Posted in: Oil installations ablaze in Libya as battles rage See in context
Same reason why the US ousted Saddam - for killing their own people.
Yes, because that has gone swimmingly for the US, hasn't it?
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Posted in: French film about Holocaust to be shown in Iran See in context
No, that is not permitted here...
Your posts suggest otherwise.
What makes you think nobody would want to see it? Just because Ahmadinejad and his government don't want Iranians to see and have free contact with the outside world does not mean the average Iranian is satisfied with that situation. Of course, watching it in Iran would mean having and using an illegal satelite dish because Ahmadinejad and his gang are so afraid their hold on their citizens is not strong enough to survive outside information.
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Posted in: A look at political unrest in the Middle East See in context
Well, one immediate benefit from all this unrest is that Egypt's border with Gaza is opening up, allowing desperately needed missiles, rockets, guns and bombs to reached the poor people of Gaza.
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Posted in: French film about Holocaust to be shown in Iran See in context
Who knows what you read
Just reading your posts describing the opinions of Holocaust deniers is quite enough actually. That and your inaccurate claim that only one religion is protected against racism in France and your further incorrect claim that it was Jews being unfairly protected. You are correct that there are crazy racist nuts that incorrectly believe the Nazis did not gass and kill millions of innocent people in their camps of horror. They really should be ashamed of themselves.
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Posted in: Christians and Muslims clash in Cairo, 1 dead See in context
Where did you read that the government is confirmed to have been involved in the bombing of the church?
Hopefully these revelations will help the people focus on the real culprits and ease tensions between the different groups.
The tensions have been brewing for a long time and as mentioned not only by me, but also by many reports the tensions arise from the discrimination the Christians have been victims of. The 'culprits' are the people who have allowed this discrimination to continue. Do you disagree with the Christian protesters that they are the victims of institutional and societal discrimination? Maybe you ought to have a talk with them instead of claiming there are no problems.
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Posted in: Christians and Muslims clash in Cairo, 1 dead See in context
you and your other IDs
Ha, ha! I am the world! I am JT! You have an overactive imagination.
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Posted in: Christians and Muslims clash in Cairo, 1 dead See in context
I am talking about the reality in the article and you are talking about people's comments. YOu wrote that Christians and Muslims are getting along fine in Egypt and the article plainly shows they are not and that Christians in Egypt are protesting about it. You were incorrect in your assessment of the situation. We are not talking about 'the Muslims', we are talking about the complaints of the Christian minority about the Muslim majority. Again, consider yourself corrected.
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Posted in: French film about Holocaust to be shown in Iran See in context
To add, these crazy, racist nuts often incorrectly claim millions of innocent people were not killed in concentration camps by the Nazis. They use lies and deceit to make this claims. No reason to consider their fantasies as anything more than hate inspired.
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Posted in: French film about Holocaust to be shown in Iran See in context
I have read enough to know that they are in fact crazy, racist nuts.
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Posted in: Christians and Muslims clash in Cairo, 1 dead See in context
That is about as bad a BS statement as it gets; Christians and Muslims get along fine. You can always find a few morons in any religion who can be convinced to do anything.
Please learn to read. The protesters are protesting institutional discrimination on the part of the Muslim majority. You cannot escape this fact with threadbare conjecture.
I am mainly referring to the lead up to the current tension,
See above. This is about general discrimination and mistreatment of the Christian minority in Egypt.
They will do everything they can to sabotage this revolution and retain control.
Speaking of BS. Obama himself asked Mubarak to step down. BTW, the military, which is still very much in control and will be for the foreseeable future and has the support and respect of the very people who made the revolution you speak of take place very much wants a friendly relationship to continue with the US. Consider yourself corrected again.
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Posted in: Christians and Muslims clash in Cairo, 1 dead See in context
Exactly, some will do whatever it takes to get the different groups fighting. Its a damn shame.
What is a damn shame is you trying to make this story into something it is not.
The protesters want more steps to improve the status of Christians in Egypt. These Christians are demanding that they are given equal rights and better quality of life. This has absolutely nothing to do with false flags or people trying to get them to fight. It has to do with a minority being discriminated against and being sick of it and that minority being attacked by members of the majority religion in Egypt. The Christians live there and know what they are talking about, were that we could say the same for you.
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Posted in: French film about Holocaust to be shown in Iran See in context
Best post of the thread!
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Posted in: French film about Holocaust to be shown in Iran See in context
Indeed, I think it is quite safe to say the interviews in this documentary stand up extremely well in comparison to posts of people sadly attempting to claim the Holocaust did not happen.
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Posted in: French film about Holocaust to be shown in Iran See in context
but as far as the holocaust is concerned, Iran does not censor
Yeah, they just censor pretty much every other kind of free speech and protest. How wonderfully free.
In contrast, most European countries censor the holocaust very aggressively.
No. They censor nuts who deny the Holocasut. There is a big difference.
They use the scientific method.
No. They don't. They use lies and deceit mix with good helpings of hate.
Your comparing people believing in Israel having a right to exist with Al Quaida is ridiculous. You and Ahmadinejad seem to think it is a crime to agree that Israel has a right to exist. You both are wrong.
This is a great documentary with moving and important interviews. I highly recommend people watch it.
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Posted in: Man killed in hit-and-run incident in Saitama See in context
50 to 70? That is a big difference.
Not any more.
How big a difference depends on whether you are closer to 50 or to 70.
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Posted in: Christians and Muslims clash in Cairo, 1 dead See in context
You will soon see the muslims haters coming with their posts full of hatred and stereotypes.
Still waiting and I haven't seen one yet.
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Posted in: Christians and Muslims clash in Cairo, 1 dead See in context
There are certain people who's MO is to carry out false flags to spark sectarian fighting.
No, you are incorrect. The protests by the Coptics are not false flags. They are a truthful and angry reaction to a true burning of a church by a true mob of Muslims. Paranoia cannot change this.
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Posted in: French film about Holocaust to be shown in Iran See in context
I would like to actually focus on this documentary for a bit. As yabits pointed out, it is a work of art. I saw it quite some time ago. However, the interviews it contains are invaluable for understanding what it was like for the victims of the Nazi brutality. Claude Lanzmann’s tremendous efforts will enable future generations to know about the horrible crimes of the Nazi regime and what their victims went through. I am glad people like this are willing to devote their own time to help educate others and I am particular glad that an effort is being made to break through the Iranian regime's wall of silence.
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Posted in: French film about Holocaust to be shown in Iran See in context
Its quite interesting to look at this guy's career.
It seems quite obvious that his career stands up more strongly than a glimpse at your past posts discussing your opinion that the Holocaust did not happen.
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Posted in: French film about Holocaust to be shown in Iran See in context
Thank God he was able to get funding for this marvelous project.
I agree. Let's hope it continues to be a successful tool against the nuts that deny the Holocaust. Lord knows the Holocaust denial nuts don't have anything resembling truth on their sides.
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Posted in: French film about Holocaust to be shown in Iran See in context
How exactly do you know better why satelite dishes are illegal in Iran? They are to squash free speech and debate, which is exactly the opposite of your saying Iran has such free speech. He did not have a conference open to both sides, it was a conference open to nuts who deny the Holocaust happened and racists like Duke who was warmly invited by Ahmadinejad. Yes, there are specific laws that mentioned denial of the Holocaust and the reason has been discussed. The Europeans are naturally sensitive about the slaughter caused in Europe by the Nazis gassing all those millions. Perfectly understandable that they don't want it to happen again. The Palestinians have nothing to do with this discussion. Any particular reason why you are so obsessed with anything and everything pertaining to Jews? Did you get stuck with a Star of David when you were a kid or something?
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Posted in: French film about Holocaust to be shown in Iran See in context
The debate is not simply about numbers.
Yes, so you say. Based on your own words in other threads, you claim the Nazis did not gas anyone and cannot understand why anyone would think the Nazis were bad. We get it. You are wrong. Get that.
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Posted in: French film about Holocaust to be shown in Iran See in context
Illegal satelite dishes have to do with the lack of free speech in Iran. You know the place you incorrectly claimed has all that free speech. Do try to keep track. Ahmadinejad and his government only allow discussion or information they agree with. Thus the fact satelite dishes to view information from the outside world being illegal. They obviously don't allow free discussion of the Holocaust as the program is not being shown on state TV. It has to be beamed in illegally. I know you do not believe the Nazis gassed millions, but they did and Europeans know this and are understandably sensitive to nuts claiming that it did not happen. Don't like it? Tough luck. The Palestinians still have nothing to do with this no matter how much you bring them up or how much you claim no one was gassed by the Nazis, you know: the Holocaust that you claim did not happen. Iran discourages any debate that brings an opinion that runs counter to the government opinion. You really should consider ECT.
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Posted in: French film about Holocaust to be shown in Iran See in context
stevecpfc, Good post! 100% agree!
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Posted in: French film about Holocaust to be shown in Iran See in context
He believes people should be able to freely investigate and discuss the holocaust, so I don't think he will mind too much the showing of this movie in Iran. It will hopefully stimulate intense debate. A society that only permits one view is not a healthy society.
You really know so little about Iran and Ahmadinejad, it is literally frightening.
1) Satelite dishes to pick up foreign broadcasts are illegal in Iran. 2) This documentary will be broadcast by satelite. 3)Only people brave enough to have illegal satelite TV will be able to tune in. 4) Ahmadinejad is against any sort of protest or speech he and his government do not agree with. 5) Iran is a society that only permits one view, its view, and yes, it is not a healthy society. 6)Palestinians have nothing to do with this. 7)Millions were slaughtered by the Nazis, so Europe understandably sensitive about nuts saying the slaughter did not happen or that the Nazis were just fun-loving lugs. 8) There ain't gonna be any intense debate about this in Iran cause intense debate is prevented in Iran by the barrel of a gun.
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Posted in: Did former Foreign Minister Seiji Maehara fall or was he pushed concerning his resignation over the acceptance of a donation from a South Korean permanent resident of Japan? See in context
Who cares? Not like he wasd doing a great job anyway.
Not really the point though, is it? He was tossed because of a small donation he knew nothing about. Toss him because he is not doing a great job - okay, toss him because someone gave a tiny bit of money = suspicious
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Posted in: French film about Holocaust to be shown in Iran See in context
Anyone of European or American descent who believes that millions of people did not perish in Nazi concentration camps is quite crazy.
Agree 100%.
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Posted in: French film about Holocaust to be shown in Iran See in context
The two main points Ahmadinejad often makes about the holocaust are:
1) It did not happen
2) Stop complaining
You don't want to 'freely discuss' the Holocaust anymore than Ahmadinejad does. You just want to keep repeating that it did not happen and keep questioning why people don't like the Nazis.
Iran does not outlaw public expression of the official version
Iran outlaws anything that does not go with their version of things. No protests or opposing views, no outside TV or media, etc. That is not freedom of speech.
Ahmadinejad was quoted by his own government's news agency many times as threatening Israel. His people know it, the world knows it and you know it too. If fact, you agree with it.
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Posted in: French film about Holocaust to be shown in Iran See in context
In Iran, the only opinions allowed are those the Iranian government deem legal. That is not freedom of speech or expression. Good on this group for beaming it into Iran. Hopefully more and more Iranians will see it and understand the horrors of the Holocaust and the lies of those who seek to deny it.
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Posted in: French film about Holocaust to be shown in Iran See in context
I am sure the Aladdin Project would never take part in free discussion of revisionist views and data.
Good. I am glad to hear they don't support a racist faulty agenda.
They should have attended that one.
Maybe David Duke got their ticket instead.
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Posted in: Global music stars eye India, but organization needs fine-tuning
"My friends are lawyers "....and lawyers never lie ! They take an oath !
Posted in: What is the cheating culture in Japan really like?
I voted NO because it's Trump. Anything about him deserves a NO.
Posted in: Singapore court finds opposition party leader guilty of lying to parliament