Japan Today

Adrian Luis Maisonet comments

Posted in: Man arrested for drugging, robbing woman See in context

I humbly agree with you both on this one, Teppei Nabayuki had no right to do that to her, and if he really needed the money then he should have found a good paying job like the rest of us; NOT going around slipping sleeping pills to people he owes money to. Let me put it in another way; if I was in his shoes at all, then I would have told her: "Look, I know I owe you money, so can I pay it off in installments when I find a job?" That way, I would get the money ready in seven installments of 50,000 yen per pay period, and be done with it.

Then again; I'm NOT Japanese, so I wouldn't understand.

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Posted in: Happy birthday See in context

Then I'll just say this if I meet the empress; "I humbly apologize if I sound too brash, your Imperial majesty, but I wanted to wish you a very happy birthday this year and many more years to come."

3 ( +3 / -0 )

Posted in: Woman held for fatally abusing 11-year-old daughter with golf club See in context

And this is why I won't ever get married at all.

-2 ( +6 / -8 )

Posted in: Ayumi Hamasaki to divorce husband of 1 year See in context

"Ai wa michi o mitsukerudarou"; I really cannot understand as to why so many who are in her business would easily forget that saying that even I wouldn't understand. I apologize if I may sound brash, or even smug about this yet I think that she made the foolish mistake of having to actually fall in love out of status, image and even title. The fact is that Ayumi should have took more time to know Manuel Schwarz and not to worry about her image so much.

Let me put it in this way: Love isn't about status, it isn't about image and it isn't about titles because they will ALL pass away. As it states in 1st Corinthians Chapter 13 and Verses 4 to 8 :"Love is patient and kind; love is not Jealous or boastful; it is not arrogant or rude. Love does not insist on it's own way; it is not irritable or resentful; it doesn't rejoice at what is wrong, but rejoices at what is right. Love bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, and endures all things. Love never ends"

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Posted in: Volunteers still needed in Tohoku See in context

I want to know how I can help them rebuild their homes in Japan.

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Posted in: Japan falls silent for tsunami victims See in context

I could always remember the day that Japan was severely affected by the disaster on March 11th of last year, even from far away as here I was affected by the devastation that rocked the land of the rising sun, and the triple disaster which happened one right after another made my heart sink with sheer despair that nearly made me cry out. It was moments when I got up to turn on the television and watch the news on that day I was placed in agonizing shock at the footage of the sheer destruction, after which I did nothing more than to look on in utter disbelief. It was more than enough to make me become emotional about their loss both online as well as offline. If anything, it made me look inside and give to the relief effort that is still taking place. It hurts me to this day that the country that I have so much admiration as well as respect for in all aspects since I was a child would have to endure such a horrendous problem as this, which is why I am intent to show how japanese I really am, and persevere along with the Japanese in anything that I do here- Offline or online.

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Posted in: Cybercriminals target phones; Android most exposed: analysts See in context


This is why "OPEN SOURCE" software is not secure. Because anyone can see source of soft, it is easy to hack.

I cannot believe I was stupid to get an android phone, and then have it activated to CRICKET wireless! Oh well, live and learn.

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Posted in: Woman arrested over murder of 5-month-old son in Kobe See in context

If she didn't like the thought of being a mother, then why did she get pregnant in the first place?

-1 ( +0 / -1 )

Posted in: Troy Davis executed in Georgia amid international outcry See in context

After what I have just seen right now, I know for a fact that I am ashamed of the American Legal Justice System as well as the USA as of today because it wouldn't spare the life of an innocent man who did nothing wrong, and that the U.S. supreme court didn't stay his execution long enough to review his case. It is completely unforgivable in my opinion. I know for a fact that the United States Of America should know better than to execute an innocent man, and yet this country of mine had the disgraceful act of doing it anyway. Excuse me for saying this, but I had to let it out because it was so frustrationg to me; I apologize if I have offended some of you.

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Posted in: Police searching for missing JR Hokkaido president See in context

As horrible and sad as it is to choose suicide as the ultimately resort....

But to choose suicide over working harder to improve safety for the sake of future passengers is beyond me...

am I the only one who thinks like this..? (-_-)

Obviously, no because there is not a single good reason as to having to choose that over the well being of anyfuture passengers is completely irresponsible and incomprehensible on all levels. That being said, I think that there should be a severe re-evaluation on what is really important, and I hope that they make the right choice.

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Posted in: Karina, AKB48's Yuko Oshima to costar in drama See in context

More likely to maintain and image of "cuteness" and purity. Even though all the AKB48 otakus probably fap to pictures of them all day long, they don't want to think of them getting intimate with a man IRL. Just look at Aya Hirano, who was the seiyuu for Haruhi Suzumiya. When her loyal otaku fans found out she was banging members of her band they freaked out and boycotted her. Which leads to the company losing money which is why they probably have clauses like this.

Basically they know that their biggest and most devout fanbase will be forever alone and don't like the thought of their obession being with someone so they won't allow them to have a relationship. Quite sad really.

Although I admit that I'm not Japanese and that I would not understand,I've learned something from reading this: it was as a result of Ms. Hirano being intimate with all of those bandmates she had which caused many of the companies who employ such seiyuu and/or groups to create such clauses in the first place- Hence the fact that there are so many fan clubs in Japan that are fiercely devoted to them, and why there weren't any problems NOW to screw them up.

1 ( +1 / -0 )

Posted in: Kan resigns; says he did all he could, given difficulties he faced See in context


Okay, I admit that I am not Japanese, I don't even understand how all of this works. However, there should be one thing in common to Kan resigning as PM: He really did do all that he possibly could to set things back in order in Japan, and that he really meant to do what was right to begin with regardless of what anyone says. So basically we should at least give Kan-san(Did I say his name right?)his much needed dues because I feel that he stood his ground knowing that it was not going to be easy having to put things back together.

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