Japan Today

airbus a350 comments

Posted in: Japanese firms want 'safety first' on nuclear restarts: poll See in context

Rememer 3 mile island/ chehnoble land contamated baby's born deformed turn the plant's off please and make the world a safer place to live.

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Posted in: AKB48 candy ad criticized for encouraging homosexuality See in context

It's just a KISS beteen two women how wonderful sharing a sweet that way very creative.

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Posted in: JAL announces delivery date of its first 787 Dreamliner See in context

At long last the NIGHTMARE is over and the dream begins?

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Posted in: Special anti-terror squad to guard Haneda Airport See in context

Lockerbie was not a barometric bomb the aircraft broke up in flight owing to a dodgey airframe parts from the U.S.S.R as there was no loud bang of a bomb on the cockpit voice recorder the bomb went off a split second after the aircraft broke apart at sec 41 just like Air India,TWA. United 801 the cargo door opened and ripped the side off with passenger in there seats just like a bomb because a aircraft is a pressure vesel and the vesle is breeched the air in the aircraft will rush out at 600mph/1000k a second i agree with the goverment as long there is a aircraft in the air never let your guard down 24h aday 366 days a year remember 9.11 that's what happens when you are slack around a airport

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Posted in: Doctors remove fluid from emperor's chest See in context

I had 4 bypasses in 2004 and still doing fine as long he is in a quiet place and not under any stress until the drugs where off since the op & if the emperor is on plavics for one year he might have the sideafects of speaking out of turn i wish him a good happy recovery.Nam- myoho- renge-kyo x3.

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Posted in: Man arrested for calling 110 number 109 times to insult police See in context

It's called terretts symdrome when someone swears all the time Gazza the football player had it i even swear at the police when the send me a speeding ticket so he was probley phoneing them to complain about his nagging wife and they was not doing enything about her. it must have been a good laff to hear a nagging wife&drunk husband for the police. good training for the young police joining the force to hear what tthay have to put up with for next30 years??

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Posted in: Number of flu patients surpasses 1.11 million as epidemic spreads See in context

in the uk from the 1st october the doctor give the needy the vacsine for the flu virus why not japan???

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Posted in: Can foreign tourists help U.S. economy? See in context

You are lucky 87 days for a visa to go the land of the FREE it remind's me of the good old U.S.S.R when it used to take A YEAR.

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Posted in: ANA to paint the number 787 on its Dreamliners See in context


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