Posted in: What makes conspiracy theorists tick and what is the best way to combat their beliefs? See in context
Being only partially educated creates a vacuum easily filled with wishful thinkings and half-baked ideas. This is dangerous primarily among the professional level folks who can defend their crock-pot ideologies with fancy foot-steps and lead the unwary astray.
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Posted in: Flower girl See in context
The impression of the sea of yellow sunflowers will be forever imbedded in her subconscious.
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Posted in: English ability of little advantage for mid-career job seekers See in context
Relative to the history of modernization of Japan, the realization of the need to speak English is new. Japan, as in most areas, is still in a transitional stage in this modernization process. First the reading and writing, which to a native English speaker makes no sense, but to the highly system oriented Japanese, it is a process, the easy phase first. The Japanese will tackle the speaking phase, with bandana tied tightly, in a mad dash to master the speaking phase, when the time is ripe. This is inevitable.
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Posted in: Do you think Japan should cut back its ODA commitments to other countries and allocate the money instead to earthquake and tsunami relief efforts in the Tohoku region? See in context
The answer is “Do both”. “Giving” in itself has a direct positive effect on one’s well being, in this case on the well being of the nation of Japan. The literature is out there on this mysterious process of “Giving”. Also, absolutely, help the quake victims, Give. It’s a win, win.
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Posted in: Obama releases full birth certificate to end controversy See in context
"after-birthers?" is an apt description—they are certainly chewing on it.
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Posted in: Hi Hillary See in context
Powerful women in public eyes can only turn to each other for camaraderie, however brief it may be.
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Posted in: Mother arrested after stuffing bread in 2-year-old son's mouth See in context
Infanticide is as old as human race.
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Posted in: What do you think about the current disclosure of information by the Japanese government and Tokyo Electric Power Co (TEPCO) concerning the stricken Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant complex, comp See in context
Most of us are not equipped, intellectually, to handle truth even if we recognized it, particularly where science and technology is concerned. So, how would we process truth and how would we behave according to our understanding of truth. The danger, of course, is a government that tells you what to think.
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Posted in: What is hell? Book stirs debate about afterlife See in context
If you don’t know exactly what Hell is, you’re in one.
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Posted in: Afghans riot as anti-foreign resentment grows over Quran burning in Florida See in context
When a nation, such as Afghanistan, goes through a state of transformation from an agrarian to an industrialized, the citizens are forced to confront many changes at once, such as we’ve witnessed the West undergo in its transformational stage. The West luckily had centuries of preparation—government, business, education, and all the infrastructure that it takes to nurture a “civil society”. Nations such as Afghanistan are just now doing what you might call “turning on a dime”—impossible without cracks developing everywhere from the stress. What we’re witnessing, the so called “Hatred against US”, is “unorganized creative energy” searching for it’s focus.
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Posted in: What's behind our conflicted feelings on nuclear power? See in context
The fact is that those lucky to be born into families with connections are forgiven many mistakes in life—those born on the wrong side are punished severely for each mistake. Yet, those with capital must have the sweat and blood of the working stiffs—this is a simple economic principle—the rich and the poor need each other. It is better that the poor think well of the rich, or you have what we have in other parts of the globe—civil wars. Best advice for those lucky enough to be lucky—respect the weak and the helpless.
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Posted in: What do you think of the work overalls that Prime Minister Naoto Kan, Chief Cabinet Secretary Yukio Edano, State Minister for Consumer Affairs and Food Safety Renho and other cabinet ministers wear wh See in context
With life beginning to get back to normal for those directly untouched by the disaster, the posts here are getting back to their normal whiney bickering. Ah, can’t beat freedom of speach.
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Posted in: Kan: neither hero nor flop in quake crisis See in context
Mr. Kan should read “The Prince” by Machiavelli. Or, has he already·········?
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Posted in: To rebuild or not? Japan's tsunami coast wonders See in context
When the effects of the shock fade the Japanese will rebuild, no question, if not by the current owners, there’ll be people to buy any sea side real-estates. Heck, Yes!
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Posted in: TEPCO apologizes again and again See in context
Bureaucrats are good at KEEPING their job, not at doing their jobs.
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Posted in: Rainbow of hope for Japan See in context
Mr. Hori clearly is a competent administrator/teacher. Also, KIBOW will be a vital organization in rebuilding Japan. However, becoming a politician is a whole different ball-game. Mr. Hori realizes that that decision must not be made without a thorough-going research. He does indicate, however, answering a question about Japanese leadership, that these crises will begin to winnow out the incompetents.
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Posted in: Chavez accuses opponents of trying to spur Libya-like uprising in Venezuela See in context
People unhappy with Japanese political comedy must be yearning for Libya, Venezuela type of politics. Perhaps yo’ll can move there and harangue.
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Posted in: Speaking 2 languages may delay getting Alzheimer's See in context
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Posted in: Big labor's last stand in the U.S. See in context
Unions did not cause the financial disaster of ’08 and ’09, but neither do Unions help the recovery process. Politicians will ultimately negotiate and compromise. Everybody will get something, nobody will get what they really want.
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Posted in: How many Katos are out there, ready to explode in rage? See in context
Life based on science and technology ignores, to its detriment, the inner life of the soul. Not to nourish the soul is to be bereft of what truly makes a person fulfilled.
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Posted in: What do you think of the expression "Galapagos effect," that refers to some Japanese companies that prefer to focus on their domestic market and be less influenced by global technology trends? See in context
Galapagos is just one device out of many out there in Japan. Consumers who choose this cell format are making a free choice, like choosing to wear Kimono.
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Posted in: 'Toilet God' song makes a star of songstress See in context
Let’s make “toilet” the new “water cooler”.
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Posted in: China has some major issues coming See in context
All these posts are very informative and very interesting, but they all lack an overall view, a global view wherein these bits of information tie in to make a larger statement. For instance, China will, just as U.S. has, ultimately be forced to develop a more effective customer relationship awareness. At some point China’s customers will demand a more give-and-take relationship, or take their business elsewhere.
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Posted in: Japan’s current trade fiasco See in context
U.S. farming is a huge agribusiness protected by expensive lawyers in Washington. Any notion of fairness of trade is a fiction. Anyone fly across the U.S.? The sheer vastness of farming land is jaw dropping! Once the FTP is signed, and it will be signed, any semblance of farming will disappear in Japan, like the Dodo bird.
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Posted in: Waiting for a sign See in context
“@knews Could you enlighten us with your religious insights?”
Religious insight is open to all who study it. It doesn’t come to you on a tray. It starts with a desire for the insight, then the search….. The problem is that people don’t know how to seek knowledge.They become their own obstacles.
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Posted in: Waiting for a sign See in context
Why is it that discussions on religion are carried on by people who have no religious insights… would people who have never studied Quantum Theory debate on the theory? The problem is that people assume they “understand” religion when they have no idea what it is to understand religion.
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Posted in: 'The Cove' director fights lawsuit by Japanese scientist See in context
Lack of Release Form will be a critical factor in this lawsuit—once the case is taken over by lawyers its all legalese. Its not looking good the movie director.
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Posted in: Japanese widow, son of Marine closer to immigrating to U.S. See in context
Everything good starts with a positive attitude, which this Mom seems to have already. Only hard work and tenacity will do the rest.
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Posted in: Does J-pop really suck? See in context
What first sticks out as unwieldy and awkward about J-pop is the way words are sung. J-pop singers faithfully enunciate every words clearly and crisply, as if grade schoolers are reading the text in front of the class. One, than, is forced to follow the words rather than the music. In American pop music, the words are almost secondary, or even tertiary; words/voice are just another musical instrument, music making is the primary event. J-pop singers are so focused on form that MUSIC MAKING gets the short shrift. In Art good students make bad artists.
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Posted in: 73-year-old man dies after falling off roof while removing snow from vacant house
Posted in: Musk says he has no plans to acquire TikTok's U.S. operations
i see no reason why we have to worry about. we have american boots on the ground army in…
Posted in: What would happen if Japan is attacked?
Posted in: What would happen if Japan is attacked?