Japan Today

AK619 comments

Posted in: How can Japan best help in Afghanistan? See in context

Japan should Send to Afghanistan 40,000 SDF troops to support American troops.

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Posted in: Woman arrested for fatally stabbing 82-year-old father in Chiba See in context

Japanese sure are dangerous with kitchen knifes, 99% deadly stabbing rate. Seems best to stay far away from the kitchen if you get into an argument with one.

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Posted in: Japan considers more financial aid for Afghanistan See in context

Japan should send troops to Afghanistan and build businesses. America could use about 40,000 Japanese troops for security purposes, and protection of business.

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Posted in: Man arrested for shoplifting with 9-year-old nephew See in context

I have a personal thing about arresting people that shoplift for food, I cannot turn them over to the Police for booking. No one should be hungry, thats just humanity. Hunger and starvation is a natrual force that will turn a person into a theft, killer, or predator to eat.

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Posted in: Woman arrested for fatally stabbing 82-year-old father in Chiba See in context

The father must of did something pretty foul to his daughter when she was a child. I bet she couldn't have a normal relationship with any man because of it. People don't like talking about what really goes on in families in Japan. I guess she got all of her childhood frustrations and pain out by stabbing him at his weak state, like when she was a weak child. Just a speculation..... so read between the lines.

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Posted in: Noriko Sakai's yakuza upbringing in spotlight See in context

What a shame to be having your personal business exposed to the public. What a hard lesson for Sakai to learn from the school of hard knocks. See getting involved with the wrong people can drag you down. I heard of someone who had to cut a friend off in Japan for doing drugs. The guy just came over the friends house one day and suddently started smoking pot, even offerred it to the friend. After that, the friend never emailed or contacted the other friend again. You have to cut people off that do drugs in Japan, people like Americans and British folks keep trying to justify that its OK to do illegal drugs here because its accepted in there country. This is another country, and people have to respect the rules, it isn't about complainting to change the law so that some drug users will benefit from a high. Sakai is learning a good lesson, and hopefully, her example will make others think deeply about being friends with bad associates and drug users. She put her self in that situation, she can't really blame anyone else but her self, this is a major wake up for many drug users in Japan to break there habit quickly.

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Posted in: Proxy wedding means Marine's Japanese widow, baby unwelcome in U.S. See in context

How about letting her baby come to America, and then the mother must stay in Japan. Thats how the Japanese immigration does foreigners with babies born in Japan. The Babies a Japanese national, and the father is nothing but a foreigner with no parental rights.

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Posted in: Carter: Wilson comments toward Obama 'based on racism' See in context

Wilson's comment was disrespectful, if Obama had been white it would not have been said during a speech with Congress. I'm black American, and a lot of my friends are starting to say, "Obama just get out of office! Let whites back in, and people like Bush continue to run the country. America just isn't ready for a black president, there's still to many ignorant people going around that still base things on race. Thank God my parents didn't raise me to be prejudice with that kind of mental sickness, it's just something I can never understand. We just don't want to hear the noise machine and spot light drama! We want peace quiet.

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Posted in: Mother arrested for killing her two sons in Fukuoka See in context

Japan's welfare system dosen't help enough for single parent families. Some people talk bad about America's welfare system, I know to many people that grew up on it, and now they own there own businesses and are successful people. Japan should stop enouraging Japanese to have babies if the government is not going to help support the growth. If Japan wants to become stronger, the government has gotta start giving more tax support to there people. The days of rich Japanese and economy has come to an end years ago. People are going to keep killing there kids because there hopeless, whose going to support an unemployed person with kids? The only way to protect a family is government support, but the Japanese government discriminates and looks down on poor families. At least in America people have a chance with all the free colleges, job training schools, and non-profit organizations to help get rich and poor people to work. No education is free in Japan, accept to join the school of porn.

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Posted in: Why do you think so much media coverage is being given to Noriko Sakai's case? See in context

Typical discrimination against women in Japan. I would like to see how there going to treat her ex-husband, who basically got her all into this mess.

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Posted in: U.S. health care talks focus on illegal immigrants See in context

Obama was called a Liar, because Rep. Joe Wilson is a typical selfish, greedy Republican fool! Federal money won't be given to illegal aliens for health care, it will be worded in the plan. Obama is the only President ever to make an effort to care about Americans health. Its a shame that America has went on this long, not caring for Americans health, while insurance companies got rich and dropped there clients from there plan because you needed a tooth pulled out or surgery. You had to sue the insurance companies many times to abide by there own policy rules to cover your health care cost. The health insurance and medical cost were so high, that I had to go to Mexico and get tooth surgery done for only $100 USD, it would've cost me $5000 in America to pull out an impacted tooth. Insurance companies will not cover these kinds of expensive cost without a fight, even when you've been paying them health care fees for many years. I'm tired of seeing people talk bad about Obama, when Bush drove the country into the ground with war and waste of billions of tax dollars. If it wasn't for Obama stepping in, the whole worlds economy would be wrecked accross the globe.

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Posted in: Kumamoto man arrested after fatally stabbing his daughter’s 38-year-old boyfriend See in context

The 38 year old man that came over to the girls fathers house, and got into an argument with him was real foolish. Most fathers are natrually going to protect there daughter from dating an adult. This man dosen't want his daughter ending up in some porno industry shaming his family name. Many older guys in Japan try to recruit younger girls into that life style. The father was only protecting his daughter from being taken advantage of by some potential child molesting. Even if the 38 year old wasn't a pervert, you never go to the fathers home when he dispproves of you dating his under age daughter, that was a grave mistake. I personally would never meet a father of an under aged girl, your just asking to get stabbed, shot, or punched. Dating an under age girl has to be kept discreet. I'm not saying its OK either, but sometimes real love does happen, absent pervert intentions.

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Posted in: Club host held for giving drinks to woman who caused fatal accident See in context

I think there should be some responsibility with a bar that sales drinks, and continues to encourage there customers to buy more until there super drunk. Drinking impairs your thinking abilities and judgement, the bars know that. Some people don't know when to stop drinking, thats why it would be a good idea for a bar attendant to limit drinks when a customer is driving, or as one poster worte, "take away the car keys. If this was law, it could save lifes. I personally wouldn't let a customer drive home, after pumping them up with beer. It isn't morally right to let your customer leave under those circumstances to endanger others or themselves. Anyway, when incidents happen like drunk in driving crashes, new cases come out to prevent more innocent deaths, businesses may have some responsibility to take care of single drunk customers. The Police are just tired of scrapping up human brains off the street.

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Posted in: Club host held for giving drinks to woman who caused fatal accident See in context

Drunks aways seem to walk away from a terrible car accident, and kill the people they hit. Mr. Hirai should of called her a taxi cab, what an uncaring bar attendant. He should be held responsible.

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Posted in: Man dies after being dragged by car for 70 meters in Ibaraki See in context

I bet this old guy just didn't care about his safety. I've seen some old folks just riding a bike in the middle of a busy street in Shinjuku and not caring if they get hit or not. I'm not saying its all his fault for being hit, but you have to be careful and not trust drivers out here. I always look back and forth before crossing the street. I'm always alert about traffic, because I know people drive real stupid and one tracked minded out here.

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Posted in: Woman dies one month after being stabbed by stalker See in context

The guys that go to these establishments are extremely lonely. They have no social life but work and Beer. Some build an imagination that these girls actually care about them. These girls really exploit these guys feelings, by making them feel wanted by affectionately touching them and putting there heads between there young legs. I guess after she played with this guys heart for months, and made him feel like she loved him, after she dumped him and became destitute, she realized she met the wrong fool! May this be an example for the young girls that enter into this industry, serving beef at Yoshinoya is better then having a stalker crazy after you.

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Posted in: MSDF member arrested for having sex with 13-year-old girl See in context

This is a guy that needs to be popped upside his head. Of all the legally aged woman running around, he jumped on a 13 year old kid!? What a pathetic pervert. Lock him up!

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Posted in: Woman dies one month after being stabbed by stalker See in context

The only arrest and court orders that are enforced immediately, are those against foreigners. This girl didn't have to die if the Police had stepped in to protect her, what good is the Japanese Police? Why do Japanese pay taxes???

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Posted in: Chilean man hangs self as horrified ex watches on web cam See in context

I felt like this guy did sometimes. Anyway, overtime I learned that love is powerful and dangerous, thats why its good to keep many girls. : )

When one goes, gotta another lined up.

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Posted in: Saitama cop arrested for trying to steal woman’s underwear on Twilight Express See in context

I think this Officer should be fired. Some little things are so dumb, that it would be bad for the safety and morals of a department in keep such an individual on the force. There was a Police Officer in America who got fired for sealing a Donnut from a Donnut shop, seems like these are similar incidence. He'll prabably just say sorry and the pervert keeps his job.

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Posted in: Relocation of U.S. troops will test Hatoyama See in context

Relocate the Marines to one of those dying empty business cities in Japan. Start with Iwate perfecture, there's nothing there but rice fields and farmers 80 years old and up. The Marines can even drop bombs and have artillary practice, no one is there to here it.

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Posted in: Obama's planned speech to students draws conservative ire See in context

If I had kids, I personally would want them to hear any positive educational message from the President of the United States. It wouldn't matter what color or nationality the President would be. Kids look up to the President of America, I sure did. This is royal ignorance from the schools and parents, if they prohibit there kids from being informed of the times there living in History. Gag me with a spoon ignorance!

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Posted in: Ex-soldier gets 5 life sentences for Iraqi deaths See in context

Rot in hell Green.

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Posted in: Woman arrested for dumping unwanted newborn on Gunma road See in context

I don't see how a 10,000 yen Japanese welfare check a month can sustain a homeless mother and her baby. Again, I blame it on the Japanese government, its not supporting its people, and yet it wants them to produce babies. I don't believe the baby died in her womb. She had the baby when it was alive, and prabably choked it to death. Its just common sense, how in the world is a homeless woman going to raise a baby in Japan? You got a 31 year old woman not homeless, leaving her baby in a car to bake because she dosen't want the responsibility, what little chance this homeless baby had. RIP baby......

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Posted in: Japanese-American graduate recalls wartime ordeal See in context

My 88 year old grandmother told me, Japanese Americans were treated no better then Black Americans, both had to go to the same separated bathroom for colored folks. She said, Japanese weren't allowed to go into white restruants or homes from the front door, they had to go to the back door to get service.

She claimed Japanese had to sit in the back of the bus the same as Chinese, Blacks, and Mexicans. Racism was deep rooted at that time, and minorities started almost equally, accept for blacks because we came out of slavery without compensation.

Blacks basically fought for all the civil rights in America for minorities, of course with help from good whites. What I didn't like about the Japanese Americans, is that most of them vacated America to Hawaii after they were persecution and experienced direct discrimination.

America is all about struggle, and if Japanese Americans want more of the American pie, it's not going to be handed to you on a plate with peaches. You gotta stay in the country and put in some hard work and fighting, not leave to Hawaii or back to Japan because your feelings got hurt. If Japanese Americans haven't been compensated fully, then you gotta protest and put in work to get it.

There are no excuses or complaints for other minorities, blacks run the most powerful country in the world that came out of slavery. So just start putting in some hard work, you'll see the results.

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Posted in: Japanese-American graduate recalls wartime ordeal See in context

That was just good-ole-American racism when they put those Japanese Americans in those camps. I know that happened because of the shock and pain of war at Pearl Harbor, but it was wrong what America had did. Anyway, America did compensate them for damages.

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Posted in: Tattoos, rap and saggy pants See in context


You don't know me and thats getting off topic. I only tried to convince you to change your views regarding a topic on Rap music, however to no avail. Hey enjoy the tattoos, saggy pants, fake gold chain, and whatever else those ignorant fools preach to you about.

In addition, former gangsters that turn into police or security officers usually make better Cops then those that never grew up in the hood. I personally met some, they're a real positive example for the youth to look up to, because they been there.

As a grown man, I might be able to save a youth that needs a prestigous example, rather then a wanna be street punk. I'd say thats more positive then a grown ld man with tattoos, saggy pants, and a fake silver chain, who has an imagination that thug music is positive. Who do the youth have to look up to these days without parents, I guess grown men into gangster Rap with saggy pants?

I like the positive message that Obama is promoting, go back to school next year everybody! Good luck!

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Posted in: Shooting kills 8 revelers in Mexican coastal town See in context

Sinaloa is the coutryside of Mexico, and the women from there make outstanding wifes. Mexico has to step up more troops to get control, 13,500 deaths are just the begining. Major drug lords reside there, I heard of them taking over cities, killing and running out the Cops. This is an honor and noble war for the Mexican government. They should continue to roll out the tanks, and storm the drug compounds. Hope they win!

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Posted in: Tattoos, rap and saggy pants See in context


You can listen to the street ignorant preachers if you want, you don't seem to care about the badness it has contributed to society. Just because Rap didn't effect me and you like the flu, dosen't excuse the majority of thousands of men that are over flooding the prision system. You gotta have a crack pipe to smoke crack, just like you gotta have Rap mixed in with street gangs to create the big BOOM of crime thats still going on!

Bro, I highly doubt you been in the real streets, but you sound like a loyal follower of the "Rap cult preachers". Go ahead and keep your tattoos, saggy pants, and keep pretending to live the imaginary thug life in Japan.

At 30 you haven't dumped that man child rubbish yet? Man grow up! I'm out and moving on to do better things, and won't look back to ignorance. You gotta degree? Thats very good of you, how about doing something positive to help other poor blacks, instead of keeping them down by promoting Rap?

We do need some good Cops in the poor communities, think about it?

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Posted in: Tattoos, rap and saggy pants See in context


When the Rap music got played we all got pumped up to bang and break some heads. A lot of brotha's aquired the violent I don't give a F attitude that Rap music influences on the mind. Many became fearless just like the Rap music taught, and many didn't care if they ended up in jail for committing a crime, only to regret it after a life sentence.

Rappers who preach violence are just agents of the devil misleading people bro, don't even listen to the those dumb punks. Big deal! A few Rappers become rich off exploiting the weak state of the poor. How dose Rap help a majority of people in poverty to be successful when they're all ending up in prision?

Not everyone can become a Rapper anyway, so how dose violence songs make the majority of the followers possibly succeed when it teaches destruction? If you seen the "Thuggin it & Lovein it" video, do you actually think those ignorant fools are gonna be successful? They were high on drugs in the video, criminally shooting guns in the air, and talking total non-sense. Thats the life that Rap promotes and produces, it produces ignorance losers!

People, we gotta free our minds from those false uneducated preachers and agents of Satan... don't buy Rap music, choke those punks out. I like the message Obama is promoting, everyone go back to school! The stimulus package will arrive next college semester 2010 with an extra large grant. I will be there to beneift from it part-time regarding my future plans to start a private security company.

Today, I'm still fighting the effects of Rap music that was instilled in my mind years ago. Sometimes I just snap at people and get that violent I don't give a F attitude! I'm still struggle to combat its deep negative effects. I don't need drugs from a Doctor, I just need positive influences and people who sincerely want to help a brotha. Thats what the youth need, not some uneducated, pathetic, fool on a micro phone.

In addition, a University degree dosen't teach street knowledge, because I know people with degrees still ignorant, on drugs, and in jail. They lack the common sense to stay away from the wrong people. Keep playing with fire, and you might get burnt, and you know who you are.

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