Posted in: U.S. military to impose curfew in Japan after alleged rape See in context
I would also like to know where some of you are getting statistics such as CajunH2O saying that most of the rapes and DUI in Okinawa are commited by service members. I have found no such statistics and was wondering if you could send a link to where your information comes from. I do admit, i have doubts about the accuracy of such claims...
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Posted in: U.S. military to impose curfew in Japan after alleged rape See in context
I have a question for the people that support the punishing of all service members in japan for the acts of a few. How would you react if the Japanese government impossed a 11:00PM-5:00AM curfew on all japanese nationals the next time a JN rapes some one? If this were to acctually happen, everyone would most likely be on curfew with in the next few days. I say the Japanese government should have thier way with these two sailors, if found guilty. Let them rot in Japanese prison. But as far as innocent service members with families in japan, let them live in peace! I lived in Japan for 14 years with my Japanese wife until recently. I abided by Japanese and United States law while I was there. Not all service members can be piled into the same category, not only do they not all drink, some even do good for the community. One of the ships I was on while in Yokosuka sponsored an orphanage, with many sailors, including myself, spent much of our free time helping out. This is just one example of how the U.S. military gives back to the community. Please do not stereo type the American service members in Japan, it is not accurate, and not fair.
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Posted in: U.S. military helping with Okinawa rape investigation See in context
This is a terrible crime. If these service members are found guilty, I hope they get prosicuted to the full extent of the law. Than being said, I am just wondering why some people act like rape would never happen in japan if it were not for the U.S. military. No matter who does it, the crime is unforgivable.
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Posted in: Nationalism may rise under Japan's next gov't See in context
@semperfi - as of 2012 Japan has the highests national debt to GDP ratio in the world. United States is # 37. Japan has a national debt at 225% of its national GDP. United States has a national debt at 58.9% of its GDP. Japan isnt circiling the toilet, its in the sewer. Not sure why you even used the United States as an example. Facts first before reply please!
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Posted in: Treaty with Japan covers disputed islands: U.S. official See in context
Thats like me telling you that I would like to give you my neighbors car and put it in writing. It is not mine to give. The United states never rightfully owned the islands either, so they should not be able to give them away. Hence the "we think they belong to Japan, but we are not taking sides on the issue" stance the US is taking.
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Posted in: Asian territory disputes could trigger war: Panetta See in context
@Ossanamerica & gregoryharuko - There are records from the Ming dynasty that have the diaoyu islands on charts and claim them under the dynastys imperial rule in the 14th century. This was before they appeared on Ryukyu charts in the 15th cenury. Not trying to fight, just letting you know that this conflict goes that far back.
With this information, I just think that China does have an argument. Also since the islands were not sold, traded, or given to Japan formally, I think that is the real issue. As for as the PRC maps, they are not enough to dictate ownership, The group of people making the maps may not have looked into the fact that the islands belonges to the Chinese since the 14th century. Instead they may have just went off of what they knew from thier life time, that being - Japan owned them since the annex in the 1800's.
China has never had the power to dispute that until now, and that is why we are seeing them take a major role in shaping asia now. Its like a kid that was bullied his young life. He goes and works out, gets really big, and then comes back for some revenge. Japan was the bully, now China is back, bigger, and ready to start pushing back.
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Posted in: Asian territory disputes could trigger war: Panetta See in context
@nigelboy - I never said it did teach a bout the islands. I was making a joke about the real issue of the Japanese school system having a past of changing or LEAVING out key peices of history that may color japans history alittle dark. I get this information from my Japanese wife, many japanese national friends and my experience living in japan for 14 years. There for i would'nt say I know nothing about it either. Also, I believe "no" is not a valid point....just a belief, so go easy on me, lol!
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Posted in: Asian territory disputes could trigger war: Panetta See in context
lol @ negelboy, ignoreing history... did you take japanese defined history classes? All joking aside, do a bit more reading from multiple / non-biases sources.
-2 ( +1 / -3 )
Posted in: Asian territory disputes could trigger war: Panetta See in context
So, let me get this strait. The earliest records show that China owned these islands as early as the 15th century. Japan anexed them in the 1800's, as in just took them from china with out permision. So what is all the argument about? China legally owned them first, so China should own them now.
So if you think Japan can just take things from others when ever they want by force and its legal... I recommend China just take the islands from japan by force settling the argument permanently and that should be legal too. Japan is no match for China in a war, it would be over quick and easy. I also doubt that the US would help much in this particular situation for two reasons: 1) China has the only LEGAL claim to the islands. 2) The US will not risk nuclear war over something this trivial. When was the last time the US went toe to toe with another nuclear power? That would be Russia. Since then we have avoided armed conflict with such nations, for example: North Korea, Pakistan, and Iran. Instead, im sure the US would force a peaceful resolution, such as "China is rightful owners of the Islands, Japan deal with it."
Saying japan is the "gracious" party here is stupid. The "gracious" thing for japan to do in this situation would be to give China back what is rightfully thiers. In turn this would totally deflate the conflict and bring peace back to the area. This would be the best solution, but I doubt the Japanese government is moral and right enough to come up with this conclution.
In closing I just want to say, I love Japan. But Japan is screwing up BIG on this one. Hope this gets resolve peacfully, for Japans sake.
-1 ( +1 / -2 )
Posted in: 6 Chinese ships spotted near disputed isles See in context
Really? The JNSDF? LOL, the JNSDF is a sliver in the eye of the Chinese military. I also like the comments about the U.S. helping.... a nice change from the "Amercan military should leave japan, we dont need them!" Argument I usually read on this sight! Well, when the time comes, I'm sure the U.S. will once again help out when asked, even with such negative criticism from some of the japanese people. Then when the U.S. saves the day, everyone can once again go back to protesting America and its role it plays in the safety of its allies. I worked 10 years as a military member in Japan working with the JNSDF, so I know a lot about our capabilities and that of China and North Korea. In my opinion the JNSDF is a great organization with very professional men and women in it. That being said, they will need help if war was to ever break out.
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Posted in: What Japanese women discreetly check out when on a hunt for a husband See in context
They forgot the number one checked thing in japan... how full is his wallet.
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Posted in: Toyota Japan’s sexy new topless ad featuring transgender model shocks viewers See in context
I don't see anything wronge with this. I laughed my butt off at it!! Have a sense of humor people!
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Posted in: Amnesty criticizes U.S. for 'unlawful' bin Laden raid, drone attacks See in context
showmethemoney, Al-jazeer translates its own content into many languages, one of which just so happens to be english. Oh what a wonderful, technologically informed world we live in! Im sure you knew that and you were just testing me.... I wouldnt want to accuse anyone of just being i will not.
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Posted in: Amnesty criticizes U.S. for 'unlawful' bin Laden raid, drone attacks See in context
Why are we wondering if OBL was guilty or not? Am i the only one that has seen the videos of him claiming credit for the attacks on Al-jazeera? If he didnt do it, he sure sounds like he wishes he did, lol. Anyway, I move do dismiss the case against the United States. It was a crime of passion, hehe. If we had to do it all over again, let me think..... Yup we would do it 10x over! I dont feel bad about it and wont feel bad no matter what is written in this forum! Thanks for playing, the thumbs down button is located right below for your convenience. If it were up to the terrorists, you wouldnt have that freedom either. One last thing I want to mentiong. If the United States ever harbors a self admited and unrepentant murdering terrorist, I would fully support any country comming in and righting that wronge, as long as someone gets the job done!
-1 ( +1 / -2 )
Posted in: Japanese beer heads cause Westerners to froth at the mouth See in context
>Hôjô SôunMay. 14, 2012 - 02:49PM JST Japanese beer is yummy! One thing I love about Japan is we have a way to take foreign foods or drinks and improve them to suit the refined Japanese taste and demands for freshness and quality.
EH???.... Japanese beer isnt bad, but its FAR from and improvement of other beers....I am an American and have traveled a lot of the world, I have to say that a most European beers and also Australian beer beats the crap out of japanese beer. If the japanese "demand freshness and quality" they better by a plane ticket! Europe and australia are beautiful this time of year! Oh and please note I did not mention american beer "YUK!!!", in that way at least, i do believe japanese beer is superior!
1 ( +1 / -0 )
Posted in: Japanese beer heads cause Westerners to froth at the mouth See in context
I thought you tip the glass while pooring to avoid foam... anyway its a mater of preference I guess. In my experience though most prefer more beer, less foam.
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Posted in: If you want a child, do it before you're 30, says leading obstetrician See in context
@ Franchesca. I would just like to say that a doctor goes to 8-12 years of medical school, then specializes in 1 "field of the body". So that being said, Yes, a MAN or WOMAN with this education WILL know more about your body than you do. That is why we go to hospitals and doctor offices instead of siting at home trying to come up with a solution to what ever medical question we may have. You are right though, since I do not have this training, I will not give advise on this subject... other than if you have questions about this dont listen to anyone on this forum, go see a health care professional. As for horror storries, there are just as many female doctor screw ups than male doctor screw ups, they are human so mistakes can be made. This does not mean you should not seek out doctors advice before making any health care related decisions. So if you are more comfortable going to one than the other, make it so. This doctor is making a suggestion not a demand, take his advise or leave it. I would rather have people giving there professional oppinion than not having any information out there at all. One last thing for all, this artical is about how it MAY BE harder to get pregnant later in life and there MAY BE higher rate of berth defects if you do. Note the MAY BE in my statement, meaning not all the time, but can sometimes be the case. This is not a lie it is in many medical journals writen by heathcare professionals, take it or leave it. Any way, nice to read everyones comments, hopefully no mater what point in your life you decide to have children (or not at all) I pray they will be healthy and happy.
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Posted in: U.S. Marines will not be transferred from Okinawa to Iwakuni See in context
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Posted in: Kanye West's account on X goes dark after hate-filled rant
Posted in: AP reporter denied access to White House over 'Gulf of Mexico' naming issue
Posted in: Australia soccer star Sam Kerr found not guilty of racially aggravated harassment of police officer