Posted in: Women forced into prostitution in WW2 hope for apology from Japan See in context
I think war is disgusting and almost every country has had their share of atrocities. The solution is not just the apology but how they do it that counts. From the beginning of time rape, murder and other atrocities have been committed by various countries around the world here's a list! No Gun Ri, Korea My Lai, Vietnam Abu Ghraib, Iraq Hiditha, Iraq Atomic boming of Japan American Prison Camps used against Asian Americans German Prison camps used against the Jews The Crusades The Spanish Inquisitions The Armenian Genoside The North American Genocide The Ku Klux Klan Murders The 30 Years war Northern Ireland Conflict The French war of Religion The Maya Sacrifice The Bosnian Genocide The Tasmanian Genocide North Korea If people were educated the right way there would be less hatred and conflicts that cause so many casualties. What do I mean by educated the right way? History has taught us to hate each other based on colour, religion and geography. To truly understand each other is our mission and if we cannot then we are all doomed! Waiting for the next war or conflict so that we can release the angel of hatred and death to do its evil. So it looks as if the world deserves an apology .
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Posted in: 40 dog carcasses found in Tochigi river See in context
I think that it's very hard to make a judgment at the present time. Everyone's presumptions are natural and need to be assessed as the facts are yet to be determined. When we know the facts then we can decide. In the mean time don't get excited and frustrated.
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Posted in: N Korea calls Abe 'militarist maniac' See in context
Better than feeding your uncle to dogs and constantly being abusive towards the rest of the world. Japan has a right to protect itself from crazier nations. Why not even Germany has a military. I think that they should all grow up and be a little more productive.
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The cost to the taxpayer of prisons is enormous. It is silly for someone to think that 30000 yen a…
Posted in: There are even people who say they will pay 20,000 or 30,000 yen if they can live here forever
Posted in: Letters From Japan: 'We’re dating, but he won’t let me call him my boyfriend. Is something wrong?'
Posted in: Osaka woman causes 8 separate traffic accidents in 35 minutes
Posted in: Japan wage growth gathers steam as reluctant retailers raise pay