Japan Today

Achuthandan Jeevandas comments

Posted in: Formerly Mario-themed go-kart rental service opens crowdfunding to save their business See in context

Crowd funding will not solve your goal get venture funds to support they can only help you to get out of your probelm.when i see the target aim for collection what collected is pathetic or register a company in london convert as limited company start issue shares any help i am always there with 36 years experience in 24 industry domains.

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Posted in: Taxis across Japan delivering hot meals to make up for virus losses See in context

If there is a will there is way this is what happend with this taxi drivers,instead of crying with government they made utilse thier assets to profit way also it helped the consumers and restaurants so the effort of taxi drivers saved taxi owners and resturants and consumers.Spark of this action become success flame which wiped out the cold heart to hot heart and started to drive with enthuisam a great example for the world.

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Posted in: Down but not out: Crisis puts the brakes on fast fashion See in context

fashion cloth well have timebeing effect due to epedimic but cloth is a necessity we cant avoid it so things will come back to normal when other country employees are crying for salary the genrosity of the management to see the salary are paid inspite of loses this is a great attitude,when management make profit the share holder get the beneifits but not employees so corrective steps taken at the right time.

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Posted in: Toyota chief promises shareholders profits despite pandemic See in context

The automaker has refrained from cutting any jobs. Instead it says it will reduce costs by scrutinizing and improving every aspect of its business.This is great ceo all are cutting jobs inspite of operating profit goes down to extreme level he said with cost cutting we can over come and make all others happy including investors.

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Posted in: Hello Kitty company gets new boss after 60 years See in context

change of leadership to younger hands will prove it growth and success wish the new team leader goodluck

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Posted in: Full plate for Indian entrepreneur See in context

Great proud for me as a indian to see the success in japan soils so i repect the japenses to create such a success and enterpreunrial burning will be always in belly no doubt but it should not sacrifice the objective of studying IT so it should go together this what he did great things will start with small move that is proven.consumer are the success of any project we need buyers all other things we can arrange so the buyer focused enterpreuner create a successfull journey. Indian foods are become more popular after covid in various countries so japanese can start taking indian foods and now one more gate is opened today really great.Any business any one can start mere determination ,consistency also happy to see he is taken keen interst to help japan manufacture of cosmetic to get market in india so he become a patriot of japan wish him all success

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Posted in: Honda recalls 1.4M vehicles to fix faulty fuel pumps See in context

honda proves the integrity that is why people going behind honda everything happens to do this mechanism is because of strong dealer network

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