Posted in: Lots of legs See in context
LOL, re-read my comment, as i mention, this picture shows one of the "looks of the season", not just items of the season, looks being the total combination you are saying is "wrong wrong wrong".
The millions I am referring to are the millions of women in Japan, US, Australia, N.Z. all over Europe that are adopting this "look", not just from Uniqlo but the many other brands that are making "legi-pan" and combining it with "Shiny Black shoes" and the likes.
So yes, once again, success Uniqlo for offering a cheap solution to a 'in style' 'look' this season!
But im sure if you told them you dont approve, all designers would pull their mannequins out of windows.......OMG are you Anna Wintour?
Settle down, how about you just dont buy yourself a pair.....or do but wear them with a smart fluorescent heel to 'contrast'.
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Posted in: Lots of legs See in context
Wow the fashion police are out today Branded!!!
Unfortunately millions of consumers and designers disagree with you because this in in fact one of the looks of the season and will be wore by many. Even if the photography has bad composition, it is press event not a studio shoot and as agreed upon by many here it looks great. So, it looks like for UNIQLO it's mission accomplished.
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Posted in: Dear Angry Western Guy See in context
bad behavior is bad behavior, whether in Ebisu or Springfield. By a Japanese person or a gaijin......... Melissa, he is not making you look bad as a gaijin, he is making you look bad as a human.
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Posted in: Hokuriku region of Japan experiences record snowfall
Posted in: Hokuriku region of Japan experiences record snowfall
Posted in: Hokuriku region of Japan experiences record snowfall
Posted in: Hokuriku region of Japan experiences record snowfall