Posted in: Japan's annual current account surplus lowest on record See in context
It’s a big mistake to play lose of nation wealth which is the currency. To speculate or risk nation’s wealth to cover-up gain for stagnant economy lacks governance and management vision. Abenomics is never a formulation right for Japan. Losing Yen is meant to term it Abenemics. The flow of blood like the flow of money is anemic in essence. With all the effects made to make this nation so powerful losses its strength and getting sick. The prices all Japanese pay it’s downfall. Still I believe PM Abe has the leadership to improve Japan if he divert the attention to more market driven economy and global vision. He has to open Japan much more. Augment tax sources in number but against tax increase.
-1 ( +0 / -1 )
Posted in: Over 70% say they don't feel any benefit from Abenomics: poll See in context
The wealth of a nation is in its currency. ABENOMICs is doom to fail if it is not corrected fairly and soon. If it is the blood (Money) flowing in economics, that blood is anemic. To name ABENEMICs is appropriate.
Japan needs materials and resources for the production of finish products. Therefore, Japan needs fixed-strong Yen to import. Disadvantage in manpower wages in Japan is no worry. Japan can overcome productivity in terms of automated factory lines, the efficient transport system, production quality and the logistics. An analogy in production of finish product in Japan as example is that 1 staff can operate an automated factory line producing 100 plus finish products. As compare to less develope countries with 10 staffs operating manually producing same output. A productive manpower system means more earnings to the company that is equals to more wages and translates to more spending. The flow of various taxes and insurance premiums to the government is enormous. Public earnings and saving are attainable. The present 80% of the big Japanese companies are operating abroad. This is opposite to national interest and has to deal with. If they need manpower, encourage immigration. More people is more power and earns more. See how the strength of the currency of other nations are. Japan is a close country. With Olympic on sight, its possible.
However as a member of United Nations, Japan has to face up for whatever social misunderstandings it has. If only Japan can correct the past in international level then peace will be just in the corner. Japan through PM Abe can manage to meet the world affair. As thing goes by, his leadership and mobilities with his party can make miracle in this harsh political world. By then to name ABENASTIC is fantastic.
0 ( +2 / -2 )
Posted in: New NHK head's 'comfort women' remark stirs controversy See in context
NHK Momii’s statement…
“Can we say there were none in Germany or France? It was everywhere in Europe,” he said, according to reports. That understanding is still the notion of the people back then. That was war.
During WWI a notion was that war was a method to resolve for legitimate international disputes and that to tackle the issues of righteousness (criminality) were not necessary. All means to a victory in battle mattered. When that war with the American engagement turned into WWII in the name of Justice, the aspect of criminality came to its understanding. The losers paid in commensurate to damages they incurred. It was the reparation payments.
On Thursday, Jan 30 is US President Roosevelt’s 132nd Birth Anniversary. During the last days of his fourth term in office, he traveled and negotiated a lot to contain war and due to exhaustion and pressures he died without seeing the end. Nuclear Bomb was dropped… as the way things are going recently, I just hope for PM Shinzo Abe’s good health and welfare. He is doing the same to prevent war by seeking understanding. Japan cannot defend by itself. Japan is striving to lose its currency by Quantitative Easing for US dollar to gain and in someway mutual assistance and status can be maintain. US owe half of their dollar in debts to Japan and China. So understanding US position related to war in the region must be taken into consideration for mutual well being.
Of course, there are always adversaries and assertive elite in the government and organizations imposing immoralities for self-gain. However, it is almost always the good that prevailed because of good men and Divine intervention. An opinion, the United Nation that should be the one to initiate the move. Commerce and trade for the welfare of undeveloped countries are hampered. United Nation should act BEFORE, DURING and AFTER with cohesive strength and determination before things got worst. If the country involves would not cooperate, they can expel as being not a social community and moving for self-aggressive dominance. In these way the doctrines of cooperation to the world affair can prosper.
War stories are very sensitive. It differs a lot between the winners and the losers. People's pride and ego matters. It should be address to the historian, sociologist and the likes. Free media discussion and forum ignites Public Opinion to divide. During this Information age, anything is expose. Freedom of Speech we cherish should be express with discipline and dignity with the best of our understanding for our children, children's children and for the human race. We must denounce war. As war is a mistake and a destruction.
-1 ( +1 / -2 )
Posted in: New NHK head's 'comfort women' remark stirs controversy See in context
… nationally speaking, China has to think for the survival of its 1.3 billion population. Access to the sea is hindered. Japan population is 130 million. Japan has no enough source of power for energy. Population is aging. Both countries are aiming for supremacy.
… speaking of war, some views on these harsh skirmishes currently is becoming too politicize because of the war history. 1. In early war, aggression was practically free-for-all. 2. WWI was a method by which a nation has to resolve their disputes. Not necessarily to directly tackle the issue by which side is right but only good for their nation. When country like Japan engage in war in China and Asia, it is this notion that transpires to go into war for self-existence and self-defense. Also, WWI was a mean to resolve international disputes. It was a legitimate form of action. War was extension of diplomacy, which is why there is an International Law. Like the League of Nations. Germany however did not have the notions that an atrocity in war is not a crime. 3. WWII was in the name of Justice. The mighty Americans unleashed their power for Justice. The losers were treated criminals. So the war after WWII is a crime.
Both countries need a dialogue and diplomacy. Tap the wide-range of technological expertise for both sides to lessen the gap and resolve these disputes. Japan is surrounded by sea, more technologically advance and can compliment to the Chinese and worldwide. For China to settle their difference and to help Vietnam, Philippines and Malaysia, they have to have cooperation for airspace, marine resources, oil and petroleum exploration and other development for tourism, etc. mutually beneficial to all. War is destruction and a sure loses. My concern is that when the public opinions favor one side, mutual benefit for all will not come out. It is the task of the United Nation to initiate more intense approach to soften this crisis before it got worst.
... many historian netizen here in JT. Wishing for the best!
-4 ( +2 / -6 )
Posted in: SDF troops get warm welcome in typhoon-hit Philippines See in context
… I can only express my profound appreciation and sincere thanks to Japan, it’s people and the SDF for undertaking a huge humanitarian efforts and needs to the affected people of super typhoon Haiyan. In these times of harsh calamities and events, social responsiveness counts through helps, care and understanding. This is the true essence of social and human being.
Thank you for the nice comments by the public(netizens),and the good coverage by the JT.
2 ( +2 / -0 )
Posted in: Two warships, carrying 650 SDF troops, head to typhoon-ravaged Philippines See in context
... my conscience dictates to say, thank you very much to our Friends and to the Governments of Nations now helping and who wants to helps the affected Filipinos ravaged by Super Typhoon Haiyan. Philippines is truly blessed and remembered in times of needs. The magnitude of destructions and devastations is so terrible that I thank God the Philippine Government took action helping around 785,000 lives secured and evacuated to safety before the super typhoon hit the land. The leadership of other nations for disaster coordinations exemplify the spirit of oneness and kindness the world needs today from environmental weather protection from weather changes. Once again, thank you for all the leaders and people of world...
3 ( +3 / -0 )
Posted in: IOC played safe for 2020, committee members say See in context
I just can imagine how hard the IOC decision was. Three great cities, struggling to overcome their respective worries in wrong timing, competing for world events. I am hoping for their peace of mind and judgement. May it be the divine choice. Thank you Mr. Rogge and the IOC family.
1 ( +1 / -0 )
Posted in: Abe says Olympics 'will repay debt we owe the world' See in context
The choice for 2020 Olympic Game in Tokyo was a unanimous decision by the IOC. For the sake of goodwill and sportsmanship, let it be. There is always tomorrow. I wish the Great City of Istanbul and Madrid can make it like Tokyo who loses the first time. Let the joy fills the air for the people who lose a lot …Congratulation.
1 ( +2 / -1 )
Posted in: Tokyo governor slams Fukushima coverage on eve of 2020 vote See in context
Let us stop negative criticism on Tokyo Bids for Olympic. Olympic Committees are people of great integrity, judgements and fairness. Year 2020 is 7 more years. Many aspect for the safety of the athletes, journlists, medias and spectators can be corrected. Japan is needing the world for the courage to stand-up, once more from the deadly natural calamities it injures. Fukushima being the after-effects of that calamities. Tokyo committee with Olympic committees will address the safety issues internally. Many people are suffering and if the 3rd largest economy, Japan, gots help from the world, so much positive economic growth will be regain and will spread to the world. I am a foreigner in Japan for 21 years, however, can still understand how wonderful people they are. For me, Istanbul is my choice for world developments and Madrid is my choice for the old superpower to regain culture and heritage. But Japan is my choice for the old people to reminisce the glory and the younger families to see the “Ligth” from its desperation to stand-up. This new bid is different from the earlier bid Tokyo made. Just wishing. Lets all wait for the judgement. Mr Inose gave his all heart for this…even losing is wife just July.
-8 ( +2 / -10 )
Posted in: Cebu Pacific calls for open skies with Japan See in context
As Philippines is no longer the “sick man of Asia.”… getting stronger each year and seen as the bright spot in Asia, I wish Cebu Pacific breaks the Ice for the mutual development and growth of the air travel industry. Seen Japan have opens its door for tourism and travel, Philippine Government should initiate this chance. Best wishes!
1 ( +1 / -0 )
Posted in: Female station attendant subdues violent passenger with judo throw See in context
This is Japan... I salute you. The right application of Judo.
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Posted in: Canon spies opportunity in surveillance See in context
I like the news. Mr Mitarai 's vision is in the eye, the camera. The opportunities for the camera usages are truly huge i.e. for education, insurance, child and old age care, daily living... so vast if software integrations and apps are parts of their products. More power to Canon growth and vision.
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Posted in: Utada comments for first time on mother's apparent suicide See in context
… I admire Ms. Utada’s strength. My thoughts are all for you in this tough time. Thank you JT of how Ms. Utada first comments were as her Website is out.
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Posted in: Man jumps onto train tracks to save woman See in context
Wow… had to be posted in all train stations for an inspiring heroic act and our appreciation of gratitude for bravery and responsiveness. That is the man we need it truly in our society.
3 ( +3 / -0 )
Posted in: Former singer Keiko Fuji, mother of Hikaru Utada, falls to death See in context
Rest in Peace to Fuji Keiko and a profound symphaty to Utada Hikaru and all their family. I like her Japanese songs in 60s and 70s.
0 ( +1 / -1 )
Posted in: China complains to Japan about 'negative' China references in Japan, US communique
Posted in: Emergency dispatches by Tokyo Fire Department in 2024 exceeded 930,000
Posted in: Emergency dispatches by Tokyo Fire Department in 2024 exceeded 930,000
Clearly needs some mental health guidance if he wanted to kill himself.
Posted in: Knife-wielding Swiss man arrested at train station in Kyoto Prefecture