Japan Today

Angel Uresti comments

Posted in: Tokyo government to launch dating app to boost birthrate See in context

Yes, of course, because the low birth rate is related to not have an app that requires to provide extensive personal information. No, the issue is not the struggling economy, the lack of housing, the extra long working hours that don't left time and energy to socialize, and of course the culture that demands that the women left everything to become just house wives, dropping years of study and experience.

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Posted in: Swarmed with tourists, town blocks off popular Mount Fuji viewing spot See in context

I understood the locals, the tourists could be annoying. But really Japan? That was your solution, no built a lookout, you can set stores down and built a roof garden, charge for the photo and maybe set a bar or cafe to watch Fuji San and the Lawson.

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Posted in: Kishida to unveil measures to protect Amazon rainforest during Brazil visit See in context

@Daniel Neagiri, no in the long term, in the very short term. If the Brazilians improve their agricultural technologies and stop deforesting, it will have an immediate impact in the world and Japan is part of the world regardless of whatever any people think. Another issue are the cattle farm that have a double impact deforesting and disposing their waste in the Amazon river, this is causing that the river has a lot of extra nutrients that ends feeding the seaweed sea and is a huge problem not just for the turism in all the Caribbean, but an excess of seaweed retains more heat and kill a lot of undersea flora affecting the climate change and all the ecosystem, and this again affect all the world including Japan.

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Posted in: Court orders gov't to hand over Aum founder remains to daughter See in context

This is a hard one, by one side you're denying the final rest to a human being that has already pay with his life for his crimes. But in other his rests can be weaponized. I will go with the last, as government your main duty is protect to the general population. Make a law that for national securiy in the case of terrorism the remains of the terrorist will be dispersed in open sea and close that possibility.

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Posted in: Tourists banned from private alleys in Kyoto's geisha district See in context

"It's not a theme park" then create a theme park, rearrange some streets and set a zone where the tourist could take pictures in exchange of a payment, you can install performers and increase the consumption. You're living from the tourist make it easy for everyone. Put clearly visible signs that show that you're leaving that zone and not pictures/traspassing is allowing and the you can incur in severe fines including jail. That will reduce greatly the issue and you will only need to deal with just a few tourists that cannot read in any language including its own.

2 ( +6 / -4 )

Posted in: S Korea forced labor victim gets compensation from Japanese firm See in context

All this is just politicians from both sides using the victims to their own benefit. But one point is true, I have never see a honest declaration of the Japanese government assuming the guilty and asking forgiveness. The Japanese goverment keep trying to buring the history and left just the part where they are the victim. Learn from their ally of the time Germany.

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Posted in: Japan complains over S Korea's 'comfort women' ruling See in context

Sadly, this is not about of the victims, current SK politics are using them "Again" as a platform, and they will continue to do it, even when the last one of them is dead. And Japan politics of course are using them too, because pay and give another apology will be pretty easy, but why do that when you can claim that you're protecting the sovereignty of Japan, get your face in the front page and all of this just in exchange for the dignity of the war victims.

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Posted in: Japanese author Haruki Murakami wins Spanish Asturias prize for literature See in context

Murakami the Japanese Gabriel Garcia Marquez, I want to learn japanese just to be able to read his books in their original language.

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Posted in: Fukushima water release stokes fresh fears for fisherman See in context

The water could be safe with the amount of tritium that they will release, but what happens if you consume a fish that growth in that water, the long term effect is something that either corporations and politics never take in consideration, they only think about the next period and the earnings that they can get.

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Posted in: 88-year-old ex-bureaucrat to be referred to prosecutors over fatal car crash See in context

In all the countries must be mandatory to renew the license at least every 5 years and must include a test drive and physical and psychological exam. When I got my first license I was 21 but only 4 years later I started to use glasses, without them my vision is compromised, but for renewing my license I only need to present the previous and pay for the new, that's all, no exams, no test at all. There's no need to be discriminatory to the elders, if people pass the exams then they could drive, if not they must give up and use public transportation.

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Posted in: Judge reprimanded for ‘inappropriate’ tweet concerning abandoned dog case See in context

People forget that if you are in a power position you are not anymore just a civilian, you are the representation of the authority, your comments have by far more weight and can have legal consequences.

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