Japan Today

Adam J. Smith comments

Posted in: Japanese WWII soldier who hid in Philippine jungle until 1974 dies See in context

In respect to him, he endured a very bad time, to humble the idea that it was right. And, obviously, a very long time. He must have been one of the greatest fighters in the world.

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Posted in: Japanese diplomat in Yemen stabbed See in context

syzygy<<, if you, indeed, do "...look at it from the perspective of an Al-Quaeda operative in Yemen," you can be materialized as just that by any Al-Quaeda-rivaling government, and military!

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Posted in: 'Star Wars' 7 may bring new hope, but also letdown See in context

I hope Disney doesn't go in there, "and ruin all the fun of the movies." Seriously, Disney worries me, especially with something as serious to me as Star Wars (I watched since I was an infant), they could really disturb me... They're different, and Star Wars is masculine, and even borders on religious the way they make stands against evil with wisdom? At any rate, hopefully Disney doesn't hurt me if I sit down to watch the whole thing!

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Posted in: Nuclear agency apologizes for late disclosure of Oi nuclear plant warning See in context

Japan should very obviously restart their reactors to fulfill their electrical needs: Those who oppose it are anti-nuclear-power, and are commenting against it in the wrong place, at the wrong time, very disrespectfully.

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Posted in: Kyocera grows 'green curtains' of foliage to help meet energy reduction targets See in context

Of course, it also depletes carbon from the air, and adds oxygen. This is innovation! I'd do it with no energy crisis, and consistently. In the U.S., we don't have the courage to grow a "green curtain(s) of foliage." They'd say it was ugly, and scary. --Just a shortcoming of our country, and strong point of yours, as always can be found internationally!

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