Japan Today

Adam Monchai Davies comments

Posted in: Man arrested for kicking woman down, stealing her bag See in context

A young women walking about alone at this time at night is dangerous in any country. @nattorice In Japan, for women to be attacked at night is actually quite rare. Maybe because there are always many people around or police box (koban) is not too far away or people don't want to commit a crime and ruin their lives or they question themselves twice between could do but shouldn't or could do and should do. For any other country I would say its dangerous for women to walk at night, but Japan, still think it's one of the safest countries for women to walk alone at night.

This guy is really disgusting for kicking that women though. Glad police caught him but using a bulls*it excuse saying he was in an irritable mood because he argued with his wife, to kick a woman....I wish I was there to really deck him out...even if it costs me my visa.

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