Posted in: Obama, Gates, policeman pledge to try and move on See in context
Don't apoligize for nothing Obama.
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Posted in: Obama, Gates, policeman pledge to try and move on See in context
Obama should of just kept his mouth shut regarding Gates, what a good lesson to learn that you can't get emotional over friends as a President.
Obama's the President of America and surrounded by a horde of Republican right-wing racist snake Bush lovers. Obama will come under attack for any little thing he dose wrong.
Next time Obama just let Gates and others friends like him file for false arrest or civil rights violations when the DA drops the charges. Case closed.
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Posted in: Police officers accused of running check on Obama See in context
I'm sure its OK to call the national guard on citizens of America in disasters or severe riots without calling martial law "New Orleans is an example during the flood. In the pass calling the national guard on city, state, or federal property, including universities has been done in the pass.
Don't forget that a President in the pass had to call the national guard to protect blacks to go to white schools, because of the public uproar and violence to intergrate blacks in education. Get over it, Republicans lost..... and we don't want you back.
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Posted in: Police officers accused of running check on Obama See in context
Obviously, the information they sought using govt property was bad enough to make the CIA call the Police department over the rogue Police Officers. If I was the President, I still would have ordered the national guard to storm there department or the CIA. He is our President, and the election is over, there is know reason why the Police should be looking up that kind of information on our President. They should be made into an example for other rogue Officers who do that stupid stuff towards our President. Obama outta start cleaning out stupid racist Cops.
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Posted in: U.S. sailor gets life in prison for killing Japanese taxi driver See in context
There's no telling what happened to this service men, he could off had special training to kill, you don't know what he did, or where he went.
I heard some military guys didn't get a chance to know him, he just happened to kill someone in a short time, just like the other sailor beat up some Japanese chick until she died in Yokosuka. The US military knows who they hire, you don't know what the Military could have done to them.
We are having a lot of problems with suicides and killings in America by US military returning back from war, because military personal coming back from Iraq are having a hard time shutting down there past killing. You don't know what that guy went through, or what the US military knew about him, thats why it should stay in the US for prosecution.
Its US military property and anything they hire or use.
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Posted in: U.S. sailor gets life in prison for killing Japanese taxi driver See in context
This is the US military were talking about, the property belongs in the US. If he wasn't in the US military, lets just say some tourist came to Japan on a temporary visa, and killed some Japanese national, then I believe its OK for the Japanese to punish the killer by there own legal standards, but not US military property. I would revoke that old Bush law immediately if I was the President.
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Posted in: U.S. sailor gets life in prison for killing Japanese taxi driver See in context
The US military obvious hired the African, because he may have went through proper US immigration procedures, so it dosen't matter if he was born in Africa, he was well documented enough to serve in the US military which sceens its applicants pretty dam well. Anyone who is in the uS military is your brother, and you should treat him as one. I can't believe the comments on this site from military folks, glad I didn't join the stinking US military, it has no unity. In war this African and others like him, could have been responsible for saving your sorry life.
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Posted in: U.S. sailor gets life in prison for killing Japanese taxi driver See in context
He's US military property by swearing in, so are you if your in the US. military. We have to punish our own, not other countries. The US military knows who they hire, and if they hired some guy with mental problems, then there responsible for the actions of there own. Its a shame that Bush even let a law like that go through, it should be revoked immediately if I was the President. Not to long ago, a Japanese punched a US service man off duty, then lied and sa the US service man punched him first. If there was not a camera that showed the Japanese had punch the US service man first, then perhaps he would have went to Japanese jail. Its the same for accused murder, let the US handle it with Japanese investigation reports and evidence, but the property stays in the US.
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Posted in: Police officers accused of running check on Obama See in context
The people of America voted Obama in office, a few rouge Police against the President outta be thrown in jail for treason, its a good time to start cleaning out rouge Police. Police have guns, and the US military has bombs.
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Posted in: Police officers accused of running check on Obama See in context
I say Obama should get the national guard all holding AR-15s to arrest those Police officers for Federal crimes against the US. President right in there dam Police department. Seems like the Police need to be made an example that you don't mess with the Federal govt.
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Posted in: U.S. sailor gets life in prison for killing Japanese taxi driver See in context
Hearing these comments above makes me glad I never joined the stinking US military, I prabably would've deserted too. I think the transfer of US military to Japanese authorities should stop at once. The US military should be responsible for punishing wrong doing in Japan, not Japan authorities. Just deport all US criminals back to America to serve there time.
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Posted in: Police sergeant arrested on suspicion of filming up-skirt videos See in context
The problem wasn't using his eye balls to look up the mini skirt. Its illegal to film people's private area's without there permission, its rude and sort of like sexual harassment. He should just be penalized with three days in jail, then back to Police work.
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Posted in: U.S. sailor gets life in prison for killing Japanese taxi driver See in context
If it was America they outta hang him or leave him in jail for life, that is the best punishment for a mentally illed killer. In Japan, to give a foreigner the death penalty would be bad for international relations, based on Japanese Historical crimes against humanity. They should just start deporting criminals back to there own country to serve there life terms.
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Posted in: Clawing back tenant rights See in context
They should ban landlords from collecting large key money without returning it. The only money that should be paid to the landlord if first months rent, and manybe 30,000 yen for cleaning the apartment or fixing things broken when the tentant vacates the apartment. If nothing is broken and the aprtment is cleaned, the landlord should refund the 30,000 yen back.
Its very hard for people to move when places are charging 100,000 to 300,00, plus first months rent to move into an apartment. Dosen't seem fair in this bad economy.
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Posted in: 20-year-old man arrested for killing woman in Tokyo apartment See in context
That was good work that the officers caught him. I hope he gets hanged or locked up for life, dosen't matter if he was mental, that ain't no excuse for murder. I'm sure girls are just scared living alone with these type of killers on the loose.
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Posted in: Police sergeant arrested on suspicion of filming up-skirt videos See in context
All he had to do was just use plain sight view under the mini skirt, ain't nothing illegal about using the eyes balls.
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Posted in: Newborn boy dies after being found in Tokyo Internet cafe toilet See in context
There are a lot of young girls having babies in Japan, and I doubt many have the mental capability and stability to raise a child.
It cost a lot of money to be able to raise a child properly. The Japanese Govt. in Japan dosen't give enough Welfare aide for these young girls to be able to bring up a child in a single parent family, nor the guy that gets them pregnant.
Having babies is just some fashion they realistically can't complete without Welfare support in a bad economy. What happened to the old generation of Japanese girls who were strong, loyal, affectionate, and polite? This new generation of Japanese girls stink, and most are going to the porno industry, degrading there future and morals. They won't make a good mother or spouse to no Japanese man, and who is to blame for for recruiting them in the sex industry?
If Japan keeps allowing these sex agencies to ruin there youth with filth, then that will be the down fall of the family unit, and when the family unit falls, a great nation falls just like Rome did.
The govt should banned porno industry street workers, from approaching girls at the stations and every single corner of the block. If you want to protect the morals and family unit, you have to start with respecting yourself and family. Makes me wonder how many Japanese babies dumped were born in the porno industry.
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Posted in: Boston policeman who arrested Gates won't apologize See in context
Actually, this can become a race discrimination case if Crowly continues not to apoligize, the DA dropped the charges against Gates.
Its becoming apparent, that Crowly was perhaps a racist. I would just say sorry to Gates, and be subjest to false arrest, but failure to apoligize could lead to a very expensive race discrimination case.
The history of Police racism towards minorities, and failure to apoligize, only enforces a civil rights case of discrimination.
Crowly should apoligize immediately.
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Posted in: Boston policeman who arrested Gates won't apologize See in context
To USARonin: Was your Police training certified POST? If you read what I wrote, a Police officer can only detain a suspect legally if oral threats are towards the officers safety or others in his presence, such as " I have a gun, and I'm going to shoot you.
Even though some citizens are disrespecful in speech, an officer is suppose to mantain distance, patience, and self control until the suspect cools down. A suspect cannot be arrested for calling an officer curse words. If you did have Police training, can you tell me the levels of force? Whats the difference between reasonable suspicion and prabable cause to arrest?
This is what I know as an Officer.... when an Officer makes an arrest and the DA drops the charges for lack of evidence, a suspect can bring a civil action for false arrest against the Police department.
Many minorities are paranoid of the Police, because of there defacto historical racism generally towards non whites. Race might not always be the case, I believe the officers ego was the problem in this case.
In California, a citizens property is beyond the public side walk, such as crossing the fence of a house from the side walk. The suspects home porch is not considered Public property, its the private property of the home owner, including the grass surrounding the house. As I stated before, some Officers have an ego trip, dosen't mean there racist.
Gate's should bring a civil action for false arrest, the DA dropped the charges, Crowly will loose in court for false arrest thats it. Crowly should have just left once he was presented proof that Gates lived at the address, an officer arguing and handcuffing a citizen on his property is totally illegal.
Once the DA drops the charges after an arrest, a citizen may bring a false arrest case, its the citizens personal choice.
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Posted in: Man sentenced to prison for groping insists on his innocence See in context
Once you get arrested for something like groping, its just best to say your guilty, it becomes remorse legal tech.
There was an English teacher accused of groping a school girl on a train, he was detained in jail for over three years. Finally, the girl said he didn't grope her butt. You have to be careful of school girls, those chicks can get you in a lot of trouble.
Funny thing, I seen some older foreign guy today walking with his arm around a school girl in her uniform, I was like this guy must be a total idiot. A school girl can become moody at any moment, possibly sending him to jail for a long time, and foreigners always get the highest penalties.
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Posted in: Boston policeman who arrested Gates won't apologize See in context
I have Police training under PC 832 Laws of Arrest. This was a simple B&E case that was unreasonably escalated into a false arrest case.
Once an Officer detains a suspect for reasonable suspicion of a B&E crime, after being given proof of legal residence from the suspect, the officer was suppose to immediately vacate the owners property.
A Police Officer cannot arrest a citizen on his own property for being irate at the officer under the 1st Amendment (Freedom of Speech. The only legal reason an officer can put the handcuffs on a suspect is if the suspect makes verbal threats to the officer safety, comments like "I have a gun and I'm gonna shoot you.
Officer Crowly may have not been a racist, but he did show an ego trip. If I was Gates, I would sue the officer for false arrest once the charges were dropped by the DA which they were, that outta humble that officer.
A Police officer is suppose to protect, serve, and respect the public. The only legal way Crowly could have arrested Gates legally, is if Gates had no ID proof of residence.
If I was the Officer, I would have just said sorry to Gates, and that I was only here to protect your property. End of case....
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Posted in: Trump and Zelenskyy trade barbs as U.S.-Ukraine relations sour over war with Russia
Posted in: Trump and Zelenskyy trade barbs as U.S.-Ukraine relations sour over war with Russia
Posted in: Japan asks Taliban to respect human rights during talks in Tokyo
Posted in: Israel confirms four dead hostages who will be returned from Gaza include young family