Posted in: Subcontractors reportedly ripping off Fukushima nuclear accident workers See in context
History lesson: Chernobyl happened in 1986 CE137 is what is most deadly to humans and the levels of radiation are what make it so deadly. However because of its half life it's takes many years for it to become safe for humans to be near. Even though Chernobyl happened in '86 Chernobyl itself will still not be safe for humans for another 6 centuries. So we can safely assume that Fukushima and the surrounding area are going to become safely inhabitable for about that long give or take a few centuries. As for the workers while I do feel this is the equivalent to robbery no one is forcing the. To work there, and you can always find another alternative. Nuf said
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Posted in: Newborn baby girl found dead in Ibaraki parking lot See in context
Me and my wife want to adopt a baby girl and its so difficult yet people are so willing to throw away their children as if they were refuse. It's disgusting. I truly have no hope for anyone anymore.
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Putting down a proxy regime is norms of public decency. Many countries understand that.
Posted in: Russia begins massive naval drills together with China
Posted in: Kono calls for U.S. assurances to deter nuclear ambitions
Posted in: Canada's safe injection sites, 20 years on, face pushback
Posted in: Kamikawa joins LDP leadership race; says she will build a new Japan