Japan Today

AJHC78 comments

Posted in: TV series features model yelling at the camera, and nothing else See in context


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Posted in: Harrison Ford broke leg, not ankle, on 'Star Wars' set See in context

What about good old Billy Dee???

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Posted in: Psy goes from 'Gangnam' to hip-hop style in new song See in context

The video was quite funny; especially if you understand Korean drinking culture!

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Posted in: Taxi drivers complain about entertainers See in context

i don't see why only the initials should be used when making a complaint against a public figure. If these claims are true, those 'talents' should be fully exposed and put on a taxi black list. They don't deserve to get any special treatment just because of their TV time.

12 ( +13 / -1 )

Posted in: Kennedy urges Japan, S Korea to mend ties See in context

I think Abe has to step down for S.K and other east asian countries to mend ties.

-1 ( +4 / -6 )

Posted in: American actress to star in NHK’s morning serial drama 'Massan' See in context

I'm going to flip if they dub her voice like they always do on TV.

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Posted in: Canada beats Sweden 3-0 for men's ice hockey gold See in context

@probie Yeah, it was a great game and since the US game, Canada really pulled together. Very happy with the way Canada played in the last 2 games.

Gotta give to injury prone Sweden credit though, they played their heart out and didnt get any breaks. If Luuuu was in net, do you think it would have been a closer game?

PS. Yeah what happened to the US team vs, Finland?

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Posted in: Russia crashes out of men's ice hockey; Canada to face USA in semifinals See in context

@Probie You make some good points. NOBODY in my office cares about hockey so its good to have these discussions.

Of course I want Canada to take the gold, but worried about how things are not working out for them and how well the US is playing. I mean, 57-14 SOG? Gudlevskis, you da man! (i know a lot of the shots were on bad angles, but this guy played his arse off) On the US team, Kessel is doing amazing and they seems to be mashing well.

Even without your beloved Detroits Zetterberg or my beloved Vancouvers Hendrick, Swedens doing a mighty fine job too. Either way, It's gonna be a doozey of a final!!

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Posted in: Russia crashes out of men's ice hockey; Canada to face USA in semifinals See in context


@Christopher Uppington My sentiments exactly. But I have a bad feeling they're going to show speed skating or some lame figure skating highlight reel at that time instead.

Also don't get me started on Japanese voice over dubbing.... Japanese TV sucks.

2 ( +3 / -1 )

Posted in: Sony says PlayStation4 sales exceed 5.3 million See in context

@John Same here. If the PS4 was backwards compatible, I would have bought one already. I just decided to hold off for a year or two, or until Uncharted 4 comes out...whichever comes first.

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Posted in: 3 Chinese ships spotted in disputed waters See in context

maybe they're out for a nice fishing trip

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Posted in: Foreign visitors get a taste of Japanese culture through home-cooked meals See in context

Its always good to see more ways to promote cultural exchange. Yeah, it might be unintentional, but the "can you use chopsticks?" questions really enforces their lack of cultural awareness.

One time, my Chinese-Canadian friend was asked that question and he snapped back, "Get off your high horse, WE invented them son!"

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Posted in: Women splash cash on Valentine chocolates for friends, themselves See in context

"Sayaka Aizawa, a 29-year-old housewife shopping for sweets at the Matsuzakaya department store in Tokyo, was unaware other countries celebrated the day differently."

This is too common a problem in Japan. A surprising amount of people seem "unaware" (oblivious) of how other countries do things, even if what they're celebrating originates from said country. Surprisingly, a lot of people think most of what they're celebrating originated in Japan.

Case in point: I was out with a co-worker after lunch buying a valentines present for my girlfriend and he straight out said, "are you gay?". He then explained to me about white day and I literally thought that it meant buying chocolates for white guys.

1 ( +3 / -2 )

Posted in: Sony Music Entertainment now auditioning for new talent See in context

I hope it's based more on singing ability than looks. There is a serious lack of talented singers that are being promoted in Japan.

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Posted in: Motley Crue to retire, plan 72 goodbye concerts See in context

Retire? 72 concerts sounds more like a comeback! Anyway good on them! I don't usually prefer their style of music, but I respect their craft and dedication!

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Posted in: PlayStation 4 sales exceed 2.1 million units: Sony See in context

Dont really mind the wait. I think I can hold off for a while until the next Uncharted comes!

There will be a lot more titles to choose from in February anyways!

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Posted in: What do you think of convenience store food in Japan? See in context

quality wise, 7-11 is a lot better than the other convenience stores. That 'Pari-Pari' salad is da bomb! (the one with the dry noodles in it)

i know its not good for me, but like sillygirl said, its convenient.

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Posted in: Rob Lowe cast as JFK in National Geographic film See in context

This news is literally a great step in his career.

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Posted in: 39-year-old man arrested for beating 1-month-old son to death See in context

Yuji you suck. why would you do something to a precious little baby???

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Posted in: Why do Japanese work such long hours? See in context

Totally agree with OkinawaMike.

I was told in my Personnel evaluation that I ''get things done too quickly'', also to ''make myself look a little more stressed and busy'', and the strangest of them all, ''try not to leave on time.''. Really??

It takes one of my co-workers more than 2 hours to do a ten minute job. Although he has the look of being stressed out down pat.

10 ( +11 / -1 )

Posted in: Yahoo! to be online home of 'Saturday Night Live' See in context

Hulu Japan has SNL but blocks some content in their shows due to licensing and royalties. Hopefully we can see those clips here in Japan at yahoo,com.

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Posted in: Are social media networks such as Twitter, Facebook and Reddit, changing the news gathering and reporting process for better or for worse? See in context

like markG said, it's all about credibility (or lack thereof)

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Posted in: 20 words of English origin that Japanese people often mistake for real thing See in context

How about ja-ji- (Jersey) which means sweats / track suit.

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Posted in: Video game power harnessed for positive goals See in context

As a gamer, I agree that games really help improve my cognitive skills and reaction times. I like shooters and adventure games like Uncharted. I have to admit though, there are some really f-ed up games out there that are unnecessarily violent and bad for society. To judge the whole industry by a few bad apples is absurd.

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Posted in: Older women form 'Obachan' Party See in context

Honestly i think if they want to be taken more seriously, they should consider changing their name. good cause though

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Posted in: Japan gives Canada $1 mil for tsunami debris cleanup See in context

Thanks Japan!

A grateful Canadian.

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Posted in: Sanrio Sofa features Hello Kitty and My Melody See in context

198,000 yen??? how many kitties and melodies did they have to poach to make those?

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Posted in: What do you think about all the low-cost carriers entering the Japanese market? Any bad experiences? See in context

Regarding Peach (international flight to korea) the inconvenience of the baggage claim and check-ins, the strange flight times (really early morning, really late at night), cramped seats, it's not worth the hassle; for me, at least

Airport taxes, fuel surcharge, seat assignment charge and check-in baggage charges actually add up.

why can't airlines just advertise the actual price that includes the tax and surcharge?

-1 ( +0 / -1 )

Posted in: What do you think about all the low-cost carriers entering the Japanese market? Any bad experiences? See in context

Regarding Peach (international flight to korea) the inconvenience of the baggage claim and check-ins, the strange flight times (really early morning, really late at night), cramped seats, it's not worth the hassle; for me, at least Airport taxes, fuel surcharge, seat assignment charge and check-in baggage charges actually add up.

why can't airlines just advertise the actual price that includes the tax and surcharge?

2 ( +3 / -1 )

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