Japan Today

Alex comments

Posted in: Foreign visitors to Japan top 33 mil in Jan-Nov, breaking annual record See in context

All I can say as someone who has lived in Tokyo for the last 14 years, the commute to and from work has become unbearable with the extra people tourism has brought. Rush hour is truly impossible. And I'm confident I'm not the only one who feels this way - Japanese people on my same commute (which has not changed in the last three years) also look and seem much more miserable.

-2 ( +1 / -3 )

Posted in: Cyclists in Japan risk jail for using mobile phone, riding while drunk See in context

I hope this is enforced, but I won't hold my breath. Also, I know we're in a non-English speaking country, but I always want to shout at the bikers racing on narrow, crowded sidewalks, "It's a sidewalk, not a sideride! Get in the darn road if you're going to go that fast!"

SeawolfToday  05:46 pm JST

Is there any "stand your ground" part going together with this? Like, wacking that stupid cyclists who comes at you with a phone in their hand? And what about holding an umbrella while riding in the rain? Very common in the more urban areas, and dangerous as well.

Agreed 100%! Not too long ago, I saw a young woman nearly kill an old woman who was waiting at the crosswalk (waiting on the sidewalk, mind). The young woman was speeding down the sidewalk, didn't bother ringing a bell or anything, and would have hit the old woman if the poor thing didn't see her coming last minute and try to jump out of the way. The young woman didn't even bother to turn and apologize. Despicable behavior, and it happens daily.

4 ( +6 / -2 )

Posted in: 87-year-old man gets 8 years in prison for killing 81-year-old wife See in context

Dave Fair, one would think the person without empathy here is the one who thought so little of his wife that he murdered her.

I do truly wish your family well. I’ve seen a lot of family members, elderly and not, deal with the care of other elderly family members, and I know how impossibly hard it can be. Murder is never the answer, however.

4 ( +6 / -2 )

Posted in: 87-year-old man gets 8 years in prison for killing 81-year-old wife See in context

Always surprised by the number of people who will jump to defend a murderer. Yes, the man himself was elderly, and the situation this couple found themselves in was absolutely unfair. They should have been provided far more help by the government. With that said, there is no excuse for murdering your partner because you can't be bothered to take care of them anymore. Is that 'love' to you? How many elderly women continue to care for their disabled husbands, after spending their youth caring for them? No. If this man didn't want to care for his beloved any longer, he should have done what any sane, loving partner would have done, and gone to the lengths necessary to get help for himself and his partner. Murdering her because he didn't want to care for her anymore? That's despicable and inhumane, and he deserves to spend his last years in jail. At least he'll get the care in there that he refused his poor wife. May she rest in peace.

-2 ( +4 / -6 )

Posted in: Australian transgender woman wins landmark case against female-only app See in context

Trans people deserve the same respect as every other human being, but with that said, this particular trans person did not HAVE to be on this website. That she took the fight this far AND expected an apology makes it seem to me that the only reason she was even trying to get on this particular website in the first place was to FORCE (aka harass) these women into acknowledging her and interacting with her. Which sounds like the exact kind of male behavior the website sought to eliminate by making it “women” only.

To the owner of the website, I can think of one way for you to win this case. Make it a website for CISgender women only. Then you will have your way.

7 ( +9 / -2 )

Posted in: Yasukuni Shrine vandalised again with graffiti See in context

I did in-depth studies of East Asian modern history, and having visited the museum at Yasukuni, can confirm…it’s bad. Really bad. No mention of the victims of horrific crimes by the Japanese soldiers who invaded neighboring Asian countries. No hint that Japan invaded anywhere at all. If you visit that museum without knowing your history, you’d be under the impression that Japan was peacefully minding its own business during World War II, when suddenly it was attacked for no reason by the Allies. In the case of that museum, I can understand the anger other Asians might feel, and why someone would write something like that, even despite the shrine itself being a place of peace. The “museum” is shameful.

0 ( +5 / -5 )

Posted in: 74-year-old man arrested for allegedly committing indecent acts against girl under 10 See in context

What a terribly sad story. My mother was repeatedly sexually assaulted by my grandfather when she was a child. She never told anyone (until I was an adult, and she told me). When I was 8 years old, the same grandfather molested me twice. The second time it happened, I told my mother.

There are no words for the horror of experiencing something like this as a child, and the courage it takes (despite how shameful you feel) to tell a trusted adult that it happened. Believe your children, for goodness’ sake. Maybe if my mother had felt like she could tell someone what had happened to her, my grandfather would have been put away, instead of being allowed to continue his despicable actions against innocent children.

12 ( +12 / -0 )

Posted in: Chinese woman who tried to save Japanese family in knife attack dies See in context

This story has actually moved me to tears. What a tremendous loss of an unspeakably brave hero. Rest In peace, Hu Youping. Your bravery and sacrifice can be felt the world over.

Beautiful comment by kurisupisu above, too.

3 ( +3 / -0 )

Posted in: Yen briefly dips past 161 against dollar to 37-year low amid intervention talk See in context

smithinjapanToday  05:19 pm JST

"Finance Minister Shunichi Suzuki on Friday ramped up his warnings that Japan will take "appropriate" steps against excessive volatility in the currency market, after the yen skidded past the 161 line."

I'm warning you!! We may actually ACT instead of just talking! Be warned, we've already talked about forming a panel, and that may well lead to discussions on acting in the future!

I actually laughed out loud at this comment! Thank you for the much-needed belly laugh given the abysmal circumstances.

-7 ( +10 / -17 )

Posted in: 23-year-old man gets 18 years in prison for murder of ex-girlfriend in Yokohama See in context

So true, Fighto!. Worse still that the police had been contacted numerous times about the same guy, and yet again, the result of them doing little to nothing is the murder of the victim. How many times do we hear this same story? So sad, may the girl rest in peace (and her parents find some peace of their own) and the murderer rot in jail.

12 ( +13 / -1 )

Posted in: Mayor considering increasing Himeji Castle entry fees for overseas visitors See in context

Wow, what a ridiculous price. Himeji Castle is beautiful, don't get me wrong. I enjoyed my travels there very much and was enthralled with the view of the castle (outside) at sunset. But $30 just to enter, when the inside of the castle is effectively just multiple floors of an empty building? That price is an unreasonable ask.

4 ( +4 / -0 )

Posted in: Harry Potter offers magical boost to UK tourism See in context

NewgirlintownToday  05:00 pm JST

Can someone provide an actual quote of JK Rowling’s that shows she’s transphobic? Her actual words.

Exactly, Newgirlintown. From what I read from her, she was simply saying that sex is real and cannot be changed. I believe she brought this up because of her own experiences with sexual assault and domestic violence, and wants to ensure that women and girls are still provided single-sex spaces as they make up the majority of victims. She did not deny the existence of gender as a separate thing from sex, and even showed support for trans people in being treated with respect and deserving of equal rights. I fear that the more extremists send her death and r*pe threats, the more they push her away from wanting to show support for trans people at all. It's really a shame.

3 ( +7 / -4 )

Posted in: Foreign woman walks into bus at Tokyo’s Shibuya Scramble intersection See in context

Nah, if you actually live in Japan then you know that a lot of drivers constantly push the limits too far. I consistently see drivers speed through pedestrian green lights with no regard to the people who are already walking. Most Japanese pedestrians know they have to wait before they can start crossing, even when they have the right of way and sometimes even when the light has already been green for several seconds. The woman here was foolish for not looking where she was going, but the bus driver is very clearly in the wrong, especially in a crosswalk as crowded as Shibuya Scramble. It’s made doubly worse that this was not just a regular civilian driver, but someone driving public transportation as well, putting the passengers at risk. I think there should definitely be some punishment that fits the crime.

6 ( +7 / -1 )

Posted in: Law change lets Japanese police crack down on rule-breaking cyclists See in context

Bradenton1963Today  06:52 pm JST

I visit Japan every couple of years and the first time I saw cyclists using pavements mixed with pedestrians I was shocked. Pedestrians have to jump out of the way for cyclists who seem to have priority, why is this legal? It wouldn't be allowed in Europe. For a civilised country like Japan they need to create cycle lanes or get cyclists off pavements, it is unacceptable.

I ask myself the same thing all the time. Very rarely do I see many bikers here who don't seem to expect the pedestrians on the sidewalks to get out of their way! Recently, I watched a young woman on a bike nearly knock a walking elderly woman over. If that elderly woman hadn't jumped out of the way in time, she would very surely have been hit - ridiculous that she had to move like that at all at her age. And the young woman on the bike didn't even stop to say a quick apology, she just sped on. I mean, it's called a sidewalk, not a sideride. Get in the road! And like Redemption pointed out above, the electric bicycles that I see in double-digit numbers now in my small neighborhood (usually for Uber Eats) are a genuine danger to pedestrians. They don't stop, and they don't care.

5 ( +9 / -4 )

Posted in: Man arrested for killing 90-year-old father, says he was worn out from caring for him See in context

The poor elderly father, to have to go out like that. May he rest in peace. There are always other ways, other things a person can do instead of murder the person in their care, murder a family member. I have no sympathy for the son here. Care-taking is a job that takes a physical and emotional toll on you, yes -- but even thinking murder could be the answer instead of getting help is just unacceptable.

-1 ( +1 / -2 )

Posted in: Man arrested for allegedly having sex with minor at welfare facility where he works See in context

Also, this is the second article in a day on here where the title includes the word "allegedly", despite the arrested perpetrator admitting that he committed the crime.

7 ( +12 / -5 )

Posted in: Man arrested for allegedly having sex with minor at welfare facility where he works See in context

Police said Hiroyuki Uemoto is accused of having non-consensual sex with the girl at the facility in Hakui City at around 11 p.m. on March 14, NHK reported. 


The phrasing used in the title made me assume that the minor had consented to the act (even if minors can't really give their consent), hence using the term "having sex". If the minor did not consent, which the article states, then the term you are looking for is "rape".

14 ( +14 / -0 )

Posted in: Japan's real wages fall in March for record 24th month See in context

Really wondering how much longer Japanese people (and foreign residents) are expected to endure this...

0 ( +2 / -2 )

Posted in: Noto Peninsula quake volunteer arrested for allegedly molesting woman on bus See in context

Why does the title say "allegedly molesting" when the perpetrator has admitted to the actions and even gave his reason? ("I had a sexual urge to do it.") SMH

-2 ( +0 / -2 )

Posted in: 63 doctors, dentists sue Google for keeping reviews they say are unfair See in context

Honestly, I've had quite a lot of bad experiences with doctors in Japan, even had one who shouted at me because he didn't believe me when I explained my symptoms. I've used reviews in the past to get an idea of whether it's worth visiting a clinic or not, and it's been very helpful for me. I've also left reviews when I've had a good or poor experience for others like me who check the reviews first. I've found some great doctors here as well, but I would say 60 to 70% of my experience with doctors in Japan has been negative. I suppose you get what you pay for, though.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

Posted in: 52-year-old man indicted for raping teenage daughter between 2013 and 2016 See in context

This young woman's future children will thank her for doing this. My mother was subjected to the same horrifying sexual abuse from her father, but she never said anything about it. Because of that, he went on to molest his grandchildren, myself included. He lived his life without any punishment for his horrific crimes, and ruined the lives of his descendants. Hearing this story makes me feel relieved that at least here, justice will hopefully be served. May the young woman find some peace, too.

5 ( +5 / -0 )

Posted in: One-third of Japan's unmarried adults under 50 have never dated See in context

Take it from me, for some people, this is a better way to live. Whether the reasons be financial, or because the person is introverted and independent, or because they lived through years of familial abuse…whatever the reason, some people are happier single. That’s it - there’s no reason to act holier than thou just because you personally decided to get married and are happy with your


4 ( +5 / -1 )

Posted in: Ex-school principal kept obscene videos of female students in his office to prevent his wife from finding them See in context

"it would be a waste to delete the data"

Easily the most disturbing part of the whole article. This sicko clearly sees nothing wrong with his owning and there existing OBSCENE video and photo footage of his underage female students. No remorse whatsoever. Lock him up for life. He clearly can't be trusted around children in any sphere.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

Posted in: 22-year-old man gets 23 years in prison for murder of sex worker at hotel See in context

opheliajadefeldtToday  12:48 pm JST

Autism spectrum disorder is not classified as a mental disease. It is a developmental disability and a type of neurodivergence, not a mental illness. My girlfriend is autistic, but also so very intelligent and aware of her surroundings, her learning capabilities are mind boggling. She gets really upset when she hears autism being used to excuse a crime.

That's exactly the same thought I had. I have a friend who is very high up on the autism spectrum - one of the smartest guys I've ever known. We performed in a play once when we were kids, which was super long (ex: the main character alone had 300 lines). This kid memorized the entire script. It is despicable to use "being autistic" as an excuse for committing murder, as though it's some kind of mental illness - especially in a case like this, where he was actively seeking to murder someone.

-1 ( +0 / -1 )

Posted in: Woman gets life in prison for killing woman, tossing her body from bridge into river See in context

Actual killer: 27 years in prison.

His female accomplice: Life in prison.

......The accomplice obviously also deserves to be tried and sentenced to prison time, but holy crap, what a failure of a justice system!

0 ( +0 / -0 )

Posted in: Technician arrested for taking voyeuristic images of woman during electrocardiogram See in context

And this is why some women ask for female doctors and nurses, especially for required routine checkup procedures like electrocardiograms. It's already uncomfortable enough, but then you have to worry that your doctor or nurse is a perv who will try to sneak naked photos of you. Shameful behavior - amazing he even got into the position. Hope he pays for it and becomes a lesson for future "would-be doctors" who "can't control their sexual desires".

14 ( +14 / -0 )

Posted in: An elegy to Tokyo’s doomed Jingu Stadium and its fans See in context

The thing that concerns me most about this is all the nature that will be lost - those hundreds-of-years-old trees. In a city that already has a severe lack of greenery (as evidenced by the unbearable heat in the summer), and enough empty office buildings (post-pandemic) to meet any demand. That this development project is still being rammed through despite going against the will of the residents really says it all about how much Tokyo/Japan cares about its citizens.

3 ( +4 / -1 )

Posted in: Elementary school janitor arrested for using camera to spy on girls in toilet See in context

Holy crap. It's always disgusting when these perverts go after minors, but to do this in an elementary school? This guy can't be locked up for long enough!

6 ( +8 / -2 )

Posted in: Japan to OK train fare hikes for holidays, weekends due to 'overtourism' concerns See in context

Foreign tourists aren’t following Japanese holiday schedules - they follow the holiday schedules of their own countries! As many have already said, the only people who will feel the full impact of this are the locals. It’s like a slap in the face for those who might want to have a nice day off outside their home.

And many of us work on weekends! There are some companies that have a set budget for how much commuter transportation they will pay, and others that expect their employees to bear the cost themselves. How is this fair to such people?? Does Japan want more workers, or not??

1 ( +1 / -0 )

Posted in: Charges dropped again over death of detained Sri Lankan woman See in context

Sadly not even remotely surprised. This feels like Japan's usual M.O. Make it seem like you are doing something, when from the get-go you never planned to change the initial results anyway. I hope the family gets justice. Despicable.

(Also despicable if anyone here really believes overstaying a visa warrants death as punishment.)

7 ( +15 / -8 )

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