Posted in: Sean Connery's widow reveals he had suffered from dementia See in context
Graham DeShazo - Sean Connery in one of his final public statements.
That is not a true statement.
0 ( +0 / -0 )
Posted in: 5 dead in Vienna attack; assailant had previous conviction See in context
The attack drew swift condemnation and assurances of support from leaders around Europe, including from French President Emmanuel Macron, whose country has experienced three Islamist attacks in recent weeks, and German Chancellor Angela Merkel.
“The Islamist terror is our common enemy,” Merkel spokesman Steffen Seibert tweeted. “The battle against these murderers and their instigators is our common fight.”
Well said, German Chancellor Angela Merkel.
1 ( +1 / -0 )
Posted in: Woman beheaded, 2 others killed in French church See in context
Tokyo-Engr - I think you are unfairly imposing our potentially racist values upon these poor Muslim leaders and also upon this attacker. We should reflect upon the reasons why the attacker decided to behead an innocent woman as this may be our fault.
"Our potentially racist values"? "Our"? You are free to apologize for your transgressions. It may be your fault, especially if you think it's your fault. Behave yourself in the future.
3 ( +4 / -1 )
Posted in: Woman beheaded, 2 others killed in French church See in context
"Enough is enough," Estrosi said. "It's time now for France to exonerate itself from the laws of peace in order to definitively wipe out Islamo-fascism from our territory."
If a muslim chooses not to live within the rules of decent society, then these muslims should be escorted out of France, and ordered not to return under the promise of a long term incarceration. Muslims who chose to behead others simply because their muslim feelings were hurt, should begiven the same treatment.
2 ( +3 / -1 )
Posted in: Turkish leader backs boycott of French goods over cartoon row See in context
The French should boycott Turkish goods until the Turkish leader comes to his senses. Or even longer, if they feel like it.
3 ( +3 / -0 )
Posted in: Trump, Biden make their pitches to voters in pivotal Pennsylvania See in context
Biden made a small-scale appearance in the city of Chester, near Philadelphia, meeting with about a dozen campaign volunteers and speaking with reporters.
After which Biden needed another nap because he is too old and worn out to continue such a hectic schedule. Almost a dozen campaign volunteers? Whew.
-8 ( +6 / -14 )
Posted in: Officer suspended for blaring 'Trump 2020' from NYPD vehicle See in context
P. Smith - What are your thoughts on this police officers actions?
That if the officer had broadcast a pro-only-some-black-lives-matter message, democrat Mayor Bill de Blasio would have offered to ride along, and take a turn shouting a political message. Even if that violated department rules.
-1 ( +0 / -1 )
Posted in: U.N. nuclear arms ban treaty leaves Japan in a dilemma See in context
Ichiro_WeatherForecaster - The world without nuclear weapon is ideal as we all know.
There were only 20 years between the War To End All Wars (aka WW I) and World War II. How many world wide bloodbaths were started after the atomic bomb was created? The answer is not one, none, nada, zero. The atomic genie can't be put back into the bottle. The science behind the fusion, and fission, weapons is known. Mutually assured destruction has kept nuclear nations from using nuclear weapons, and will continue to do so.
Wars between nations will not stop, but they will not expand into the next multi-nation world wide bloodbath. So we've got that going for us.
0 ( +0 / -0 )
Posted in: U.N. nuclear arms ban treaty leaves Japan in a dilemma See in context
sf2k - The mayor of Hiroshima should be pleased, as every year they send out a letter to end nuclear weapons. Now that letter has the weight of a worldwide UN treaty and 50 nations added to the cause. That's pretty significant.
Only 49 nations, out of 193, consider this to be "pretty" significant. And none of the significant nations signed.
0 ( +0 / -0 )
Posted in: U.N. nuclear arms ban treaty leaves Japan in a dilemma See in context
Strangerland - Americans are already arming and taking to the streets. You don't think that's going to happen en masse when half the country is bitterly angry that their party lost? And when half the country doubts the results of the election?
Not true. Only the CNN-type news outlets are pushing that fear-mongering agenda. And only the CNN-type viewers are repeating that propaganda.
-1 ( +0 / -1 )
Posted in: U.N. says nuclear weapons ban treaty to enter into force See in context
The U.N. does not have the authority, or the power, or the jurisdiction, or a military force to "force" nuclear nations to give up their nuclear arsenals. More money, and time, wasted by those who make a very nice living working at the U.N..
0 ( +0 / -0 )
Posted in: U.N. nuclear arms ban treaty leaves Japan in a dilemma See in context
But some experts have questioned the effectiveness of the treaty as it does not involve any of the five permanent members of the U.N. Security Council -- Britain, China, France, Russia and the United States -- all of which are nuclear power states.
Other nuclear weapon states -- India, Israel, Pakistan and North Korea -- are not party to the treaty, either.
LOL. We, a few of the non-nuclear nations, are going to "force" the nuclear nations into giving up their nuclear advantage.
2 ( +4 / -2 )
Posted in: U.N. nuclear arms ban treaty leaves Japan in a dilemma See in context
The United Nations said Saturday that 50 countries have ratified a U.N. treaty banning nuclear weapons, paving the way for its entry into force on Jan 22, a move praised by anti-nuclear activists but opposed by the United States and other nuclear powers.
..."We share the idea (behind the treaty), but we find it very unrealistic" in ridding nuclear states of their arsenals, Masahiko Shibayama, acting secretary general of the governing Liberal Democratic Party, said Sunday on an NHK program in Tokyo.
...Although the treaty will not be able to legally require nuclear power states to abolish their arsenals, the launch of the treaty is likely to spur momentum toward reducing stockpiles.
The U.N. is playing another one of their public jokes. There are 193 nations in the world, and U.N. could only get (almost) 50 of them to sign a worthless piece of paper. AND the U.N. has absolutely no way of enforcing this treaty.
2 ( +3 / -1 )
Posted in: Obama blasts Trump's tweets, track record in 2020 campaign trail debut See in context
NCIS Reruns - Obama's not the only one. George W. Bush and his extended family have made clear they are supporting Biden over Trump.
Remember how often the democrats used to claim that the Bush family was stoopid?
-7 ( +8 / -15 )
Posted in: Obama blasts Trump's tweets, track record in 2020 campaign trail debut See in context
Mr. Noidall - I’m sure Biden’s 47 year record is a much more reliable expositor of Joe’s grand and vision for America. When I think of voting for Biden I can’t help but remember the psychologist’s rule of thumb: past behavior is the best indicator of future behavior.
That would be a good indicator that Biden will begin resending American jobs to China, and Mexico. Again. AND Joe has already, repeatedly, promised to raise everyone's taxes.
-13 ( +7 / -20 )
Posted in: U.S. coronavirus aid prospects uncertain after Trump blasts Democrats See in context
U.S. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi on Wednesday said she believed negotiations with the White House could produce a deal on a fresh COVID-19 relief bill despite Senate Republican opposition, but said it may not happen until after the election.
If Pelosi had actually wanted a deal, instead of a campaign issue, there would have already been a deal.
-7 ( +1 / -8 )
Posted in: Armenian PM sees no way to settle conflict through diplomacy See in context
Armenia's prime minister said Wednesday that Azerbaijan's aggressive stance in the 25-day fighting over Nagorno-Karabakh leaves no room for diplomacy, and urged citizens to sign up as military volunteers to protect their country.
If no one volunteers to fight, will the "war" be over? I suggest that the leaders of both sides meet for a Greco-Roman wrestling match. Winner take all.
0 ( +0 / -0 )
Posted in: Unknown group sends Democratic voters intimidating emails See in context
The emails were sent by a group — its identity unknown — that put considerable time and effort into identifying vulnerable internet servers in several countries including Estonia, Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates which they hijacked to send the emails, said security researcher John Scott-Railton, who examined dozens. Voters in Arizona and Alaska also received them, he said.
Amazing. Democrat party voter rolls were hacked thru Estonia, Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates.
Or is this just another democrat party scam?
-8 ( +2 / -10 )
Posted in: Obama blasts Trump's tweets, track record in 2020 campaign trail debut See in context
Obama stumps in Pennsylvania for Biden campaign
Finally. I thought Joe and Barack were best buddies? It's almost as if Barack has been afraid of getting his reputation soiled/exposed by campaigning for his BFF, and VP, Joe "I need a nap by 10am" Biden. Obama took time out of his busy year to talk to 15 people. It must be exhausting.
-9 ( +15 / -24 )
Posted in: France to expel 231 suspected extremists after attack on teacher See in context
France's interior ministry, responsible for expelling foreigners, was not available to confirm the information, which had been initially reported by Europe 1.
What a great job, responsible for expelling foreigners. must be. I wonder what it pays?
0 ( +0 / -0 )
Posted in: Ardern wins landslide victory in New Zealand See in context
The mandate means Ardern, 40, could form the first single-party government in decades and will face the challenge of delivering on the progressive transformation she promised but failed to deliver in her first term, where Labour shared power with a nationalist party.
...Labour was on track to win 64 of the 120 seats in the country's unicameral parliament, the highest by any party since New Zealand adopted a proportional voting system in 1996.
...New Zealanders also voted on Saturday in referendums to legalize euthanasia and recreational marijuana, with results to be announced on Oct. 30. The latter vote could make New Zealand only the third country in the world to allow the adult use and sale of cannabis nationwide, after Uruguay and Canada.
Amazing. A single party parliament. And it will only take 2 weeks to find out what the actual results of the election will be.
-1 ( +3 / -4 )
Posted in: Social media abuse drives girls off Facebook, Instagram, Twitter: poll See in context
It sounds as if it's women harassing women. Otherwise the author would have blamed men for everything.
0 ( +0 / -0 )
Posted in: Trump, Biden plan dueling town halls instead of scrapped debate See in context
lincolnman - The level of desperation and panic is off the scale in Trump-world....
Biden leads Trump from between 10-14 points nationally...
Biden is leading in all the swing states...
That sounds a lot like what the democrats were saying in 2016.
-6 ( +1 / -7 )
Posted in: Barrett keeps Democrats, Trump at bay in Senate hearing See in context
Graham set an initial committee vote on the nomination for Thursday, the last day of hearings, which would allow final approval by the full Senate by the end of the month.
Judge Amy Coney Barrett will soon be Justice Amy Coney Barrett, and there is nothing that the democrat party's dark money backers can do about it. It will be interesting to see how the activist justices Sotomayor and Kagan will handle the competition?
-2 ( +0 / -2 )
Posted in: Trump, Biden plan dueling town halls instead of scrapped debate See in context
Debate organizers said they wanted to switch to a virtual format for safety reasons after Trump contracted the coronavirus, but he refused.
"Debate organizers"? Did the author of this article, Ben Sheppard, forget the actual name of the "debate organizers"? It was the "debate organizers" who chose to change the format of the 2nd debate WITHOUT NOTIFYING EITHER PARTY. Then the "debate organizers" act surprised when the debaters find another outlet from which to speak to the people.
Trump and Biden will still be competing for the voter's votes, but they will using NBC and ABC to deliver their messages. I wonder which candidate will draw more viewers? Should I assume that Biden's anti-free-speech followers will now demand that people boycott NBC?
-6 ( +1 / -7 )
Posted in: More than 180,000 back inquiry into Murdoch's Australian media 'monopoly' See in context
More than 180,000 people have signed a petition launched by former Prime Minister Kevin Rudd calling for an inquiry into Rupert Murdoch's dominance over Australian news media.
Only 180,000+ people? Are those 180,000+ Australians, or foreigners, or both? That doesn't seem like very many people considering that a Prime Minister, and national news are involved with this issue. I think it's fair to say that most Australian people, or even a vast majority of the Australian people, aren't interested in this particular issue.
0 ( +1 / -1 )
Posted in: China, Russia elected to U.N. rights council; Saudi Arabia fails See in context
Russia was elected on Tuesday four years after it was surprisingly ousted after one term, losing by two votes. Former U.S. Ambassador Samantha Power, under President Barack Obama, revealed last year in her memoir that she had been directed by Washington to vote for Russia in the secret ballot, but did not.
Was Obama trying to thank Russia for it's role in the Steele-Hillary dossier? How dare Power disregard the whims of Obama?
-1 ( +0 / -1 )
Posted in: Trump's U.S. Supreme Court pick says she has no agenda on Obamacare, abortion See in context
ulysses - Remember if you confirm Amy Barret, we confirm a woman who is against the rights of other women!!!
"you confirm", "we confirm"??? Seriously? What does that mean? Meanwhile, there is absolutely no evidence that Barrett is against the rights of other women. As you requested, I will try and remember what you have written, for as long as I think it's necessary.
0 ( +3 / -3 )
Posted in: Trump's U.S. Supreme Court pick says she has no agenda on Obamacare, abortion See in context
Trump's U.S. Supreme Court pick says she has no agenda on Obamacare, abortion
"I am not here on a mission to destroy the Affordable Care Act," Barrett said. "I'm just here to apply the law and adhere to the rule of law."
Amy Coney Barrett appears to be an excellent choice for a Supreme Court Justice. Barrett believes that the legislatures should be making the laws, and that judges should rule according to the laws that the legislatures have created. A judge is not responsible for what a legislation intended to create, judges are only responsible for applying the law as that law was written. What a shock that seems to be to the elected democrats who are currently questioning Barrett's ability to do her new job (she's going to be confirmed, folks) correctly. If elected democrats crafted poorly worded, poorly thought out, or unconstitutional laws, it's not supposed to be the job of a judge to rewrite that law correctly, or rewrite that law in an actually comprehensive matter.
-1 ( +2 / -3 )
Posted in: Australian state warns members of public who don’t comply with pandemic regulations See in context
Nippori Nick - You actually dare to make the comparison of life in Australia to life in a concentration camp? Better study up on WW2 and learn the difference.
Being Australians, and associates of the British commonwealth, his friends and family are probably referring to the concentration camps of the Second Anglo-Boer War. A war which preceded WW2 by some 50 years.
-3 ( +0 / -3 )
@virusrex In my mid 50's and in pretty good shape there are not too many men under 40 that I…
Posted in: What jobs would make a woman an attractive wife to Japanese men?
Posted in: Russia, U.S. agree to work toward improving ties and ending Ukraine war
Posted in: Russia, U.S. agree to work toward improving ties and ending Ukraine war
Posted in: Russia, U.S. agree to work toward improving ties and ending Ukraine war