Posted in: Can man See in context
God bless this fellow. He is just doing his best to survive.
1 ( +1 / -0 )
Posted in: Atom bomb survivor hopes Japan debut of 'Oppenheimer' will stoke nuclear debate See in context
The A-bomb was simply a quick way to end the Japanese aggression on her neighboring countries. The US could have dropped one in Germany, but there were still many Jews there. What is the lesson here? If your country has an A-bomb, you have a say at the negotiating table.
3 ( +7 / -4 )
Posted in: Classified Japanese diplomatic info leaked after Chinese cyberattacks in 2020 See in context
Remember Operation Vengeance during WW2. The US deciphered the Japanese naval messages and intercepted and killed Admiral Yamamoto, the mastermind behind the attack on Pearl Harbor. The Japanese government must catch up with technology. Every country is doing cyberattacks. Cybersecurity is a popular major in a lot of US universities.
3 ( +3 / -0 )
Posted in: Missile attack drill See in context
The crew reminds me of a scene in the James Bond movie, "You only live twice." (1967)
0 ( +0 / -0 )
Posted in: Tanabata festival See in context
The festivity is celebrated on July 7 in the lunar calendar elsewhere, particularly in traditional China.
-1 ( +0 / -1 )
Posted in: 69-year-old man arrested for calling police station 3,900 times in Shiga Prefecture See in context
I used to visit an old woman in her 90's and she had a habit of calling the church pastor in the middle of the night. We just had to walk with her in her final steps in life. The old man in the story has dementia and obviously lives alone. He needs company. He needs social service. Those who cannot see this social issue should be jailed in insolation.
-1 ( +1 / -2 )
Posted in: Japanese lawmakers meet Taiwan President Tsai See in context
Taiwan was/is a province of China. Every Chinese on earth agrees with that. And I am sure all of the neighboring countries agree with that too. Chiang Kai Shek's forces had nowhere to go but Taiwan. They lost the civil war. Some old folks said every year they vowed to return to the mainland on day of the Moon Festival. So the mainland wants to unify with Taiwan, and vice versa. And the US says "One China policy." China says it is an internal conflict or affair. Taiwan does not want to be part of China. You can call it an invasion. I am stating the facts. I am not siding with either government.
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Posted in: Japanese lawmakers meet Taiwan President Tsai See in context
"In 1894, China and Japan went to war. The Japanese defeated China's Beiyang fleet. Although nearly all the fighting took place in northern China, Japan had important territorial ambitions in southern China. The Japanese took steps to ensure that Taiwan would be ceded to Japan under the eventual peace treaty and that they were well placed militarily to occupy the island."
-3 ( +0 / -3 )
Posted in: Japanese gov't spokesman calls for officials to review ties with Unification Church See in context
In any religion, there are good guys and there are bad guys. First thing first, they all need followers to build up their wealth. They need to get paid too and they get a lot. What to do with the extra money "legally?" They can benefit or influence the society for the better and worse!
-1 ( +0 / -1 )
Posted in: China, Japan officials meet amid Taiwan tensions See in context
We all know this expression: divide and conquer. So we had East Germany and West Germany; North Vietnam and South Vietnam. No more. They reunited for the better or worse. We still have North Korean and South Korea, Mainland China and Taiwan. India became India and Pakistan. USSR became Russia, etc. Imagine all these countries re-unite!
-5 ( +0 / -5 )
Posted in: Japan marks 77th anniversary of end of World War II See in context
The British general had no choice but to retreat or surrender when the Japanese came. England preferred to watch Hitler instead. England gave up Asia. The focus of Japan was to get China. It conquered the smaller neighboring countries to enslave them to help build up the momentum. Don't forget. There was a total of 8 western countries trying to divide and own China since the Ching Dynasty. They already got to Korea while Japan moved into Korea and took it.
-2 ( +3 / -5 )
Posted in: Japan marks 77th anniversary of end of World War II See in context
The world has come to recognize the horror of the Holocaust. Japan should remember at least the "Rape of Nanjing," 20,000 mostly women and children raped and another 200,000 males butchered by the Japanese soldiers. The dead bodies were dumped into Yangtze River and the water tuned red. The atomic bomb was intended to quickly stop the war.
-3 ( +13 / -16 )
Posted in: McDonald's to start reopening restaurants in Ukraine See in context
There is a war in front of you. You need food. You want all the glucose, cholesterols, triglycerides, and extra sodium. You don't know when your food supply chain stops. Enjoy your burgers and fries!
0 ( +1 / -1 )
Posted in: Ricoh releases GR IIIx Urban Edition with stylish metallic gray body See in context
136,800 yen is a little over US$1000. Well, it is a camera as opposed to a phone camera. However, a phone can share pictures with friends immediately.
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Posted in: Toyota set to lead global sales in Jan-June for 3rd year in row See in context
I am driving my 4th Toyota!
0 ( +0 / -0 )
Posted in: Japan, South Korea foreign ministers agree to improve ties See in context
Japan will be troubled forever over historical invasion in the neighboring countries, most notably Korea and China. Denying the Japanese invasion is the same as denying the Holocaust in Europe. Japan needs the US to be on her side; and the US wants Japan. The US wants Okinawa forever. In college, I befriended with a few Japanese students and a few Korean students born in Japan. They did not seem to know too much about the Sino-Japanese war, but they were eager to hear more about it.
-5 ( +0 / -5 )
Posted in: Unification Church says Abe shooter's mother is follower See in context
Good people do good things. Bad people do bad things. When good people want to do bad things, they need religion.
-1 ( +2 / -3 )
Posted in: Shinzo Abe murder suspect: What we know See in context
Good people do good things. Bad people do bad thing. When good people want to do bad things, they need religion.
0 ( +0 / -0 )
Posted in: Japan hosts military symposium that U.S. hopes will help contain China See in context
@Desert Tortoise. Thank you for your insight. I have heard similar family horror experience. God bless.
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Posted in: Japan hosts military symposium that U.S. hopes will help contain China See in context
@Strangeland. I am just stating the obvious facts. I am not communist. Do you think Bruce Lee could fight 100 gangsters? Maybe. There is a second batch of 100. Now what? Hong Kong is getting bullied by China. What did any western country do to help Hong Kong?
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Posted in: Japan hosts military symposium that U.S. hopes will help contain China See in context
Everyone knows Taiwan is a province of China. It is a civil war that has not ended yet. China says it is an internal affair and it is testing the water to see what the US would do. Taiwan needs the US to help it. The US is getting all the neighboring countries to gang up on China. It is a proxy war against China without fighting China directly. In the meantime, the US will sell a lot of weapons to these countries and it will probably keep Okinawa for a few more decades. China may not have any impressive weapons. But it can overwhelm Taiwan in a matter of days by sheer numbers. What if China fires 100 missiles towards the US 7th fleet? I am talking about overwhelming the 7th Fleet with basic missiles by a huge number. A US colonel wrote a paper on this basic strategy.
-2 ( +1 / -3 )
Posted in: Japan hopeful of sharing military intelligence again with S Korea See in context
The US will probably sell weapons to Japan, South Korea, India and Australia. And Biden wants to keep Okinawa for another 50 years. OK. Good deal for the U.S.
1 ( +3 / -2 )
Posted in: Gov't to fight damages suit filed by family of dead Sri Lankan See in context
It should have been an easy open-and-close case. I blame the immigration office for not deporting the illegal person immediately, thus creating more trouble for themselves. It is not uncommon that a detainee in a US detention center dies while in custody or waiting! A detainee is not in the jail system yet, i.e. not incarcerated. Once a person is in the system, he/she will get meals, medical and dental checkup, and ... schooling or vocational training. I did the computer programming for a jail and therefore I know it. It was unfortunate that this woman had a medical issue. Who will pay for the autopsy? I can imagine this is true in all countries.
-2 ( +1 / -3 )
Posted in: Kishida, Marcos agree to strengthen ties See in context
The Marcos family has tons of money for private investment in Japan. Don't ask how they got the money in such a not-so-rich country. Make friends. Take the money. The Filipino maids are educated, even on college level. Bring them in. They will also tutor the kids English, the Filipino kind though if you don't mind.
1 ( +1 / -0 )
Posted in: U.S., Japan must boost deterrence as China learns lessons from Russia See in context
Biden to Fumio Kishida: you are in! Do what I say. But first, let me have Okinawa. We will put more Marines there to protect you! Hahaha.
-1 ( +0 / -1 )
Posted in: Japan urges China to 'play responsible role' on Ukraine crisis See in context
Kyo wa heiwa dayo ne
The Pope is not part of the UN. I am pointing out that he is not even speaking much for his own flock in China and now Hong Kong! The Pope does not want any trouble with China. Condemning the war in Ukraine is easy to do as long as you are not getting pulled into it.
0 ( +0 / -0 )
Posted in: China blasts U.S., Japan rhetoric ahead of Quad summit See in context
Perhaps Japan was pressured by the Quad to say what it said to China.
-2 ( +1 / -3 )
Posted in: Japan urges China to 'play responsible role' on Ukraine crisis See in context
No one really cares about the Uighurs. Did anyone say anything about the Catholic church in China, especially the government version of it?! Even the Pope is not saying much if anything at all.
-1 ( +2 / -3 )
Posted in: In a haze of disinfectant, China struggles with invisible enemy See in context
The party leaders say: spray everywhere. Would the doctors and scientists there say: no?
1 ( +1 / -0 )
How dare anyone gamble on things beside boat racing, motorcycle racing and bicycle racing!
Posted in: Record number of online casino users detected by Japan police in 2024
Posted in: TikTok returns to Apple and Google app stores in U.S.
Posted in: Osaka Expo preparations hit home stretch with 2 months left until opening
Posted in: U.S. Space Force to beef up Japan unit amid growing threat in region