Japan Today

Armel MALEJACQ comments

Posted in: LDP lawmaker drank with 30 people despite virus warnings See in context

Well, shall we start name shaming ? My ex-boss (big Japanese retailer) posted A photo of his staff party in november. About 40 people on that photo. Not a single mask on. And he regularly posts group photos of him with staff memebers. And still not a single mask oin.

6 ( +6 / -0 )

Posted in: Studio Ghibli’s new anime keeping its setting in UK; has official premiere date See in context

Looks dreadful. The reason Ghibli is so successful is because of their aesthetics. This looks nothing like it. Also, another witch story ??? How origininal....

2 ( +2 / -0 )

Posted in: Health officials find 164 dogs crammed into tiny house See in context

"Sagami said the family has agreed to give up the dogs and his group would look for foster homes for them after they got medical care."

Yeah...Sure...Considering how hard it is to adopt a dog here and how reluctant people are to adopt instead of buying a cute little puppy from one of these pet stores we see everywhere, that's more likely 164 dogs going for the gaz chamber.

4 ( +4 / -0 )

Posted in: Tokyo Olympic organizers unveil scaled-back Games plan See in context

Just wait and see how many countries will simply not send any athletes. We're gonna laugh !

6 ( +6 / -0 )

Posted in: Female LDP lawmaker says some women might make false reports of sexual violence See in context

Pukey2 "Sugita Mio is a nasty nasty person"

I agree 200%. I'd go further but my comment would be removed.

7 ( +7 / -0 )

Posted in: Aso warns against rapid rise in the yen See in context

"Especially when we return home"

And a lot are gonna return home....

0 ( +1 / -1 )

Posted in: New virus cases in Tokyo drop to 5; none reported in Osaka See in context

"Wouldn't such high numbers be difficult to hide or misdiagnose in Japan?"

Well, I wonder why they would hide the numbers.... Remember this is a country where one must not lose face, where if you don't talk about an issue, then there's no issue.

2 ( +5 / -3 )

Posted in: New virus cases in Tokyo drop to 5; none reported in Osaka See in context

"True, but it's still a very big difference from what has been reported/confirmed elsewhere, such as the U.S."

I agree, but again, it's all due to the lack of testing ! The situation in hospitals here is unbelievable ! When you see some people who haven't been tested that are still told they only have a cold or the flu and given the medication for that then sent home, you can but wonder about the accuracy of the figures.

2 ( +5 / -3 )

Posted in: New virus cases in Tokyo drop to 5; none reported in Osaka See in context

Only 5 cases reported doesn't equal only 5 cases. Hospitals are still refusing to test most people who haven't been sick for less than 5 Days and they are refusing people who are supposedly infected. How can figures be accurate in these conditions ?

2 ( +4 / -2 )

Posted in: A flood of business bankruptcies in U.S. likely in coming months See in context

It's really hard blow for hard working businesses. But a lot of poorly managed businesses are also gonna use this opportunity to close and file for bankruptcy to avoid paying any of their debts.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

Posted in: Abe declares nationwide state of emergency over virus spread See in context

"citizen" doesn't mean "resident" so all of us who've been working here for years and paying our rents and taxes and health insurance can go to hell, right ?

10 ( +12 / -2 )

Posted in: No. of foreign visitors to Japan plummets 93% in March See in context

Well...duh !!!!

2 ( +2 / -0 )

Posted in: Japan sees record number of 105 suspected animal abuse cases in 2019 See in context

Japan euthanizes 500.000 pets a year. The abuse starts in pet shops. Adopting a pet is beyond impossible here. This is all abuse and needs to change.

4 ( +5 / -1 )

Posted in: What are the worst things about the first year working in a Japanese company? Survey investigates See in context

I worked 10 years for a japanese company t neer fitted in. I left on time, alwas. I said "no" when asked stupid things or given ridiculous deadlines. I watched people in endless pointless meetings ,one in particular where they spent an whole hour discussing the color of a stitching on a garment without anone wanting to make a decision).... 10 years witnessing ridiculous practices. Then one day, on lunch break, I was told my contract was cancelled and that I could leae that ery da. So I did. I didn't question it and was gone in an hour, while other staff members just wondered what was happening. Best thing ever ! I am my own boss now with my own business. Lare Japanese companies still live 50 years ago and they will never change. They will see the downfall of the japanese economy. Unless japan gives in an allows for a better immigration, these companies run by old men will eventually crash.

11 ( +11 / -0 )

Posted in: Electric bikes gaining in popularity in Japan amid graying population See in context

Would e great to also see some legislation on how many people can be on a single bike because I've seen already a mom with a kid on the back seat, one on the front and one strapped to her front. Such an equipage weighs at least 100 kilos and shouldn't be allowed. Especially when most can't even be bothered to use their bell to signal themselves.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

Posted in: Police crackdown nets over 15,000 tailgating violations in 2019 See in context

Suggestion for Abe to get some quick cash: post all those thousands of useless cops everywhere around bus crossings. No need for tax hike ! And then, keep an eye on those moronic moms on electric bikes with 2 or 3 kids who can't be bothered to slow down or use their bell !

1 ( +1 / -0 )

Posted in: Woman arrested for slashing items in clothing store See in context

It happens a lot more often than what is reported. I worked for a clothing company and they would find slashed items reularl in arious store locations . People would use mostly those small eyebrow rasors . Saw a few on cctv. These people would only come once and never again so it makes it hard to find them.

5 ( +5 / -0 )

Posted in: Most consumers to stay cashless when rebate program ends: survey See in context

Most shops are more than happy to get cash because

1) no commissions (3 to 4 % is still a lot a the end of the month)

2) less revenue to declare and easier to fraud

3 ( +3 / -0 )

Posted in: Sakura cheesecake pudding beverage See in context


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Posted in: Gov't official looking after returnees from Wuhan found dead See in context

"Found collapsed" is hardly the term I would use to describe the state of a body that fell from a few floors !!!!

5 ( +5 / -0 )

Posted in: Billionaire Maezawa cancels search for lunar love despite 27,722 applicants See in context

Pathetic attention seeker. Just do someting good with our millions and stop wasting people's time !Just to take the piss , I'd sue that cretin for emotional distress !

4 ( +5 / -1 )

Posted in: Adidas and Beyonce to launch gender-neutral collection See in context

Ridiculous... ANY color is gende neutral !!!! Just wear any color you want !

4 ( +4 / -0 )

Posted in: Local gov'ts adopting ordinances for bicycle liability insurance over accidents See in context

The problem also lies in the fact that the regulations for riding bikes are very much non-existing and not even known by the police. I've been stopped by a policeman who told me I wasn't supposed to go in a designated lane if I wanted to turn. SO I did what he told me for a week. Then got stopped by another who told me I was doing it wrong. And then told me to do...what I had been doing in the first place. I went to ask a police station about bike lanes and if they were compulsory or if I was allowed to ride on the road. They looked very confused and I couldn't get a proper answer.

1 ( +2 / -1 )

Posted in: Princess Aiko turns 18 See in context

An 18 year old dressed like a 40 year old....She needs to escape !!!

7 ( +8 / -1 )

Posted in: Tougher penalties for smartphone use while driving take effect See in context

How about these using those small TV sets while driving ????

-1 ( +0 / -1 )

Posted in: Tokyo Olympics: Japanese, English — but where’s the French? See in context

I'm French and I couldn't care less. Why no Russian, or Chinese or even Spanish is more questionable !

6 ( +6 / -0 )

Posted in: 2nd lottery for Tokyo 2020 Olympic Games tickets to commence Nov 13 See in context

My wide screen TV will do the job just fine for no fee, no transport hassle, no heat, and with a good supply of cool beverages in the fridge. Plus I can watch all that naked while knitting if I want !

1 ( +1 / -0 )

Posted in: Car hits, injures 3 children on crossing; driver arrested See in context

BS excuse. Here a traffic light turning yellow means people speed up and even after it turns red, you can usually see at least 2 cars speeding through. I have NEVER seen in 10 years a car being stopped by the police for going through a yellow or red light. Instead of rising taxes, just plant one of the thousands of useless police officers at random crossings !

6 ( +6 / -0 )

Posted in: Top court upholds damages over students' tsunami deaths See in context

"schools across the country... have to do their best in ensuring children's safety"

Well, duh !!!!

4 ( +4 / -0 )

Posted in: Forever 21 to close all stores, online shop in Japan by late Oct See in context

Good ! Fast fashion is a poison to the world. People need to be more responsible and stop bying cheap clothes constantly. And when you think "I don't have anything to wear", it really means "I don't want to wear what I have". Change your habits!

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