Posted in: U.S. senators say Takata may have put profits over safety See in context
Suggesting a Hollywood movie is probably not the most astute method of supporting an argument, however, see the film Class Action, directed by Michael Apted; starring Gene Hackman and Mary Elizabeth Mastrantonio with Laurence Fishburne.
I feel it is somewhat based on the Ford Motor 'Pinto-goes-poof' case back in the 1970s.
Two things should be apparent: yeah, deliberate corner-cutting is not remotely far fetched, and 2nd, this is NOT a Japan specific corporate hobby.
-2 ( +0 / -2 )
Posted in: U.S. senators say Takata may have put profits over safety See in context
Wakarimasen - loved your post and am flogging myself that I didn't see that irony weeks ago. This is one that really requires high-heel boots.
-2 ( +0 / -2 )
Posted in: 64-yr-old woman drowns after getting into difficulty during open water swimming race See in context
Brian WhewayJun. 22, 2015 - 07:36PM JST
lets wait until the autopsy report has come back before we make judgements and comments
or... write and publish a story, for that matter.
0 ( +0 / -0 )
Posted in: Policeman fires warning shot after truck thief threatens him with hatchet See in context
Police quoted that man as saying he was an American citizen but he had an Australian passport belonging to another man with him at the time.
uh... what?
This is perhaps the most bizarre sentence, devoid of logic, I have come across yet on JT. 'Someone care to untangle this?
-2 ( +0 / -2 )
Posted in: Japan Tourism Agency surveys onsens over tattoo policy See in context
Strangerland - true. smiles. apologies if I am misinformed, etc. However, even people with colds (something everyone should understand, do not cover their mouths when sneezing and the list goes on.
1 ( +1 / -0 )
Posted in: Japan Tourism Agency surveys onsens over tattoo policy See in context
keep the ban.
I would feel not so much uncomfortable, as concerned that some individuals with fresh engravings, freshly modified engravings, other, are questionably excreting (seriously) open-wound body fluids, or may not be overly hygienic from their 'pay-someone-to-draw-on-me' art craft.
I think there is a 'healthy concern' underlying any, arguably, ideological shortcomings of onsen and patron fears.
0 ( +5 / -5 )
Posted in: Toyota in damage control mode after American exec arrested See in context
The package, labeled “necklaces”, contained several small boxes, each holding accessories and several tablets, reports said, adding police suspect there had been an attempt to hide the drug.
OK. There it is.
With regards to my previous post, my mailing to myself was in a manner clearly conspicuous and with prior permissions.
As stands, Ms. Toyota seems to contradict her declaration of ignorance - feeling that she should attempt to 'stash' pills in and around other items - with at least borderline deception.
8 ( +8 / -0 )
Posted in: Toyota's American PR chief arrested for suspected drug violation See in context
Yes, descendent, poster Jack-whoever, above, is incorrect.
RecklessJun wrote:
who the hell sends something, anything, to themselves at a foreign airport?
This could mean that the package, designated for her home or office, arrived at port of entry, being the airport and was flagged by officials before being passed into the JP stream for delivery.
0 ( +0 / -0 )
Posted in: Guard of honor See in context
"Everybody twist now.
Uh, no? 'k. how 'bout this one:
..。o♬♪○ You put your right foot in
You put your right foot out..." - Shinzo Abe
0 ( +0 / -0 )
Posted in: What are some of the most amazing, upsetting or frightening events you have ever witnessed on live TV? See in context
branch davidian compound fbi debacle / indian ocean generated tsunami / general live local-newscasters engaged in word punching and 'head bob syndrome' (hard to explain, but for those who understand, it is sickening).
0 ( +1 / -1 )
Posted in: U.S. anthrax samples shipped to Japan in 2005: Pentagon See in context
Keep away from me, keep away from my family, steer clear of my my host country, society (they have enough foolish ways all by themselves), and the country's societies of others. You are not welcome.
1 ( +1 / -0 )
Posted in: Health ministry to inspect all 'advanced treatment hospitals' See in context
pharma connection though is not Japan specific. Or do you believe more so? Just curious. I am in the middle of a 'medical culture' situation here. I am not seeing the comparative pharm push (per tv spots, "just ask your doctor!" as prevalent in the USA. I do see the labels though. And they are paper thin. But yes, I did have the experience (though it did not go there) of my internal med guy sending me up to the surgeon with the caveat that the surgeon was very 'pro-procedure'. I do not know what that could mean, and again, it did not go that way after a biopsy.
0 ( +0 / -0 )
Posted in: Health ministry to inspect all 'advanced treatment hospitals' See in context
The second paragraph (per the writer's perception, though true) is troubling, if this is the entire focus and medical culture surrounding these places.
If the paragraph read:
The status allows hospitals to conduct advanced medical procedures, providing hundreds of patients with breaking medical options and specialized care.
But no. It does not say that. "Advance Treatment" is coming across to me the same as the term "scientific research" comes across in the whaling sector.
Japan loves its labels. Just give us our label. Keep it vague. We'll sort it out later.
Perhaps I like this writer. He called called Advance Treatment for what it is. Yen.
0 ( +0 / -0 )
Posted in: Namie Amuro invites you into her world with interactive music video See in context
Namie Amuro invites you into her world
uh, no thank you.
0 ( +3 / -3 )
Posted in: Novel cancer study will test precision medicine See in context
and this affects oncology in Japan how? A few of these pharm companies named are the pharm providers here as well...
0 ( +0 / -0 )
Posted in: FBI behind mysterious surveillance aircraft seen over U.S. cities See in context
I take warm comfort in having checked out of that hotel (being the u.s.) a few years back.
'and it must have both slipped my mind to sign the guest book and to make submission to the suggestion box at the counter.
But these things happen.
0 ( +0 / -0 )
Posted in: More cancer success with drugs that enlist immune system See in context
I appreciate this article for a few reasons. 'figured it deserved a comment, in hopes that similar informative pieces (not infomercial style advertisements) can follow in the future.
Thank you,
0 ( +0 / -0 )
Posted in: McCartney says he's given up pot See in context
Burning Bush~
Well, along with Paul; Mick (too?) you have (who I still adore) Jimmy Page who kept his 14-year-old talent girl under lock and key for a couple years ... and he was honored at the white house last year, being bestowed honors with his crew by Obama. So, there you go.
2 ( +3 / -1 )
Posted in: M8.5 earthquake strikes near Ogasawara islands See in context
Rolled just in reach of Tokyo, Ikebukuro. Island name did not ring a bell.
0 ( +2 / -2 )
Posted in: Gov't may lift most Fukushima evacuation orders by 2017 See in context
I.. do not like the sound of anything that i am reading here. Whether it be in content, context, or manner...
5 ( +6 / -1 )
Posted in: By George See in context
as usual, it appears not.
She is not listed as a cast member or with any relation to the film, so far, that I can find. Fairly pathetic that this, 'roll out the J-talent-o' whenever a film star, director, other comes to promote a move in this country, continues to be prevalent.
Indicative of a deep seated insecurity of the country. At least.
-8 ( +2 / -10 )
Posted in: M5.6 earthquake rocks Kanto region See in context
Sensations from the 12th floor vantage point of the Too Much Fun Club, Kita-ku, Ojikamiya Station - zZZzz.
-1 ( +0 / -1 )
Posted in: Rise and shrine See in context
"Traditional Shrine"
traditional adjective 1 traditional Christmas fare: long-established, customary, time-honored, established, classic, accustomed, standard, regular, normal, conventional, usual, orthodox, habitual, set, fixed, routine, ritual; old, age-old, ancestral.
Uh, this? This Is candy-apple red. It looks like something either the musician Prince would be driving or it was recently dipped in Revlon.
-1 ( +0 / -1 )
Posted in: Robert De Niro opens Asia's 1st Nobu Hotel in Philippines See in context
Fern... you "mo-mo" drop it (the age categorization).
The guy 'looks' ageless, rough-n-tumble, and ready to roll.
still, good luck to Mr. De Niro, his partners and those with fortune to access the air-conditioned back rooms of the casino.
-1 ( +0 / -1 )
Posted in: Frozen in time: Hospital room preserved since 1945 Tokyo firebombing
Posted in: Death of S Korean actor at 24 sparks discussion about social media and internet culture
Posted in: Japan targets 60% emissions cut by 2035 from 2013 levels
Posted in: Death of S Korean actor at 24 sparks discussion about social media and internet culture