Posted in: Britain's Brexit subsidies for carmakers could top wage bills See in context
Well , If tariffs will be levied, it will likely be a quid-pro-quo, meaning that UK will have substantial income from tariffs on imported cars, with which to compensate the outlays. Germany with its renowned acramkers for example exported goods to the tuine of 90billion Euros to UK in 2015, but imported for only 40 billion. So tariffs would deal Germany a heavy blow (in fact, Opel already announced readuced workshifts in a German plant due to reduced UK demand), but we Germans are used to a govenrment that sells out our interests to bolster their European pipedream. Secondly, the pound already took a beating with a depreciation of 10%+ vis-a-vis the Euro, making UK-made cars cheaper on the continent and making up for any proce increases due to 10% tariffs. In the end, the BRitish will consume less imported goods, and will have to produce more by themselves - which is exactly the right answer to the crazy trade deificits they ran the last decades.
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Posted in: Future grows darker for solar energy growth in Japan See in context
Actually, Germany is a horrible example for what will go wrong if you base your economic decisions on (green) ideology. Germany also guarantees the price for every solar kWh of a panel for 20 years. These subsidies have now amassed a burden of 200 BILLION Euros for the next 20 years, which is borne by all electricity consumers, private as well as enterprises (some exceptions for some industry sectors apply, but they are steadily reduced). The highly subsidised green electricity is depressing wholesale prices, making many conventional power stations lose money, most big electricity companies are in the red (RWE etc), but they are not allowed to retire their lossmaking plants, because they are needed as backups for winter time etc, when there is not enough solar power.For now the grid is stable, but it is only a question of time until most nuclear reactors will have to be closed(a tsunami in Japan causes Germany to abolish nuclear power, ever heard of tsunamis in Germany ?), and the conventional plants will have reached their useful lifespan. In the meantime, I am now paying 27cents per kWh (37 yen) in Germany, In Japan I never payed more than 20 yen. As a German having returned to my home country after 8 years in Japan, it is still incomprehensible to me, how this country can still compete,despite the sheer drag on the hardworking people in its automotive, machinery etc industries, that all these green, bureaucratic etc. moochers are causing
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Wouldn't it be great if we had this kind of optimism in Japan? "There need to be things that make…
Posted in: Musk raises eyebrows with salute gesture at Trump rally
Posted in: Trump holding off on tariffs but betting Day 1 moves can cut energy prices and tame inflation
Posted in: Musk raises eyebrows with salute gesture at Trump rally
Posted in: Musk raises eyebrows with salute gesture at Trump rally