Posted in: Japan, U.S. differ on China in talks on 'gray zone' military threats See in context
It is totally Abe fault starting up the tensions by denying history, worhsipped the ghostly Shrine, increase military spending even under US protection. Don’t forget this liar Abe crying in loud voice to the world that China spending double digit on military spending but comparsion in 2013, Japan military spending is 36% of China and China is 24% of US. This liar Abe is acting like his uncles in the imperial Japan army. Always lying.
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Posted in: Japan says it has no plan to revise wartime sex-slave apology See in context
Abe and his Aide is going to extreme right direction that will lead the return of the evil imperial Japan army. Accomplishment of Abe in 2013:
Deny Tokyo Trial Deny comfort women Deny WWII war crimes Changing constitution for imperail army return and bring back evil emperor to be head of States. Openly admitted himself an extreme right member in front of UN. Increase military spending even under US protection. Worshipped the ghostly WWII war criminals Shrine as an great insult to all WWII victims. There is no hero there. Keeping the stolen islands that is not belong to Japan. Changing school text and put incorrect history to school children. Still not repent from WWII compare with Germany which is much much better than Japan. Hiding the nuclear weapon materials which violates the constitution.0 ( +0 / -0 )
Why should I pay for the train, hotel and entry ticket there? Sorry, but if I should ever feel the…
Posted in: Osaka Expo preparations hit home stretch with 2 months left until opening
Posted in: German car attack may have been religiously motivated, prosecutors say
The container handling facility sure makes for an attractive venue.
Posted in: Osaka Expo preparations hit home stretch with 2 months left until opening
How dare anyone gamble on things beside boat racing, motorcycle racing and bicycle racing!
Posted in: Record number of online casino users detected by Japan police in 2024