Japan Today

Angela M. Kikuchi Kneale comments

Posted in: Toyo Tire unveils airless tire See in context

Could we see the tires driven over nails and sharp objects?

What happens?

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Posted in: Japan nudges wary firms to invest in Russia to help resolve islands dispute See in context

Russia and Japan should return the Islands to the indigenous family people. These islands should not be in the hands of either country. Yet, protection rights can be applied. Outsider intervention has always been the issue of conflict as the local population has been forced to contend with all nations with interest. If the indigenous areas remain so, and out of the hands of other nations;- peaceable trade can still be maintained.

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Posted in: As Duterte embraces China, Abe set to roll out warm welcome See in context

It's difficult to be of any Asian nationality and side with constant generational USA grade-school taunts. Those taunts are inspiration for some to harm Asia to gain favor and special status in the USA and for others to unite with Asia and admonish the septic throne of US opinion and policy.

Please help unite Asia.

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Posted in: Osaka train driver apologizes to Japanese passengers for ‘having many foreigners’ on board See in context

Japan should do better service for foreign English speakers and provide a car for special service.

Americans generally talk about raping Japanese women and taking our money (from men) and from women they call Japanese men dumb J's and take their money I experienced this throughout USA even as a dual US/Japanese citizen who is fluent in English. I can't imagine other non-Asian nation people are much different as it has not been my experience outside of a few NY friends who have been overall lousy with the anti-Japanese behavior as well. I think that Japan should make a English speaking cars so that Foreigners can have help to go to their destinations. America discriminates despite their laws and does not provide translators for Japanese women even in New York State, Philadelphia, and Washington, DC. Even here in Hawaii, there are people who track Japanese women visitors and our phones and harass us because they think it's acceptable to do so and will not have punishment.

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Posted in: Anti-whaling activist Watson tells U.S. court: 'We're not pirates' See in context

It seems Paul Watson has taken the act of valuing a life to the highest form of criticism, acknowledgement, and acclaim. Without being muddled by politics and capitalist interests;- In and of itself, I admire this.

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