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Posted in: Ukrainians expect tough fight for Kherson; Russia stages nuclear war games See in context


2014 the Russian as..holes invaded and annexed illegal Crimea

Look who is talking!! Just the very same people who invaded several countries and killed hundreds of thousand of people in the process! These murdering as......les lecture others! Unbeliavable.

In other words, invading its neigbour's territory, killing innocent men, women and children...raping young girls...committing endless crimes to a peaceful nation, was started by the mass murdering Russian Mob already in 2014

No, killing innocent men, women and children, raping young girls, committing endless crimes was started by the mass murdering Ukrainian Mob unlished on Donbass in 2014. To their greatesr regret they were unable to do the same in Crimea, to the greatest relief of the people of Crimea.

Additional, the Russians broke the Minsk agreement already after 2 days


The Russian insane Mob started all this, and there is no end in sight

The ultranationalist Ukrainian mob started all this, with their gleeful chants "Be Ukrainian or be dead". They will end just like their predecessors, the WWII nazi's Ukrainian collaborators.

All these war supporters are making me sick!!!

My emotions since NATO invasions of Serbia, Iraq, Libya, the Ukrooffensive at Donbass in 2014.

-13 ( +4 / -17 )

Posted in: Ukrainians expect tough fight for Kherson; Russia stages nuclear war games See in context

@Desert Tortoise

They are executed on the spot if they try. Chechen troops have been doing this since the beginning of this war.

Anything to support this claim? Ukrainian POWs tell about blocking units of nationalist volunteer battalions that just like SS enforcers in WWII shoot at anyone who is retreating or going to surrender, no stories like that from the other side.

Once the line charge detonated the tanks could drive through unimpeded, bulldozing trenches on the way. It is almost like the Russians learned nothing from Desert Storm

THe Kroforces are storming Kherson since September, almost daily attacks of two - three battalions'- size battlegroups. So far more than 10-15 thousands killed and wounded, a couple of hundreds of destroyed tanks and other AFVs, and almost zero results. It seems the Russians learned a lot from the Desert Storm and the Ukrainians and their U.S. advisers just remained on the level of 1991.

-14 ( +4 / -18 )

Posted in: Russia destroys power and water infrastructure across Ukraine See in context


The Russian dictator is repeating what he did in Chechnya and Syria......destroying that which he cannot conquer

You must have confused Russian actions with what NATO did in Iraq or Afghanistan. Chechnya now is a peaceful part of Russia, Syria is saved from repeating the fate of Iraq or Libya.


just to give you a short history review concerning lend-lease for Russia druing WW2

I know the statistics. Compare the 14.000 airplanes supplied by the Western Allies with 125.000 planes the Soviets produced in 1941-45 themselves. As I said, the Western help was much appreciated, but it was not a deciding factor.

the second front, which was also of great help!

It would have been even bigger help if it opened in 1942-43, not in 1944 when the result of the war was obvious.

Anyway, glad to see you have no objections about what I say about Ukraine.

-7 ( +3 / -10 )

Posted in: Russia destroys power and water infrastructure across Ukraine See in context

Sorry, slip of finger. Sure the Swedes are willing to cover for Putin!!

-12 ( +2 / -14 )

Posted in: Russia destroys power and water infrastructure across Ukraine See in context


Analysis by experts (not some wanna be experts) indicate, that the pipe was blown up from inside, which means, the explosive had to be inserted from Russian territory (probably using some kind of maintenance robot)

Oh yess, that's why a U.S. Navy ship and USN helicopters were spotted near the area sometime before the blasts, and Sweden sain it would't disclose the results of its unvestigation of the blasts. Yeah, swedes

-10 ( +2 / -12 )

Posted in: Russia destroys power and water infrastructure across Ukraine See in context

@Desert Tortoise

Thanks to Lend-Lease, the industrial might of the US and Canada and the sacrifices of American, Canadian and British seafarers who manned the convoys from the US and Canada to Murmansk

The Lend-Lease supplies to the USSR were just several percent of the Soviets' own military production. Lend-Lease was very helpful, Western seafarers' contribution was very much apreciated by the Russians, but the fate of the war against Hitler was decided on the ground, on the Eastern Front battlefields where the Soviet army destroyed three fourth of all Hitler's ground forces.

-9 ( +3 / -12 )

Posted in: Russia destroys power and water infrastructure across Ukraine See in context


Ukraine being the aggressor? Ukraine killing, looting, raping and so on?

Overwhelmingly yes!! Ukraine is killing, looting, raping and so on!! Some particilarly insane types in Ukroforces posted videos in Ukrainian sicial media of them shooting at locals just for fun, "to get those separatists". Google for the "Alley of Angels" at Donetsk. Locals just hate the regime at Kyiv for a reason, in WWII even Germans treated locals better than Ukroarmy.

Ukraine destroying civilian infrastructure?

People of Donbass were living in bomb shelters for many days during peaks of bombardments by Ukroartillery and MLRS. And Ukroforces tried to destroy (sometimes they succeeded) power plants, railway stations, bridges.

And please, never forget that (not only, but also) Donbass was occupied by Russian invaders.

Please never forget that there were no regular Russian army units in Donbass before this year, local militia was capable to defend its land from the nazi "Ukrainizators".


Like Russia, US would have little to gain, and potentially a lot to lose from blowing the pipeline

As I've already said, the U.S. have a lot to gain from it. First, to force Europe to buy much more expensive American LNG. Second, to force some segments of European economy particularly dependent on energy to move to the U.S. Third, to destroy any possibility of Germany to come to terms with Russia about pipeline gas.

-10 ( +2 / -12 )

Posted in: Russia destroys power and water infrastructure across Ukraine See in context


The Russians are worse than terrorists. Disgraceful

Russians do not anything the West did not do in Serbia, Iraq or Libya. NATO are worse than terrorists. Disgraceful.


Putin is a war criminal destroying civilian targets

The West / NATO destroyed a lot of civilian targets in several countries. Ukraine was destroying civilian targets in Donbass for eight years. In 2014 Ukraine cut off all water supply to Crimea. It uses ballistic missiles and MLRS to destroy civilian targets now. Any comments on that?


Again terrorizing, wounding and killing civilians.

Again, as always, hitting civilian infrastructure

Correct description of everyday actions of the terrorist state of Ukraine since 2014 against Donbass.


It is pretty obvious that Putin blew up his own pipelines to punish NATO countries

Putin could just turn it off, without blowing the pipeline up. US did it to force Europeans to buy its much expensive LNG.

-12 ( +3 / -15 )

Posted in: Russian annexation of Ukraine territory expected within days See in context


Despicable. Even the Russians are fleeing from their own government. Their own government!

You should look at Ukraine first. They've already had five or six "waves" of mobilizations, draft men chase their prey on streets, at shops, clubs etc. More then one million of able-bodied Ukrainian males took refuge in Europe or even Russia ( there are hundreds of thousands of them) without any desire to fight for the Kyev midget and his regime.


After the return of these areas to Ukraine

Boy, what a huge disappointment expect some posters!!

-5 ( +4 / -9 )

Posted in: Kremlin says referendum result paves way to annex part of Ukraine See in context


Only the Russian Ukrainians voted. Not all the people living there and the ones who fled

Voted all locals, whatever the ethnicity.

It was you Russians who shot down the airliner killing all on board

Actually it were Ukrainians who did this. They shot down one passenger liner during exercises in 2001, they shot down another in 2014 during another exercises.

NATO did not occupy Kosovo

It helped its local accomplices to steal this province. Yeah, very big difference.


Ukrainian speakers: 67.5%

Russian speakers: 29.6%

Funny. Even for all Ukrainian presidents the Russian was a native language. Ukronazi with their "language patrols", "Speak Ukrainian" noisy demonstrations try desperately to change the reality, but the reality strikes back.

-18 ( +2 / -20 )

Posted in: Kremlin says referendum result paves way to annex part of Ukraine See in context


Please tell me a little more about how East Germany came into existence for West Germany to annex it lol....

Germany was split in two parts after the WWII. What's your point?

Also, please tell me why NATO was in the former Yugoslavia as opposed to The UN, who should have been........

Ask NATO why they invaded. And whatever the reason was, they stole a part of a sovereign country, and now have absolutely no moral high ground to lecture others.


What on earth makes you thing that people that understand and speak the foreign language of Russian

For the most of of Ukraine the Russian language is not foreign, it is native. Even for Zelensky the Russian is native, he really struggles when he speaks Ukrainian. For the most of people of Ukraine the Ukrainian is a foreign language they are pressured to learn and speak. When the people of Donbass refused, the regime unleashed on them "Ukrainizators" from neonazi volunteer units, supported by the army.

-17 ( +4 / -21 )

Posted in: Kremlin says referendum result paves way to annex part of Ukraine See in context

People voted against the failed state that was killing them for eight years since 2014 and is killing them even now with almost daily missile attacks and artillery bombardments. People want to leave the country that always considered them second-rate, "not Ukrainian enough". What a surprise for someone!!

At least the Russians had a referendum. NATO stole the Serbian province of Kosovo without any referendums at all. Eastern Germany was annexed by Western Germany without any referendums.

-21 ( +5 / -26 )

Posted in: Ukraine, West denounce Russian referendum plans for occupied regions See in context


Your army sucks. Your (educated) nation doesn't want to fight. The rest are drunk.

Your air "farce" is on vacation and your "fleet" is in hiding

The Russins deployed at Ukraine only about 15 percent of their army's manpower, only volunteers fight there. Ukraine fully mobilized all its forces, there were five or six "mobilization waves", they are planning now to prohibit able-bodied males to leave the country.

Air Force - Russians are flying dozens or hundreds sorties daily. UkroAir-Farce is sweeped clean from the skies, two - three sorties a day max.

Navy - Russian Black See Fleet patrols the Ukrainian coastline. Ukronavy (well, what remained of it) is hiding in its bases.

With three-fourfold numerical superiority in infantry, with all NATO intelligence and technical support the Ukroforces almost bleeded white in their two counteroffensives, taking just two towns in the process.

Yeah, it's obvious which army sucks.

-6 ( +6 / -12 )

Posted in: Ukraine, West denounce Russian referendum plans for occupied regions See in context


We missed you guys on this forum the last week or two. Did you all go on vacation together?

Nothing of substance to reply? With all your team that works here 24/7?

-6 ( +7 / -13 )

Posted in: Ukraine, West denounce Russian referendum plans for occupied regions See in context

Interesting insignia on the Ukrainian tanks and APCs. White crosses, just like on Wehrmacht panzers. Ucroforces mimic their nazi idols even in such details.

-8 ( +7 / -15 )

Posted in: Ukraine, West denounce Russian referendum plans for occupied regions See in context


If the people living there really want to live in Russia, they should move there

They will. With their land, where they lived for generations without any failed state called Ukraine.

How would your country react to a separatist movement funded and supported by a much larger aggressive neighbor?

Remember Kosovo? Yogoslavia / Serbia tried to defend its province, to quell a violent insurgency by armed separatists, funded and supported by foreign powers. NATO should return Kosovo to Serbia first, and only after that give lectures about "international law".

-8 ( +7 / -15 )

Posted in: U.S. says Russia buying North Korea shells and rockets for Ukraine war See in context


What does not change is that Putin and Russia are the invaders of a sovereign country Ukraine

Ukraine asked for it when it started a civil war in 2014 with its "ukrainization" military campaign. If NATO invaded Serbia or Libya under pretext of "protection against brutal oppression", why Russia may not do the same?


Just taking my cue from the Ukrainian soldiers and civilians

You better take your cue from the people of Donbass who for eight years suffered under Ukrainian occupation. During WWII Nazis treated locals better than those "compatriots". No wonder whole regiments are formed from locals to fight against the regime.

because Russians who tell the truth (it's a war, russians are deserting, we shouldn't be invading our brothers) tend to get arrested

Ask your Ukrainian friends how they burned dozens of people alive in Odessa on May 2, 2014. Ask them how street nazi gangs killed with impunity anyone they considered "not Ukrainian enough" (like a famous Ukrainian writer Oles' Buzina). Ask them about the "National Corps" - a pure nazi political movement that penetrated every level of the Ukrainian state. Ask them about "disappearances" of hundreds of people who were arrested by SBU (Ukrainian Gestapo).

-5 ( +1 / -6 )

Posted in: U.S. says Russia buying North Korea shells and rockets for Ukraine war See in context


If you totally believe what Ukraine says why not to believe all the Russians say? I hope you have a translation app, here is the Russian ministry of defence official news release:


Their score is 290 Ukrainian planes, 152 helicopters, 4845 AFVs.

-5 ( +1 / -6 )

Posted in: U.S. says Russia buying North Korea shells and rockets for Ukraine war See in context


Who are Ukroorcs?

Well, @cleo some time ago began to call the Russians "orcs". I just returned the favour.

your free to post links to what you believe to be correct

I was interested in the Ukrainian civil war since its very beginning in 2014. Read a lot social media from people who live and fight there and watched a lot on Youtube. I know enough to make competent conclusions.

25% of the Russian military are conscripts. 50,000 Russian troops killed or wounded to date. 2,000 Russian tanks were destroyed

25% are conscripts - may be. But they all are stationed in units inside the Russia proper. The rest are just Berlin radio stories of April 1945, "Under-offizier Hans Smolke single-handedly destroyed 30 Soviet tanks". If true, why the Ukroarmy still does not storm Moscow?

-7 ( +1 / -8 )

Posted in: U.S. says Russia buying North Korea shells and rockets for Ukraine war See in context


forcibly mobilized personnel

Do you think that after all the Ukroorcs have done to Donbass the locals need to be forced to fight? If they were forcibly mobilized, how come they do not desert at the first opportunity, just like the Ukroarmy recruits do?

So much for 'the Donbas wants to be ruZZian'

How many regiments of the Ukroarmy were formed from the people of Donbass? Zero. So much for "Donbass is Ukraine".

As punishment for refusing to fight, they were removed from the fighting?

He said, she said.

-6 ( +1 / -7 )

Posted in: U.S. says Russia buying North Korea shells and rockets for Ukraine war See in context


Russian 127th regiment of the 1st army corps reportedly ignored orders to fight

The key word "Reportedly". Another story of the same quality as the "Ghost of Kyev" or the fresh "An old man shot down a Russian Jet with his hunting rifle". First, 127th regiment is not Russian, it is a Donbass militia init. Second, while there were some delays with food supplies to the unit there were no refusals to fight, mutiny or anything like that. Ukrainian keyboard warriors are producing less and less believable stories.

And still, Ukraine has not been defeated

Be patient, it takes time to dismantle the half-a million men war machine equipped with a lot of NATO hardware.

Russian conscripts refused to fight

There are no Russian conscripts in Ukraine. Only volunteers. A small group of conscripts crossed the border in March by mistake but were quickly returned to their units at home.

-6 ( +2 / -8 )

Posted in: Ukraine hints at 'great news' of new military success in east See in context


Asa,US Intel are gonna eventually have to tell the truth or face consequences about Ukraine

The U.S. intelligence has a very clear picture of what's going on in Ukraine - U.S. / NATO advisers / instructors are at every level of the Ukrainian war machine, NATO spy planes fly 24/7 near the battlefield, Ukrainian army C-in-C Gen. Zaluzhny reports directly to Gen.Milley, U.S. JCS Chief. Americans know perfectly well what they have done to Ukraine and what they are doing now. But yes, they will face the consequences.


Peace, not war, is the answer

Where have you been the last eight years, since the Ukroregime began in 2014 its "Be Ukrainian or be dead" brutal military campaign against Donbass?

-5 ( +3 / -8 )

Posted in: U.S. says Russia buying North Korea shells and rockets for Ukraine war See in context


Putin is offering freedom to Russian prisoners if they go and fight in Ukraine

Utmost nonsense. There is no shortage of volunteers from Donbass, more than willing to settle some scores with Ukraine for the eight years of brutal occupation and all its crimes. And do you really believe that ex-convicts will make soldiers ready to fight? Pretty much more probable they'll defect to the enemy to save their lives or just a rob a nearest bank instead.

Ukraine is not losing the war

More than half of Ukraine budget comprises of loans, grant-ins and other foreign life support, its national debt is absolutely unsustainable, in several months it will run out of money to pay its army. Well, what will be left of its army, because all its frontline units are badly mauled and are filling their ranks with men from territorial units and hastily mobilized people with almost zero training. Almost all equipment the Ukroarmy had this winter is lost, they now fight with what NATO provides them. After NATO armories are empty the Ukroarmy will have not much left to fight with, because its own military industry was almost dead years before. Still sure Ukraine is not losing?

-6 ( +1 / -7 )

Posted in: U.S. says Russia buying North Korea shells and rockets for Ukraine war See in context

"Millions of artillery shells and rockets"? It's quite a quantity. Requires A LOT of trains, ships etc to transport. Anything to back up this claim?


Oh those pesky facts

What facts, exactly? Photos, videos, anything?

-3 ( +2 / -5 )

Posted in: Ukraine hints at 'great news' of new military success in east See in context

Before the Ramstein meeting of his sponsors Zelensky badly needs some success to show. The big "Ardennes offensive" near Kherson that started on Aug.29 gave too little to boast - a couple of villages taken, huge losses suffered (in the region of Zakarpatye Sep.2 was the day of official mourning because the 128th Mountain Assault Brigade manned by the locals was decimated in the offensive). Here comes another desperate offensive. The result will be the same.


Go, go, go Ukraine!!! Drive all of the beastly invaders out!!!

Go, Ukraine, go, get the hell out of there!! Beastly Ukrainian invaders were kicked out from the whole Luhansk region, and soon they'll be kicked out from the whole of Donbass.


A Ukrainian pensioner saw a $75 million Russian jet flying over. He took his rifle and fired a single shot hitting the jet and bringing it down into a field. Award a meda

"From creators of the story of the Ghost of Kyev", another absolutely beliavable story? German propaganda in April 1945 was more trustworthy.

-4 ( +4 / -8 )

Posted in: Cost of Abe's state funeral rises to ¥1.6 billion See in context


You can, Blow me (a kiss as you're leaving.)

If you think it's a reasonable thing to charge the taxpayers 1.6 billion in "oops we forgot to tell you about that fee" charges, then by all means feel free to pony up

It is not Abe's fault that the present government did it.

Geez, I forgot from whom I ask for some decency.

You can blow me (a kiss as you're leaving).

-15 ( +3 / -18 )

Posted in: Kyiv claims battlefield gains as Russian gas shutdown hits Europe markets See in context


The fact that Russia is purchasing millions of shells and rockets from North Korea

Wow, a new line in the "Russia is out of missiles / shells Weekly"? Can you share the source of this interesting intel?


Hopefully the ladies will be successful in slaughtering many orcs

You think females will be more successful than men? Ukroorcs were unable to conquer the people of Donbass for eight years despite all their brutality.

Russia is flattening Ukrainian cities and raping Ukrainian women and little girls. Russia is shelling hospitals, schools, residential areas and, GHU, nuclear plants

Ukraine flattened Donbass cities, keeps doing it now, shelling hospitals, schools and residental areas, the nuclear plant. And stop retranslate the old stories about rapes, the author of these lies, Denisova, was fired for them, because even Ukroofficials understood these claims were too stupid.

Slava Ukraini!

WWII-era Ukrainian Nazi collaborators' slogan? "No fascism in Ukraine", sure.

Pobeda Donbassu!

-6 ( +2 / -8 )

Posted in: Gorbachev buried in Moscow in funeral snubbed by Putin See in context


I struggle to understand the true political relationship between Gorbachev and Putin

There wasn't any political relationship. After 1991 Gorbachev was just a retiree with no political influence or authority in his country. Happy PR agent for a pizza chain, busy recipient of Western awards and bonuses, but political zero.


Gorbachev's actions that ended the cold war

Gorbachev's actions destroyed the country he was president of. No reason for Putin to like or respect him.

But we don't frame Putin, merely as a warmonger. He's also a cold-hearted murderer

"We" - is it some publishing agency that produces pulp fiction with dramatic titles?

-5 ( +1 / -6 )

Posted in: Gorbachev buried in Moscow in funeral snubbed by Putin See in context

Gorbachev was a Napoleon who started with Waterloo.

The man who began his path in a right direction (the Soviet system really needed a complete overhaul) with full support of his countrymen, but who finished absolutely despised by them for collapse of the country, unbeliavable economic hardships and several civil conflicts and even civil wars that started on his watch. He completely surrendered his country's foreign interests in exchange for broad smiles and nice words of foreign leaders, he allowed Western companies to plunder his country's natural resources. No wonder he is not mourned much at home.

For all Gorbachev admirers I have a very simple question: would you like a person like him to be president / prime minister of your country, would you like him to do to your country the very same things he did to his?

-4 ( +4 / -8 )

Posted in: IAEA experts 'not going anywhere' after reaching Ukraine nuclear plant See in context


more anti-west rhetoric

More anti-Russian rhetoric.

are you enjoying your western freedom & lifestyle ?

What's the connection with the subject?


The Insider is a Russia-focused, independent media outlet

I've read their homepage. Note the "Russia-focused", not the "Russian media source" as you previously claimed. And I asked for proof of their (and your) mines-ammo claims, not the list of awards these media guys give to each other.

-3 ( +0 / -3 )

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