Posted in: Caution urged as botched insect pest control sparks fires in Japan See in context
Today 11:15 am JST
Killing them with fire is the only way to be sure
Obviously you don't know how an ant colony works.
All you are going to do is roast a few ants on top.
The colony deep underground and the queen will not be affected.
0 ( +3 / -3 )
Posted in: Vance doesn't back away from false claims about migrants in Ohio even amid threats to the community See in context
Just how many Haitians have arrived here remains unclear. Estimated at as many as 20,000 in the letter Vance read to Powell, city officials have since cut that to between 12,000 and 15,000 based on driver's license and state identification data.
Note how they "cut " the number based on "driver's licence and stare database"
Now do all the new arrivals have a car and or a driver's license?
Do the children?
So this seems clearly to be an attempt at political misleading.
If there are 15,000 that got driver's licences then we can logically deduce that there are another several thousands that did not and don't drive.
-6 ( +0 / -6 )
Posted in: Vance doesn't back away from false claims about migrants in Ohio even amid threats to the community See in context
Today 11:54 am JST
> I am sure there have been a few incidences but not some great epidemic, but more to the point and problem is the sudden placing of 20,000 Migrants
> There is no "sudden placing of 20,000 migrants".
Well ultra left Reuters disagrees with you.
as many as 15,000 other immigrants from Haiti over roughly the last three years has reshaped this city of 58,000,
Just how many Haitians have arrived here remains unclear. Estimated at as many as 20,000 in the letter Vance read to Powell, city officials have since cut that to between 12,000 and 15,000 based on driver's license and state identification data.
Facts again not feelings
-6 ( +1 / -7 )
Posted in: Vance doesn't back away from false claims about migrants in Ohio even amid threats to the community See in context
Not actually false but not as widespread as they make it out to be.
All on has to do is look up police body cam footage and other videos.
This is not new or isolated or even just Haitians.
In my home city and influx of Easter Europeans got news because they were catching and eating the pigeons (which surprisingly at the time turned out not to be illegal).
I am sure there have been a few incidences but not some great epidemic, but more to the point and problem is the sudden placing of 20,000 Migrants in a town of around 58,000, the sudden population increase is far too much for any community to handle.
Who in their right mind would think increasing the population by that much was a good idea?
-6 ( +2 / -8 )
Posted in: Caution urged as botched insect pest control sparks fires in Japan See in context
Who in their right mind uses fire to kill ants or hornets, etc..?
You go to the home centre buy ant gel, hornet nest spray, etc... If it is in your vegetable garden, then multiple non toxic to pet and children alternatives are available like Diatomaceous Earth powder good for roaches ants etc.. plant based Japanese traditional persimmon based powders and a lot more.
It always surprises me how people come up with stupid ideas instead of just going to the home center or garden center and asking.
0 ( +2 / -2 )
Posted in: Thousands in France protest 'rape culture' See in context
The irony here is that in the West Women are the ones that support more the far left that support being light on crime.
It is seriously strange.
Example: some man (possibly more than one) was going around New York City, punching women in the face, when the police caught the guy, he was released on a no cash bail the same day.
And then women complained.
In France it is no difference, women's groups are more likely to support the political policies and parties that are for leniency on crime.
So because they cannot blame the criminal system being lenient due to their support for these policies, well they need something or someone not connected to them to blame so they invented "rape culture".
Maybe they should back more strict laws and proper sentencing and more "punishment" during in incarceration and worry less about the "right and dignity" of criminals.
0 ( +6 / -6 )
Posted in: Thousands in France protest 'rape culture' See in context
Geeter Mckluskie
Today 01:51 pm JST
justifications such as "they are kafir" and as such are open season for rape...
OK I am sensing a little Islamic phobia here!
Again you take a fringe group just like these people and try smearing an entire group that does not believe or accept what this fringe group does or is doing.
So seeing most serial killers are white Caucasian males, then your logic means all white Caucasian males are serial killers or support serial killers.
-4 ( +3 / -7 )
Posted in: Thousands in France protest 'rape culture' See in context
Geeter Mckluskie
Today 01:27 pm JST
Rape culture is an invented thing trying to vilify all men as if men all think this is OK.
> I don't think all men are on board with the grooming gangs in the UK...but it clearly is a culture
Using that "logic" then where are the protests on general criminal gangs culture, street gangs culture, drug gangs culture, etc....
Taking a fringe group and trying to claim it is a culture is crazy, because in that case we could call any thing a culture.
These are criminals plain and simple.
Nothing to do with culture.
Culture isn't something people hide, but they do openly like in daily cooking, dress, festivals, etc...
A simple question, how many men do you know or have known that would do something like this guy or think what he did is OK?
Personally I am old and I don't know any and if I did I would report them to the authorities.
3 ( +9 / -6 )
Posted in: Thousands in France protest 'rape culture' See in context
Sorry but calling this rape culture would be like claiming the crimes of Jeffrey Dahmer were part of a " serial killer and cannibalistic" culture.
Rape culture is an invented thing trying to vilify all men as if men all think this is OK.
The reality is that the vast vast vast majority of men know sexual assault is wrong and never ever do it.
There is a tiny portion that don't care, they know very well it is wrong and that is why they hide what they are doing.
No different than the vast majority of people know killing is wrong, stealing is wrong, assault (no sexual) is wrong, etc..but they do it anyway.
But we don't go around claiming "murder culture" " theft culture" etc....
10 ( +20 / -10 )
Posted in: Canada in talks about joining expanded AUKUS See in context
Today 02:33 am JST
AntiquesavingToday 01:26 am JST
> So maybe China but the 8 million Ukrainian calling themselves Canadian pull a lot of vote power Trudeau can't afford to lose.
> This is a good thing as resisting the disgusting savagery being visited on Ukraine today is more important than past nonsense.
Sure if you support people that support and accept ethnic cleansing.
Because those are the people these Ukrainian in Canada see as heroes.
Nice to know you are fine with ethnic cleansing as long as it happened before.
-8 ( +0 / -8 )
Posted in: Canada in talks about joining expanded AUKUS See in context
Today 12:51 am JST
> Trudeau is motivated to protect the parliamentarians working for China and China because Chinese money and interference got him elected
He is also motivated by not upsetting Freeland and her very powerful Ukrainian community. Her grandfather was Michael Chomiak who was a collaborator writing propaganda for the Germans in Warsaw, she supports OUN/UPA and defends Roman Shukhevych who is lionized by some for his fight for Ukrainian independence against pre war Poland by UPA massacres of Polish women and children.
So maybe China but the 8 million Ukrainian calling themselves Canadian pull a lot of vote power Trudeau can't afford to lose.
-5 ( +2 / -7 )
Posted in: Canada in talks about joining expanded AUKUS See in context
Today 12:17 am JST
Balances have shifted sharply since 2022, and even Canada realizes it must do something. Purchase orders are in for F-35 fighters, P-8 poseidon patrol craft and more on the shopping list.
Let me remind you.
Canada ordered new naval ship in 2014 and canceled after paying million and not even being able to agree where they would be built.
Canada ordered the F-35 jets and yep you can already guess it canceled that deal also losing millions is cancelation penalties.
Then it ordered and then cancelled Super Hornets costing another load of millions in penalties.
This is a recurring thing for over a decade and a half if not more.
-7 ( +1 / -8 )
Posted in: Canada in talks about joining expanded AUKUS See in context
Sep. 14 11:36 pm JST
Well is it China?
CSIS never said what countries, CBC was the one that started the speculation it was China and India.
But if it was then Trudeau would have no reason to protect them, well at least no reason to protect those supposedly helping China.
But with the history of Canada covering up past Ukrainian stuff, all the China talk could easily be a diversion and why Trudeau is so reluctant to expose the 11.
Remember with 8 million that call themselves UKRAINIAN "canadian" that often show more loyalty to Ukraine than Canada, this is not far outside the possibility.
With the nearly 80 year cover-up of 2,000 to 3,000 Ukrainians that helped Germany and even fought in German uniforms that were let in to Canada with the help of the Ukrainian community and with the again with the Deschênes Commission report on war criminals being classified and refusing to release it to the public.
So was it China, India, Ukraine, or just one of them all of them, some of them, either way, something in Trudeau's government stinks.
-7 ( +1 / -8 )
Posted in: Canada in talks about joining expanded AUKUS See in context
Today 05:09 pm JST
. Canada is also a very dependable Arctic power.
Need to update that idea.
Canada was once but not anymore.
Canadian Army says new military sleeping bags not suitable for 'typical Canadian winter'
Despite the defence department spending more than $34.8 million on new sleeping bags, the Canadian Army asked late last year that hundreds of soldiers headed to a joint northern exercise in Alaska with the Americans be issued with old, 1960s-vintage bedrolls.
And I wish this was a rare occurrence, but sadly it is now the norm.
The government bought computer systems, turned out " not suitable" for the military needs, bought ships again "Not suitable for Canadian climate".
They even bought rifles that were not suitable for arctic winters.
They ordered new helicopters, signed the contract then found out the helicopters they ordered were not the suitable Version for Canadian winter conditions and the modifications to make them suitable was more expensive than buy new different models.
So they cancelled the order paid million in penalties, said they would order new different ones and didn't.
Watching the Canadian government in recent years is like watching a bad sitcom.
-6 ( +4 / -10 )
Posted in: Canada in talks about joining expanded AUKUS See in context
Today 07:43 pm JST
Isabelle , America do not care about your survival,as an American I do look for the US military to protect me, because that not their role,you foreigner are on your own as regard to China
Obviously you don't know much about the world or geography.
The USA cares a lot and especially about Canada because it is the first line of defense ( look up NORAD) from attack via the Arctic and if you knew geography, Alaska depends on ground access through Canada.
So the majority of the USA early warning system for the norther USA is all stationed in Canada and dependant on Canadian cooperation.
But it doesn't surprise me Americans are clueless about this.
-3 ( +6 / -9 )
Posted in: Canada in talks about joining expanded AUKUS See in context
Today 07:02 pm JST
@Antiquesaving perhaps you just missed the 27% increase in the defense budget for this year and that the budget will triple in the next 3-4 years.
Nope didn't miss it,
But perhaps you didn't understand the following
The government promise to replace these has now been rolled back again with the government now saying it will temporarily buy "off the shelf" tucks and pick-ups ti fill the gap.
This was just announced on September 7th.
Basically as usual the Canadian government makes a big budget announcement, then quietly pull out or reduces it
So the 1600 new armored and light armored personnel carriers is now to be decided at a "later date" and the purchase of
424 off-the-shelf trucks at a cost of $45 million CND.
The budget for 1600 APC was supposed to be $495 million, but the cost then became $ 750 million and is now $1 billion.
So the entry project was put off to some unknown date.
The reason?
Roshel's Senator armoured cars have become the preferred choice of the embattled Ukrainian military,
And those made for the Canadian military were given to Ukraine and because of the demand and politics, the Trudeau government is prioritizing Ukraine and the money promised in the big budget announcement was quietly diverted to buying equipment for Ukraine.
And you can bet that as the year progresses more and more things will quietly be cut.
I personally doubt the claim Canada will triple its defense spending in 3 or 4 years.
On that you are more than likely right.
One thing about the Canadian government and especially the Trudeau government. It is famous for making big announcements and claims then pulling out rolling back or just not doing what is says it will and that goes double when it comes to the military.
New purchase of ships, announced, I can remember that being done over a decade ago, then nothing and then cancelled, the same for new jet fighters ordered, cancelled, then once the old CF-18 started crashing because they were way past Operational life, Canada scrambled to buy used Australian jets, the same with the sea kings etc...
Budget after budget, announcement after announcement, cancelation after cancelation, delay after delay. Nothing gets done.
-9 ( +2 / -11 )
Posted in: Canada in talks about joining expanded AUKUS See in context
This has to be a joke!
Canada's military is depleted, a population near 40 million but it can barely get and retain 60,000 ( in 1989 population 26 million it had 88,000 strong military) it is over 15,000 personnel below what is considered minimum operational minimum.
The navy pulled out of it's agreed upon west Africa patrolling because " the ships do not have the minimum needed experienced personnel" ships are routinely sent out undermanned by as much a 40%.
Its air force is flying used jets bought from Australia, used helicopters leased from multiple places because the majority of the air force's own helicopters our out dated and unsafe to fly.
Used British submarines.
The government has commandeered or cannibalized the military for its vehicles APC, etc..long over due and needed to replace outdated equipment, and gave it all to Ukraine.
The government promise to replace these has now been rolled back again with the government now saying it will temporarily buy "off the shelf" tucks and pick-ups ti fill the gap.
It is more like Canada needs to join because it has nothing left to defend itself.
-6 ( +7 / -13 )
Posted in: Driver's license info to be integrated with My Number cards from March See in context
Wow the paranoia is high.
Back home, no national ID. but the provincial health care system is fully centralised, people were going on and on about privacy, big Brother, government intrusion, etc... but now no one would want it rolled back.
Du to a unified data base, with the physical card in hand and the correct terminal, any doctor can look up a person's history, see what medication they are taking, past test results, etc...done anywhere in the province, pharmacies can check what medication you are on, what medication you previously have taken, what you may have had adverse reactions to, etc.. meaning people are no longer limited to going to the same place all the time to avoid possible problems.
I would love the my number card with health insurance included to eventually include a central data base where my doctor can access everything from every hospital I have been treated.
Right now if she wants my CT scan results from the hospital, she has to give me a written request, I have to go to that hospital and give the request in and wait, then pay the hospital for my own information on a CD or sometimes printed paper. Then I need to go back to my doctor and give her all the stuff I got from the hospital.
I got sick in Kyoto, I live in Tokyo, great, the hospital had no way of getting my medical history except what I could tell them, so spent hours there without anyone daring to do anything until my doctor's office opened the next morning.
After they could get my medical information it took just one hour to give the needed treatment and I was released.
I say bring on the modern era, national data base, online driver's license renewal, unified systeme etc...
-2 ( +2 / -4 )
Posted in: Driver's license info to be integrated with My Number cards from March See in context
Today 02:20 pm JST
You haven't seen my picture though that I'm stuck with for another 8 years T_T
> I should have taken this thing more seriously haha, oh well
Well I for one like mine, I still had my hair in the front, hahaha.
0 ( +3 / -3 )
Posted in: Driver's license info to be integrated with My Number cards from March See in context
Today 01:15 pm JST
Only reason Gold is good is that you have to go to the stupid centre every 5 years instead of 3 and the video session is much shorter. If it's online renewal,
Actually not the only reason.
First the cost of renewal, in one case you pay every 3 years the other every 5 years so divide it by the numbers of years and you are saving money.
But more importantly is insurance, a gold license will get you cheaper car insurance and that is around ¥10,000 per year in my case.
So it pays to have the gold.
-4 ( +2 / -6 )
Posted in: Driver's license info to be integrated with My Number cards from March See in context
Today 12:57 pm JST
Can I change my picture easily on my my number card then? I don't want to have to show my embarrassing photo that I took after just waking up with messy hair to go to the city ward office to go collect my 20,000 myna points during their campaign. Didn't think I needed to be serious with this card but it looks like I may be using it after all.
That isn't so bad, at least when it expires you will be able to change it, unlike crazy places like Canada where my ex brother in law became a citizen as a toddler and his citizenship card has no expiry date and he is still using that card 50 years later as ID to get his passport etc...
Just goes to show, despite complaints about Japan there is always someplace doing something worse or stranger.
-6 ( +1 / -7 )
Posted in: Driver's license info to be integrated with My Number cards from March See in context
Today 10:14 am JST
It is illegal for all other businesses to write down the number or photocopy the card.
> Not the whole card. It's forbidden to copy the back of the card, which is really just reiterating that it's forbidden to copy the number.
> The front, however, can be used as a general-purpose identification and can be photocopied by anyone with permission of the card holder
It is possible, but if that is so then someone should inform the Tokyo police because the latest 古物商許可証 seminar and information booklet says you can Copy the information of name address etc...but not the number and no photocopy of either side of the card.
The booklet is dated February 2024.
But honestly I wouldn't be surprised if the booklet is incorrect, it wouldn't be the first time.
-1 ( +4 / -5 )
Posted in: Driver's license info to be integrated with My Number cards from March See in context
Today 10:17 am JST
> The info on MY Number is minimal and uses a different law than immigration. The renewal periods are also different.
> The expiration date of the MyNa card is typically set to match that of the Residence card.
> MyNa shouldn't be valid after one's residency has expired.
For those in a work or spouse Visa etc...the My number card expires at the same time as their visa.
If you renew your Visa you need to go in and update the my number card.
It is not valid past the date of someone's legal period of stay.
-4 ( +1 / -5 )
Posted in: Driver's license info to be integrated with My Number cards from March See in context
I find it interesting that so many foreigners make a big deal about the my number card.
Most western countries despite their claims of not having a national ID card system actually do but they somehow claim it isn't.
Example, the USA and Canada claim they don't, but in reality they do they are the social security number card and the social insurance number card respectively.
These are required by law inorder to get a job and file taxes, similar ID/numbers are required throughout Europe.
Now granted these 2 cards in Canada and the USA don't have photos and are not used for health insurance or driver's license, but they are a defacto national ID needed to get government services, get a passport, work, etc ..
-5 ( +4 / -9 )
Posted in: Driver's license info to be integrated with My Number cards from March See in context
While the Japanese government is planning to scrap health insurance cards in December 2024 by integrating them with My Number cards, people will be able to continue holding separate driver's licenses.
A little clarification is needed.
By "Able" do they actually mean "will" or is it an option to only have the my number card?
This is important, because under the present rules/law only very limited places are legally permitted to note down the my number card information, those are government offices and financial institution/banks.
It is illegal for all other businesses to write down the number or photocopy the card.
This is why hospitals and doctor's offices have the little scanner for the card and they cannot manually input the information, they actually never have the card number.
Pawn shops, recycle shops are by law required to verify sellers ID and driver's license is the main form of ID used often making a photocopy or noting down the information including the driver's license number, but it is strictly forbidden to photocopy the my number card or note down the number.
This would apply also to places that rent cars, tools etc... car rental companies make a copy of your driver's license, if having only the my number card is an option then what will these places do, they can look at the card but they cannot make a copy or note down the number for their records.
I am curious how this will work.
-3 ( +3 / -6 )
Posted in: Weight loss drug safe, effective for under-12 kids: study See in context
Here is something interesting.
Asians from Japan, China and South Korea that immigrate to north America, have low obesity and low cardiovascular problems, by the first generation born in North America they are near equal with the rest of the north American society and develope coronary problems and obesity by the 2nd generation they are at the same levels as the non Asians.
This is due to the fact the immigrant generation continues eating like they did in the country of birth but later generations end up eating the same junk as the non Asian population.
In other words, prepared food, high cholesterol, fat, calories etc...
Japan the average daily calorie intake is 1,900 to 2200 but in North America and Europe it is 3500.
1 ( +8 / -7 )
Posted in: Mount Fuji crowds shrink after overtourism measures implemented See in context
Alan Bogglesworth
Today 06:46 am JST
suggest higher prices for foreigners or erect barriers so people can’t see Mt Fuji or blame tourists for “the rice shortage”.
It is all fake xenophobic junk to either scam money or distract from government failures.
Mount Fuji is the perfect example 2023 they started complaining about over tourism.
But with the exception of 2020 and 21 when the mountain was basically closed.
2023 at 223,0000 was the second lowest number of climbers in 17 years with 2007: 350,000 2008: 430,000, 2009: 300,000
-3 ( +1 / -4 )
Posted in: Mount Fuji crowds shrink after overtourism measures implemented See in context
As usual, seems people don't like facts.
I am waiting to see the explanation or defense of the "over tourism" claim that *triggered the alarm " all the previous years (except during the pandemic) had tens of thousands to over a hundred thousand more than in 2023 and no "alarm" no "over tourism ".
-8 ( +7 / -15 )
Posted in: Mount Fuji crowds shrink after overtourism measures implemented See in context
Today 06:01 pm JST
Is there any reliable survey done on "foreign visitors coming to Japan and climbing Mt. Fuji is on their to do list"?
Of course not, it was all fake and a cash grab attempt by the prefectures.
Over tourism!
2023 has slightly more than half the number of climbers in 2008 and no one said anything then.
2023 has 30,000 to 210,000 fewer than than the 12 years prior to the pandemic no complaints then.
Suddenly foreigners arrive and now it is a problem.
-7 ( +9 / -16 )
Posted in: Mount Fuji crowds shrink after overtourism measures implemented See in context
Next we will be hearing from vendors complaining about lost revenue.
compared to more than 200,000 the previous year and before the pandemic.
So no "over tourism" before the pandemic when it was mostly Japanese and the same number of people.
So basically this was a money grab attempt by the prefectures.
It is shocking how not a single news service questioned the claims of over tourism.
Here are some numbers
2023: 223,000
2007: 350,000
2008: 430,000
2009: 300,000
2012: 320,000
2013: 310,000
Between 2014 and 2019 between 235,000 and 277,000
So somehow 223,000 in 2023 triggered alarms?
Or was it the ethnicity of those 223,000 that triggered the alarm?
Only during the pandemic was the number below that of 2023 every year before that the numbers were far higher.
Something just doesn't smell right!
-6 ( +11 / -17 )
Posted in: Trump says 'I hate Taylor Swift!' in Truth Social post
Posted in: Trump says 'I hate Taylor Swift!' in Truth Social post
Posted in: Opposition leadership hopefuls say snap general election poses risks
Posted in: Do you think adopting a four-day workweek could help boost Japan’s falling birthrate?