Japan Today

Chip Star comments

Posted in: Militants attack Syrian troops on edge of rebel stronghold See in context

Al Qaida are the bad guys right?

Correct. It is also not a legitimate rebel group he uses it wants to set up a terror-driven system and not simply free the people from the brutal Assad regime. Of course, to understand this, you have to be able to grasp nuance and not see the world through black and white glasses.

1 ( +2 / -1 )

Posted in: New York enacts new coronavirus protections for nursing home residents See in context

This is great news. New York should now focus on the disparate treatment of minorities who violate the lockdown orders as they are being arrested and prosecuted at a higher rate than wire people who violate the lockdown orders and this is both unjust and incorrect.

0 ( +1 / -1 )

Posted in: White House considers more coronavirus aid as jobs picture worsens See in context

Donny knows a lot of people gave his incompetence a pass be said the economy was doing so well. Now that it’s not, and his bumbling response t the pandemic is partly to blame, he seems to want to try to buy people votes through massive government handouts.

And his fans cheer this socialism because it’s temporary. These same fans continue to disparage Obama for having also provided temporary stimulus to pull the economy out of the abyss into which republicans shoved it via banking deregulations.

4 ( +5 / -1 )

Posted in: Trump asking Supreme Court to bar demands for taxes, bank records See in context

This is an opportunity for the Kav and Gorsuch to show they truly respect the constitution and aren’t simply partisan hacks. I’m not holding my breath though.

Donny’s extreme reluctance to keep his taxes from the public tells us rational adults that he is indeed hiding spending. It could be as benign as him not being a billionaire, or it could be as sinister as evidencing that he’s in debt up to his ears to foreign powers.

8 ( +11 / -3 )

Posted in: Arrests, conspiracy theories at Australia anti-lockdown protest See in context

of course with liberals and their media the only judge of what is an "unhinged conspiracy theory", right? 

That is the part that is in dispute and always will be.

Incorrect. Rational adults thinking on their own after doing actual research determining what is an unhinged conspiracy theory, not people who get their “news” and opinions spoon-fed to them by Fox “News,” Bereitbart, etc.

5 ( +9 / -4 )

Posted in: Little Richard, flamboyant rock ‘n’ roll pioneer, dead at 87 See in context

Here are more stories of Little Richard being an awesome person:


2 ( +2 / -0 )

Posted in: Cars with out-of-prefecture license plates targeted amid pandemic See in context

*In my 10-year experience here.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

Posted in: Cars with out-of-prefecture license plates targeted amid pandemic See in context

Most Japanese are still polite and courteous. Japan is a country of 120 million people. It’s inevitable that there’s a small minority of crazies.

Agreed, but that not how it’s presented. It’s typically presented as a blanket statement that “we Japanese are polite and courteous.”

5 ( +6 / -1 )

Posted in: Arrests, conspiracy theories at Australia anti-lockdown protest See in context

Protesting is one thing, pushing unhinged conspiracies is quite another.

3 ( +9 / -6 )

Posted in: Arrests, conspiracy theories at Australia anti-lockdown protest See in context

Yeah because nothing we have been told was a "conspiracy theory" ever turned out to actually be true later on.

Nobody was arguing this.

-4 ( +5 / -9 )

Posted in: Japan looks to lift emergency in some areas ahead of May 31 See in context

We do need to to have a ‘new normal’. Some restaurants I have been to in Tokyo over Golden Week have implemented it very well. No, I don’t think we are ready for bars, clubs or cinemas to open yet, but I certainly don’t see us going to a stricter ‘requested’ lockdown.

Why do you think cinemas and bars can’t implement a “new normal,” but restaurants can? (Notice I didn’t include clubs.)

-2 ( +3 / -5 )

Posted in: Japan looks to lift emergency in some areas ahead of May 31 See in context

Why stop now? With netflixs, uber eats and the internet being such wonderful replacements for real life we may as well keep everything closed until there is a vaccine.

This is clearly a sarcastic comment, and obviously went over some heads.

6 ( +9 / -3 )

Posted in: Arrests, conspiracy theories at Australia anti-lockdown protest See in context

Is it really a relief to know there are more?

No, not at all. It’s a relief that it’s not something my country creates.

There are plenty of loons on the left also spouting nonsense, here in France I hear the lockdown was a trial run before the new world order strikes. Or was it the lizardmen?


The only difference in 2020 is that tinfoil hat conspiracies went mainstream because the president of the United States now openly wears one.

Exactly. And it opened up the floodgates of the right wingers.

2 ( +8 / -6 )

Posted in: IATA does not support social distancing on aircraft See in context

The air in the cabin is not ambient air, it's recirculated air. 

The ratio of fresh to recycled air in a plane is 50-50 percent, and two things happen with recirculated air: Some air is dumped overboard while the remainder is pumped through HEPA air filters, which remove more than 99 percent of all contaminants, including bacteriologic agents.



The air in the cabin isn’t sealed in. Fresh air is continuously introduced during the flight. A plane’s jets are already sucking in and compressing huge volumes of air to burn with the aviation fuel. Some of this is diverted for the passengers to breathe. Because the compression heats up the air, it must first be ducted around the wings to be cooled down. The air already in the cabin is passed through high-efficiency particulate (HEPA) filters to remove bacteria and viruses and then mixed 50:50 with the fresh air from outside. The excess cabin air is vented through valves to the rear of the plane to keep the cabin pressure constant.


6 ( +6 / -0 )

Posted in: Arrests, conspiracy theories at Australia anti-lockdown protest See in context

It’s somewhat of a relief to see that these right-wing conspiracy theory spewing morons aren’t exclusive to the US.

4 ( +12 / -8 )

Posted in: Cars with out-of-prefecture license plates targeted amid pandemic See in context

This is odd given how often I hear from Japanese people that Japanese people are polite and courteous.

15 ( +23 / -8 )

Posted in: Japan looks to lift emergency in some areas ahead of May 31 See in context

I understand the need to get things back to as close to “normal” as possible and hope this does not come back to bite is as a second wave.

13 ( +15 / -2 )

Posted in: Little Richard, flamboyant rock ‘n’ roll pioneer, dead at 87 See in context

Rest in Peace? No way! It won't be long 'till he's got them all jiving in heaven.

Well stated.

2 ( +2 / -0 )

Posted in: GOP tries to rein in Democrat governors on virus response See in context

This entire article exists to imply that the "evil" GOP is trying to force the "good" liberal states to respond in a different (implication: better or correct) way to the virus.

What’s it like to see conspiracies everywhere and constantly feel like a victim of the media?

Who is doing the "power grab" using the police force to arrest minorities, again?

Not the people with the power already. It’s quite telling that you rail against playing the race cards when it’s Dems talking about race, but don’t hesitate to play it when you’re trying to defend republicans trying to grab power.

0 ( +2 / -2 )

Posted in: GOP tries to rein in Democrat governors on virus response See in context

Black: You still haven’t provided any evidence that white people are getting a pass, so it’s impossible to determine whether the arrests are just and correct.

Let me show you how it’s done:

The arrests of black and Hispanic residents, several of them filmed and posted online, occurred on the same balmy days that other photographs circulated showing police officers handing out masks to mostly white visitors at parks in Lower Manhattan, Williamsburg and Long Island City. 


So the answer to your question is yes, it is both unjust and incorrect. See how easy it would have been had you bothered to include examples of white people getting a pass instead of going off on a virtue-signaling faux outrage tirade?

2 ( +3 / -1 )

Posted in: GOP tries to rein in Democrat governors on virus response See in context

Coronavirus has declared war on women too as well as people of color.

Irrelevant to your question about whether minorities being arrested and summoned is correct and just.

1 ( +2 / -1 )

Posted in: GOP tries to rein in Democrat governors on virus response See in context

what happens to white people is irrelevant. people of color are being adversely affected, thats all that matters. 

Logic failure. If white people are also being arrested for doing the same thing, then it is just and correct. If who’re people are getting a pass, it’s unjust and incorrect.

You are playing the race card here.

2 ( +3 / -1 )

Posted in: GOP tries to rein in Democrat governors on virus response See in context

so what do liberals think about this? is this right, and just?

"In the last seven weeks, the NYPD has arrested and issued summonses for almost 400 people, mostly blacks and Latinos, for allegedly violating social distancing and other violations, newly released data shows."

This isn’t enough information to determine whether this is correct or just. We’d need to know whether white people are also violating social distancing at the same rate but not being arrested or summoned.

2 ( +3 / -1 )

Posted in: Mother dies, 7-year-old daughter injured in leap from building See in context

It’s very strange that any of the posts wishing the daughter well and condemning the mother’s actions are getting down votes.

The daughter will spend the rest of her life confused about why the person that should have loved her did this.

I feel for you little one and wish I could take that confusion from you. I hope you know this was on no way your fault and that you are valuable to many people and loved.

6 ( +7 / -1 )

Posted in: Drive-through Mother's Day flower service proves hit See in context

Happy Mother’s Day to all the moms out there!

4 ( +4 / -0 )

Posted in: Obama calls Trump's handling of pandemic a 'chaotic disaster' See in context

Jeez. Anyone who can still say "I still support Trump" in the face of all the evidence as to why they shouldn't support Trump really isn't qualified to say who's a member of the "intelligentsia" and who isn't.

There are also the inconvenient facts that Obama got his undergraduate degree from Columbia University and his law degree from Harvard (where he was the editor of the Law Review), both Ivy League schools. He also taught Constitutional Law for 12 years at the University of Chicago Law School.

This all means Obama is very much part of the intelligentsia.

This is also why conservatives hate him so much; they aren’t intelligent enough to understand things when smart people talk, so constantly felt as though they were being lectured by Obama.

4 ( +8 / -4 )

Posted in: Obama calls Trump's handling of pandemic a 'chaotic disaster' See in context

Mod: Fair enough. Appreciate that you asked politely instead of disparaging us on emails.

4 ( +6 / -2 )

Posted in: Obama calls Trump's handling of pandemic a 'chaotic disaster' See in context

so there IS a recording of the entire 30 min meeting somewhere? That is what I asked for.

Amd we asked for evidence that Obama refers to himself constantly in speecheS. You sure don’t like it when we use your standards and tactics against you.

2 ( +5 / -3 )

Posted in: Obama calls Trump's handling of pandemic a 'chaotic disaster' See in context


0 ( +1 / -1 )

Posted in: Obama calls Trump's handling of pandemic a 'chaotic disaster' See in context

After they disparage the source, they turn around and use it.

5 ( +6 / -1 )

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