Japan Today

audacious comments

Posted in: $6.1 mil awarded to Tennessee man in Japan child custody battle See in context

Noriko should countersue in Japan and get a warrant of arrest so that he can never come back to Japan

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Posted in: Japan says dumping radioactive water in ocean doesn't violate law See in context

what to do with radiated water? There is the expensive treatment option which they should pay for. Or you can ask the TEPCO guys to drink it since it is quite safe.

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Posted in: Reining in Japan’s bureaucracy See in context

Like I said, just like the CCCP and then they have the gall to point fingers across the sea at the excesses of the CCCP, how they control the press and dictate policy, like they dont do the same here. The politicians here are just for show so they can claim it is a democracy.

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Posted in: Reining in Japan’s bureaucracy See in context

sounds like the CCCP, unelected and unaccountable

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Posted in: Savoie's suit against judge dismissed in child abduction See in context

I have done business with Savoie before but avoided the pitfalls after 3 sessions of talks when he made implied threats which was why we never did business. You have to be careful with him because he seems capable of doing anything to get his way. Guys who lost money with him are grown-ups so they can only blame themselves.

As for his mess with Noriko, I think that is between him and her and both tried hard and perhaps dirty. Just who started playing dirty first (my guess would be Savoie) but that hardly matters at all now. For getting herself into this mess, Noriko has only herself to blame since she decided on her own free will to marry him.

As for the family court processes in Texas and Japan, matrimonial law is one of the branches of law that is very localised and international uniformity is lacking, just like gay marriages being recognised in one place and not in another. So this contention about Japanese law being unfair or Texas judges being short-sighted will be debated till kingdom come.

The lesson we can learn here is not a new lesson as we see it happen all the time. Our sympathies should only lie with the innocent children.

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Posted in: Savoie's suit against judge dismissed in child abduction See in context

The Japanese system for children of separated couples leaves much to be debated but if you knew Savoie or met him before, you would know he was mercenary to the point of threatening you to get his way. He changed his nationality to Japanese to get investment funding, when that was done he sold and walked away and changed back to US citizenship prior to the divorce.

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