Japan Today

antsjnr76 comments

Posted in: Blatter apologizes for referee errors; says FIFA will reopen debate on video tech See in context

This guys a proper tool. No wonder soccer is losing fans worldwide.

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Posted in: Portugal pulverizes North Korea 7-0 as N Korea broadcasts game live See in context

The two players born here probably couldn't make the south korean team anyway. Why the Japanese govt. puts up with these north Korean schools here is beyond me. If they love their beloved leader and country so much then they can bugger off back there. The same goes to anyone who diss a country that they have moved to. Born in Iraq, move to England but diss the English laws and community then bugger off back to Iraq.

Bloody glad to see the DPRK get their butts kicked. Any leader who lets 2,000,000 of his people starve whilst he lives in the lap of luxuary needs a bullet.

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Posted in: Petraeus to face soldier complaints over war rules See in context

There's a thing called fire dicipline boys. The US forces have always been poor in that regard. Its alway put as much lead down range and let god sort them out. Target identification is a foreign concept to US forces except the elite like the seals, Green berets and Delta.

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Posted in: Some wives wish their husbands would hurry up and drop dead. See in context

Society is to blame where the men are expected to work those stupidly long hours. Yes some men go to bars etc but surely not all. Is that why more and more Japanese women are marrying foreigners?

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Posted in: ANA to offer women-only lavatories on international routes See in context

Have it like public toilets, Mens' signs and womens. Women use the womens, Men use the mens. As soon as the waiting line to use the womens gets past ten, they will realize how stupid an idea this is.

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Posted in: 'Hurt Locker' producer barred from Oscars See in context

To say that it is the best war film ever is going a bit far. But yes, it was an excellent film that deserves due credit. One bone of contention in the film though was the sniper ambush. There is no way that guy would have hit the enemy at that range without training. He was just WAGing.

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Posted in: U.S. veterans land on Iwo Jima to mark anniversary See in context

A place where uncommon valor was common. For both the Japanese and the U.S. Marines who gave the last full measure, it is we that survive because of your sacrifice are the grateful ones. Least we forget.

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Posted in: How to get the best seat on the plane and hold it See in context

Sucks being a big guy and not having the money to upgrade. I get the aisle seat just so that I dont have to climb over people when my legs cramp up.

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Posted in: The dumbing down of Japanese students See in context

If a kid threw something at me, I would throw it back. Eye for an eye.

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Posted in: Magazine airs anxieties over China's burgeoning economic clout See in context

The Japanese bought up a lot of real estate in Austrilia in the 80,s and the Aussies complained about that too. It all comes down to money over national interests. If a Japanese company can make a hell of a lot of money by selling out to the Chinese then they will and it won't matter about national interest.

As for the Chinese marrying Japanese, well Americans have been doing that since ww2. But more and more chinese women are marrying internationally too so it evens out.

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Posted in: Japan won 5 medals at the Vancouver Winter Olympics. How would you assess the results? See in context

My country didnt win any bloody medals so Japans five medal haul was outstanding by my country's standards

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Posted in: Law may be changed to reduce number of long holiday weekends See in context

If I have vacation days owed, I'm sure as hell going to take them and the company and coworkers can try to make me feel guilty but I aint going to listen.

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Posted in: Japan slow to embrace medical tourism See in context

Bhum rad gard in Thailand is the best for medical tourism. A doctor that speaks your language, half the cost of the US and a holiday thrown in as well. Dental work maybe of a good quality, but how much does it cost? 90,000 yen for an implant, 100,000yen for a bridge?

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Posted in: Some wives wish their husbands would hurry up and drop dead. See in context

And yet there are others who have lost their spouse through natural causes or accidents and wonder how to continue on without their other half. It depends on the situation. Society has to take some of the blame for making husbands work such long hours. Husbands need to be more caring and understanding of their wives, and if wives don't like the way things are then they need to speak out and let their husbands know how they are feeling.

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Posted in: Woman arrested after trying to strangle 1-year-old daughter See in context

Okisufer said it best. Maybe the stress was too much to bear. The law should be forgiving,

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Posted in: The Ultimate Japanese Phrasebook See in context

Isn't the point of learning a second language to broaden ones mind by experiencing another culture? I also speak four languages, (although not fluently) and I have had emmence joy in being able to speak to a Russian in Korean, a japanese in English, a Greek in Japanese and an Italian in Maori.

I was always told that the first words you should learn in a language are the swear words. That way if someone calls you babo, baka or idiot, you can turn around and answer like wise.

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Posted in: Seiko Sports Life See in context

Yes but can it help ne play the trumphet better?

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Posted in: Once-glamorous Ginza going from Park Avenue to Penny Lane See in context

$$$$$$$$$ Who cares if the company stays there for 30 years. Now days its the fly by night mentality that rules. Make the money fast then leave.

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Posted in: The dumbing down of Japanese students See in context

Having read all of the posts (headache) I have come to the conclusion that there is no simple answer. Change is needed. We all agree on that fact. However, change for the sake of change is pointless. Teaching in Korea, China and Japan, I learned several valuable lessons.1) English isn't the best language to learn. 2) Reading and writing Korean is a hell of a lot easier than Japanese or Chinese. 3) The school systems worldwide need to change with the times. 4) Teachers going through university need to be given the skills to deal with today and tomorrows ever changing educational environment.

And to stevecpfc "Thank you, and Good day Sir."

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Posted in: The dumbing down of Japanese students See in context

It's not only the Japanese students that are falling below the curve. The U.S. has had major problems with its education system for years. Reading emails from my cousin is a real task as I can't understand half of the words she uses. Her English grammar is terrible and her spelling worse. Do teacher need to create an entertaining way for the students to learn? Yes of course. But we are not there to entertain but rather to educate. We all remember those of us old enough, sitting in class looking at a blackboard. Computers weren't in the school let alone the classroom. But our teachers still managed to make classes as interesting as they could. And we paid attention. Why? Because they had the power to do something if we were screwing around.

Why don't the countries elected officals give the power back to the teachers. Last week a student threatened to kill me. What could I do? NOTHING. Its the politically correct bullshit that has ruined the school systems world wide. Schools should go back to the cause and effect method. You spit at a teacher, you get detention. You hit a teacher, your expelled. No ifs, no buts.

In regard to students only reading manga or anime, why don't book companies produce interesting comics that can get the student to learn something. The animation "Elemental Hunters" is a great example of this. Viewers learn the periodical elements and they get a story on the side.

We as teachers need to create opportunities for students to learn, not only in the classroom.

Do students study too much? When I worked in Korea, I watched students study 10 to 14 hours a day. The effect of which was students sleeping in class. Its not the amount of study that a student does, but rather the quality.

We also have to remember what it was like as a student and try to sympathize with the students. In today's global environment, it is increasingly more difficult to gain employment in the field we wish. I feel that students dreams are squashed too early. Give them time.

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