Posted in: Trump abruptly ends briefing after contentious exchanges See in context
I just want to remind everyone that z a competent president doesn't allow himself to get rattled by reporters. He is, after all, the most powerful person in the world so shouldn’t be so easy to rattle.
4 ( +8 / -4 )
Posted in: White House virus trouble is microcosm of what America faces See in context
Yet no one in the world outside the US right-wing bubble is rating the US response as "doing well".
I want to make sure I understand what you’re trying to say. The US response isn’t in question regarding total number of tests and fewest per capita deaths; however, it’s not described as well in any media beyond the right wing sources, correct?
Maybe a picture would be more effective.
0 ( +2 / -2 )
Posted in: White House virus trouble is microcosm of what America faces See in context
*not wear
0 ( +1 / -1 )
Posted in: White House virus trouble is microcosm of what America faces See in context
He left his own voluntary press availability. I would too once someone pulls off their mask and starts screaming nonsense like she did at the end.
What about letting people do what they want? Their freedom to go to a cafe orbit wear a mask. Just the other day, a President Donald John Trump appointed circuit court judge jailed a person for not personally apologizing to President Donald John Trump for a reply on twitter. I’ve posted links to the story numerous times.
Moderator: No need to say President Donald John. Trump will suffice, thank you.
3 ( +4 / -1 )
Posted in: White House virus trouble is microcosm of what America faces See in context
*people. 2.8 million is a lot of will so deserves correct spelling.
3 ( +3 / -0 )
Posted in: White House virus trouble is microcosm of what America faces See in context
No, he was chosen 62,984,828 people exactly.
(2 868 686 less people than Clinton actually.)
And we know the EC elects the president, just like we know the popular vote represents the will of the peole.
3 ( +3 / -0 )
Posted in: White House virus trouble is microcosm of what America faces See in context
The media is desperate by now to deflect from what is coming.
Coming to a theater near you in fall 2020.
i can understand the confusion as I think they thought Trump is only allowed to respond to their attacks, not to uncover things the American people need to know happened.
Trump will release evidence of aliens at Area 51?! That should put to rest all those conspiracy theory deniers.
3 ( +3 / -0 )
Posted in: 19 dead as Iran warship hit by 'friendly fire' in tense Gulf See in context
It’s definitely a conspiracy by the msm to take down Trump, the duly elected president, who tweeted about the incident which the article is about.
If all you sensitive conservatives don’t want to read about Trump, get him to stay off twitter.
2 ( +2 / -0 )
Posted in: White House virus trouble is microcosm of what America faces See in context
Whatever happened to kindness and compassion for those suffering from coronavirus? Too many media seem happy about it when it’s in the White House.
You can tell media is happy by reading an article?
10 ( +14 / -4 )
Posted in: In Japan, pandemic brings outbreaks of bullying, ostracism See in context
Imagine what it will be like for Chinese tourists when they get back here.
I reckon by then Japan will be absolutely starving for their cash so most people won’t do a thing. The morons in the black vans wearing western clothes, however, are a different story. (It cracks me up that those imbeciles are all about “preserving” Japan but embrace almost all things western.)
3 ( +5 / -2 )
Posted in: In Japan, pandemic brings outbreaks of bullying, ostracism See in context
However, this is an article about Japan so I guess it is cool for brownie points and being popular to call corona bullying exclusive to Japan.
Which nobody has done.
4 ( +5 / -1 )
Posted in: In Japan, pandemic brings outbreaks of bullying, ostracism See in context
> And for our American friends that continue to believe and state that Japan is a more 'racist' and 'xenophobic' country than America:
Odd that not a single poster has stated this. Also, your liked article in no way supports your implied assertion.
2 ( +5 / -3 )
Posted in: Nightlife cluster gives S Korea largest virus case rise in a month See in context
And where are the people here saying South Korea is leading the charge against COVID and beat the virus? No country is safe until a vaccine is found.
Well, nobody ever claimed South Korea “beat the virus.” We have correctly pointed out that South Korea has responded effectively and is leading the charge in that regard. Japan could learn a lot from its closest neighbor.
Tokyo Engineer: Well stated. I appreciate your reasonable posts, for what it’s worth.
-5 ( +7 / -12 )
Posted in: Pence spends weekend at home after exposure to infected aide See in context
Why is anyone down voting posts wishing Pence well? Foul.
-2 ( +2 / -4 )
Posted in: Pence spends weekend at home after exposure to infected aide See in context
I hope he doesn’t have it.
-8 ( +3 / -11 )
Posted in: Trump asking Supreme Court to bar demands for taxes, bank records See in context
So call out this article for saying the same thing, that judges are biased. But you wont.
No, that’s not what the article says. It simply pointed out a fact and you ran with it because “lib media bias!!!!!”
1 ( +3 / -2 )
Posted in: Trump asking Supreme Court to bar demands for taxes, bank records See in context
I gotta go and take care of my multiple multinational companies that haven’t taken a financial hit, but somehow my employees aren’t making as much as they were before the pandemic kicked off. Also, I’m on my private 747 back to the US today to hire people because a lot of talented people have been laid off in the various fields my companies work in despite those fields not having been impacted by the coronavirus.
This is all true and completely logical, so you shouldn’t question why the owner of multiple multinational corporations that have seen an uptick in business requiring hiring has time to post on these threads all day recently.
Right, Trump fans?
4 ( +6 / -2 )
Posted in: Trump asking Supreme Court to bar demands for taxes, bank records See in context
so in other words, because I said he was an Obama judge. Because no such thing supposedly exists.
But now two Trump judges do. hypocrisy at its finest.
Inaccurate. You didn’t just say it was an Obama judge. You tailed on the judge by inaccurately claiming the judge jailed someone for not personally apologizing to the judge and implied it was because they were an Obama judge.
I repeated, none of us “libs” complained that you pointed out it was an Obama appointee.
4 ( +6 / -2 )
Posted in: Trump asking Supreme Court to bar demands for taxes, bank records See in context
> so where did the Democrat judges come from? Bush or Reagan appointed them?
Some did.
Democrats dont have a clear agenda of appointing judges who favor their opinions? its just how it works.
Democrats obviously have this agenda, but they haven’t stated it and haven’t blocked a Republican president from appointments to do so.
4 ( +6 / -2 )
Posted in: Trump asking Supreme Court to bar demands for taxes, bank records See in context
An Obama appointed judge put a beauty salon owner in jail in Texas.
That beauty salon owner violated the law and was given an opportunity to avoid jail, but elected to go to jail. She put herself in jail.
Liberals: How dare you call him an Obama judge! no such thing! Supreme Court Chief Justice John Roberts (A Republican!) said so.
That’s not what any “libs” on these threads said. We pilloried you all for claiming the judge was biased because Obama appointed him.
4 ( +7 / -3 )
Posted in: Trump asking Supreme Court to bar demands for taxes, bank records See in context
ModeratorToday 09:03 am JST
Readers, it would be better if you just called him Trump
Is this a suggestion are an order? If it’s an order, shouldn’t it hold true for all politicians? I’m willing to do this if you are willing to make sure our conservative friends here also use politicians family names.
5 ( +8 / -3 )
Posted in: Trump asking Supreme Court to bar demands for taxes, bank records See in context
Yeah you know its going to be a biased article from the first sentence.
*"President Donald Trump is hoping to persuade a Supreme Court *with two of his appointees..."
Yes, because it’s logical that statements of fact mean something is biased. Yikes.
5 ( +7 / -2 )
Posted in: Trump asking Supreme Court to bar demands for taxes, bank records See in context
It is irrelevant who appointed judges. thats the liberal narrative.
Until its someone appointed by a Republican, then it is in the first sentence of the article. What happened to there are no Obama judges (or Trump judges).
if so, why is it relevant that Trump appointed 2 of these people?
Yeah, it’s just liberal who do this. Never mind you and the rest of Donny’s fans constantly doing it also. Smooth playing of the victim card.
6 ( +8 / -2 )
Posted in: Trump asking Supreme Court to bar demands for taxes, bank records See in context
Are you telling us that you wouldn't mind if the law found shady dealings in his business practices?
Donny’s fans think what he did before he became president is irrelevant. But, they think what what any “lib” did before they were in office, including judges, is extremely relevant. There’s no hypocrisy there at all.
Us rational adults understand that we need to lol at the entire picture for everyone, even democrats.
4 ( +6 / -2 )
Posted in: Man arrested for attempted murder of wife See in context
Police said that in late March, Harada’s wife had consulted them about being abused by her husband on several occasions. Police and a lawyer advised her to separate from her husband but she did not do so.
Extreme incompetence by the police. When someone alleges abuse, police are meant to investigate and bring charges, not simply tell the victim to leave the abuser.
-2 ( +4 / -6 )
Posted in: In Japan, pandemic brings outbreaks of bullying, ostracism See in context
Pandemic bullying ? Japan isn't even close. Wrong govt.
Notive the article didn’t say the government was doing the bullying?
What do you mean ? Is it super human if you do it later time ?
The poster means that bullying nurses at any point is unacceptable, but doing it now when nurses are risking their lives to save other people from the coronavirus is particularly egregious.
0 ( +8 / -8 )
Posted in: In Japan, pandemic brings outbreaks of bullying, ostracism See in context
these sorts of things, what country hasn't experienced their share of people being bullied from coronavirus, such as hate crimes and assaults (cough, United States, cough cough).
Yeah, it’s definitely the media sensationalizing things and not actually what’s happening. Why do you have such a difficult time accepting that Japan is not the perfect place you imagine it to be?
13 ( +20 / -7 )
Posted in: In Japan, pandemic brings outbreaks of bullying, ostracism See in context
Bullying in Japan?! That can’t be possible given how often in my decade here I’ve had Japanese people make the blanket statement that, “We Japanese are polite and courteous.”
21 ( +31 / -10 )
Posted in: Hong Kong police grapple with pro-democracy protesters See in context
Clearly ignoring social distancing and stay at home orders.
When freedom is actually being threatened, you have to take risks to protect it.
The protestors are recklessly spreading Covid and putting all of us in danger.
The same COVID that you are constantly telling is isn’t a big deal? That COVID? Odd that you’ve done a 180 when it's people actually fighting for their freedoms.
2 ( +2 / -0 )
Posted in: Militants attack Syrian troops on edge of rebel stronghold See in context
'Invited' or not, there are no foreign funded 'good' guys fighting in Syria. Or Iraq. Or Libya. Or any other country where oil and gas and their shipment are being fought over.
Except Americans because we clearly know what is best given our love of democracy and freedom. (Sarcasm.)
1 ( +1 / -0 )
Posted in: Silencing science: How Trump is reshaping U.S. health
Posted in: Hamas accuses Israel of ceasefire breaches ahead of next hostage-for-prisoner exchange
Oh so that allowed their money to be unfrozen in a decision made by (not Trump)? i see.
Posted in: Iran supreme leader says U.S. talks 'not intelligent, wise or honorable' but doesn't rule them out
Trump is just on a roll. Got Nippon Steel to stop trying to buy USS. All the questions went to…
Posted in: Trump says U.S. Steel will get investment from Nippon Steel, instead of being bought by it