Japan Today

Aslan Ali comments

Posted in: Death toll rises to 56 as rain damage widens in southwest Japan See in context

What a bad year seriously and we are just half way done...

Anyway, hope all those people will get support from the government, they lost everything, they can't be left like this for weeks, I hope at least there will be a plan to relocate them somewhere until reconstruction, why not using the Olympic village for example ? It's not like it will be used for the next month to come.

2 ( +2 / -0 )

Posted in: Turkish pilots, others, to stand trial over Ghosn escape See in context

Many comments here are really off the mark regarding this news, it is about Turkey, not Japan, Turkey is dealing with this on its own, not because Japan asked, cause in first place doing this will of course trigger turkish authorities, especially for a country targeted numerous times by terrorists or a recent failed coup, they can't just let it slide so easily, some of you really didn't think much about this situation, try to go turkish perspective, try to put it in turkish context, and after that you will be at least able to make a more relevant comment.

1 ( +1 / -0 )

Posted in: Tokyo deploys Marie Kondo in virus fight See in context

The title make it sound like a pokemon fight

"Marie Kondo... I Choose You ! Go ! "

-1 ( +0 / -1 )

Posted in: Cold weather hits evacuees after deadly quake in Hokkaido See in context

Tough year for Japan hope better days will come and bring them smile.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

Posted in: Visit to Turkey See in context

This was not mandatory, but i think she did it as a good gesture towards the relation between the two country .

Well she didn't come only for this of course, she has also been welcomed by turkish president Erdogan the day before and she will participate to many festivities until September 14.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

Posted in: Venezuela slams Kono's remarks as interference See in context

Japan should not take side here, it is against their own interest to meddle in the relation between Venezuela and other latin countries, that was a real mistake and Kono should apologies for this and even take the time to approach Venezuela too..

-12 ( +7 / -19 )

Posted in: Islamic State: What happened to all the foreign fighters? See in context

What happened ? What a stupid question, especially after the Raqqa operation it was pretty clear what happened.

-1 ( +0 / -1 )

Posted in: Austria shifts to right as conservative wins election See in context

Fascim is growing in Europe, after the historical win of far right in Germany, it is like we are entering a domino effect... Now how have we come to this situation ? Immigration some says, but then it is something present for decades, what REALLY has changed to make some people thinks that immigration is at fault for ... pretty much everything then?

Maybe we should in fact a bit dig and analyse the socio economic of our modern society and see if there are notable changes for X reasons and how this has affected millions of people living in Europe.

-2 ( +3 / -5 )

Posted in: Turkish army expands deployment in Syria's northwest See in context

Probably the only country which has a legitimate argument of intervention because they share their frontier with a country hosting the most terrorist in the world and being constantly threathened of terrorist attacks it's not acceptable.

In fact they should have done this years before. Too bad for them the country was to instable for this kind of operation before they lost their opportunity long ago and now they can only cooperate for every futur operation.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

Posted in: Death toll from blasts in Somalia's capital tops 300 See in context

I'm happy to see there is at least one country there that show some humanity and act directly to help the injured people, you know just saying " we condemn this terrorist attack " and then skip immediately to something else show how little there is honesty behind those words.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

Posted in: Iraqi Kurds say federal forces attack near disputed Kirkuk See in context

Irak has become a mess thanks to what George Bush has done, the north has been "kurdified" by force, multi ethnic people that cohabited for decades are now divided.

1 ( +1 / -0 )

Posted in: Abe unveils plan to amend Constitution, put it into force in 2020 See in context

Isn't that interesting so many countries want to change their constitutions recently ? I think we have entered in era of global tensions that force every country to rethink about their position and value.

0 ( +1 / -1 )

Posted in: Turkey to retaliate after suspected Syrian air strike kills soldiers See in context

Turkey need to do everything to secure his borders, nobody is going to protect them against terrorist threat it is up to them to do the job.

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