are more commie than Russia.
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Posted in: Father dies trying to stop son's hydrogen sulfide gas suicide See in context
Perhaps in Japan it may be untoward to criticize the dead, but I find the idea perfectly reasonable. Those remarking on how insensitive such speculation is, are themselves, desensitized to reason. To suggest a lack of empathy indicates selective use of empathy, for failing to empathize with criticism.
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Posted in: Nutrition advice is rife with misinformation
Posted in: Trump pressure to boost Japan defense spending could strain alliance
Posted in: 2-week search ends for trapped driver inside sinkhole in Saitama
So let it be written, so let it be done. Gulf of America, baby!
Posted in: Google changes name of Gulf of Mexico to 'Gulf of America' for U.S. users