Posted in: Tokyo remains top gourmet city in Michelin Guide See in context
At least you don't have to pay stupid tips in Japan.
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Posted in: What do you think of Wikipedia? See in context
Wikipedia is good starting point for me. Wikipedia is useful to get the vague idea of some unknown terms, because the articles are usually separated into sections and contains some examples. But, there's no way I'm going to 100% trust the content and write research paper based on it.
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Posted in: 74-year-old Kanagawa woman killed in hit-and-run See in context
I haven't rode bicycles in years because of the safety reasons and also because I simply don't need one. I am not against helmets and know importance of it, but if I were to ride bicycle from my home to the nearby 7-11 or station, I'll probably get lazy and I'm probably not going to wear one.
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Posted in: Woman arrested for using spray on bus passengers in Chiba See in context
Where did you see any quiet train in Japan? The public announcements are so loud it is almost worse than people talking normally.
When only one person is talking, its OK, but it simply gets chaos if hundred people started talking. Imagine about all the people around you on busy morning train talking on the cellphones.
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Posted in: SAS to offer Internet onboard both short- and long-haul routes See in context
the first to have in-flight connectivity installed
So what are the differences between Connexion by Boeing or Aircell or Row 44 and this?
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Posted in: 74-year-old Kanagawa woman killed in hit-and-run See in context
no helmets, no reflectors, no safety savvy at all.
Sounds like typical European cyclists.
Many provinces in Canada are going against for their helmet laws. British Columbia was arguing about ditching the helmet laws for bicycles, due to increase in short distance bicycle usage (shopping, commuting, etc).
I am not against helmets, but helmets sounds too much trouble for short distance ride.
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Posted in: Iranian president urges girls to marry at 16 See in context
Imagine a Japanese girl getting married at 16? Crazy thought. They might look really cute, but they act like 4 year olds. Don`t Iranian girls go to High School?
FYI girls can legally get married at 16 with parental consent in Japan, United States, Canada and most of European countries.
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Posted in: Pen-scissors combo See in context
Scissors with blades shorter than four inches ARE ALLOWED on carry-on. Check the TSA website.
I just googled and indeed it says on TSA website that blades must be less than four inches (10cm). Japanese MLIT website says blades must be shorter than six centimetre. CATSA in Canada does not allow scissors on carry-on.
Depending on where you are leaving and arriving, you better be careful about it.
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Posted in: Pen-scissors combo See in context
Scissors with blades shorter than four inches ARE ALLOWED on carry-on. Check the TSA website.
I'm not very familiar with inches but Google tells me its about 10cm. Wouldn't most scissors, except for cooking, fit in this category then?
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Posted in: Why do you think that Christmas decorations and illumination displays are put up so early in Japan? See in context
I doubt it happens only in Japan.
From my experience, stores in Canada tend to start decorating for Christmas on November 1st, which is right after the Halloween decoration cleanup, so, they can magically convert their leftover Halloween candies to convenient Christmas candies.
Things might be different if Canada were more tropical. I mean, who would want to hang stupid light-bulbs in December, when sunrise is at 9am and sunsets at 4:30pm, with temperature outside being -30C, blizzard piercing your face, climbing on to the slippery and cold frozen ladder, wearing jacket made of fresh baby seals and getting frostbite ending up with no feet.
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Posted in: The butterfly in the subway See in context
When I am charging my Suica card, I always use 10,000yen bills at the ticket machines without any hesitation.
In North America? Heck no. That would be the most stupidest thing someone can ever do in their entire life. I wouldn't even let the machine eat my $5 bills in North America.
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Posted in: How should airlines handle obese passengers? See in context
They should make Economy-Cargo class. It's just great to be sitting in a centre row with obese guys on both sides.
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Posted in: AOL cracks open door to new Project Phoenix e-mail See in context
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Finally, we have a leader in Trump who can handle this matter. He said he would do it day one.…
Posted in: Trump says he wants to negotiate about Ukraine. It's not clear if Putin really does
Yeah, so many birds illegally flying in and out of the country. And you just proved my point as to…
Posted in: Anti-far-right protest draws 250,000 in Munich
Posted in: PlayStation outages frustrate users around the world
Posted in: Hamas releases 3 frail-looking Israeli hostages for 183 Palestinian prisoners under Gaza ceasefire