Japan Today

audioboy77 comments

Posted in: EU reinstates travel ban from Japan due to surge in coronavirus cases See in context

It like every other logical place lowers testing after cases start dropping and understands that cases falling only after testing has been dramatically reduced is smoke and mirrors and artificially lowering case numbers.

Fake fake fake. Testing did not go down before cases. The official stats from the official reporting website show clearly it was the other way round. Cases have fallen far faster than testing.

0 ( +5 / -5 )

Posted in: Suga says healthcare systems remain under severe strain See in context


Downvoting plain facts. Thats sums it up really doesnt it.

-4 ( +1 / -5 )

Posted in: Suga says healthcare systems remain under severe strain See in context

So according to the so-called testing number, we have been seeing a sharp drop in new cases ( and a faster decline in testing) for over 2 weeks but no easing of the hospital and medical situation.

Now why is that? "Asked with a sarcastic tone".

Why is it they would fake the less important stats?

Why is it they would continue to damage the economy with a state of emergency.

Your theories, as usual, make no sense.

The daily cases are as they have been a fraction of the cases, but thats a constant. The wave has peaked, like all the other waves peaked. Why cant you accept that? Why do you enjoy misery?

-4 ( +3 / -7 )

Posted in: Suga says healthcare systems remain under severe strain See in context

Yes the government have been utterly useless until now and good riddance to Suga.

But again... absolutely no evidence of cover up or fake numbers, despite the paranoid delusions of many JT frequent posters. If that was the case they would not be extending the state of emergency nor admitting the medical system is still under severe strain despite a significant fall in daily case numbers over the past 2 weeks.

-8 ( +5 / -13 )

Posted in: Vaccine chief Kono favorite to become next PM: polls See in context

Good at self promotion and covering his own back. Should do well.

-1 ( +0 / -1 )

Posted in: China’s 'Little Kyoto' shut down by government after complaints of Japanese culture invasion See in context

China: sick, pathetic, dangerous

9 ( +12 / -3 )

Posted in: Tokyo reports 1,853 coronavirus cases; nationwide tally 12,908 See in context

Happy the numbers continue to fall.

What's concerning for me personally is that Chiba is still well over 1000 day, now proportionally far worse than Tokyo and not falling at anywhere near the same rate.

Seems that nationally the trend is clearly down though so hopefully tide will turn soon.

4 ( +5 / -1 )

Posted in: Tokyo reports 3,168 coronavirus cases; nationwide tally 20,031 See in context

Are you expecting them to start testing asymptomatic people at random? Are you expecting Japanese people to volunteer for testing when they have no symptoms? There is no point other than to waste a lot of money and time. Look abroad and see the media hype, lockdowns, and social division. Be happy you live in Japan where this virus hasn't shut down the economy and have kept deaths low, per capita.

I generally agree with your posts, but not on this point. There is a viable inbetween. Obviously in the west they are not forcing people to test like in China, but tests are hugely more accessible than in Japan. For example in the UK there are drop in test centers where you can do a rapid lateral flow test for free. If this comes back positive you can then do a PCR test.

Such centers should be around everywhere. Then for anyone feeling a bit under the weather, wondering if they have a cold or covid, they can drop in at their convenience and get a test. This would catch much more mild cases and thus reduce the spread. Given Japans gaman culture, long working hours little holiday, inability to take time of work without using sick pay, and private health care costs, the Japanese govt should make it hugely easier to get a test.

No one can argue that a 20% positivity rate is not an absolute disgrace.

6 ( +8 / -2 )

Posted in: Local gov'ts condemn Aichi music event organizer for lax COVID steps See in context

Then stop making requests and start making some laws

0 ( +4 / -4 )

Posted in: Japan weighs mixing and matching COVID vaccines See in context


For example

0 ( +3 / -3 )

Posted in: Japan weighs mixing and matching COVID vaccines See in context

I don't think there has been any studies of possible drug interactions between different company's vaccines.

Yes there has.

0 ( +3 / -3 )

Posted in: Japan weighs mixing and matching COVID vaccines See in context

More incompetence from the Government in even thinking about mixing vaccines! Pure stupidity!

Not at all. There's already a fair amount of data and research done on this which not only says if safe, but actually leads to an even stronger immune response.

1 ( +3 / -2 )

Posted in: Tokyo reports 3,581 coronavirus cases; nationwide tally 22,750 See in context

It's not a conspiracy, so stop using that as a way to delegitimize valid questions and concerns.

Everyone knows the reported cases are a fraction of the real incidence. That's just a fact, given the testing policy. But that policy has been a constant since the start (in fact it was originally even harder to get a test than now, originally they only tested people with pneumonia type symptoms). I personally agree this a stupid policy.

However lots of people on this forum are saying the government are further restricting and limiting testing beyond this policy, and under reporting deaths, to intentional suppress truth from the public. That is called a conspiracy theory.

3 ( +5 / -2 )

Posted in: Tokyo reports 3,581 coronavirus cases; nationwide tally 22,750 See in context

The Case Positive rate is a key metric to understanding how well a country has this under control. The WHO suggests having a rate under 5% indicates infection prevention measures are effective.

Japan currently sits at about 20%, with an apallingly low rate of testing for a developed country. No only that there is almost no contract tracing in Japan, a Covid app with a very low usage rate and no mandatory QR code and location registration.

Totally agree with all of that.

However it doesn't change the fact that we have passed the peak of this particular wave.

-1 ( +3 / -4 )

Posted in: Tokyo reports 3,581 coronavirus cases; nationwide tally 22,750 See in context

If you look at the Tokyo Government COVID-19 reporting site, the lower number of positive cases reported follow exactly the number of tests conducted:


This it the sure way to ensuring lower numbers.

Test positivity rate is falling so this doesn't make sense.

Do you people really think that the so called government conspiracy can be spotted by average Joe looking at the official stats site? Don't you think they would take a little bit more care to cover it up? Why would have the numbers even gone up in the first place if there was a cover up?

How many people do you personally know in hospital or to have even caught covid? I bet it's not many if any. So all you people do is react to the officially released stats and then for some reason convince yourself they are suppressing them. If they didn't report them in the first place you wouldn't even be concerned.

-8 ( +7 / -15 )

Posted in: Tokyo reports 4,227 coronavirus cases; nationwide tally 24,200 See in context

Again whats your basis for the decreasing testing? We all know day by day it changes a lot. The moving averages are whats important and they don't show a reduction in testing. You were saying something about the moving average being fake and not adding up to the test numbers, but for what its worth I checked the last 8 days last night and it matches up exactly.

-2 ( +2 / -4 )

Posted in: Tokyo reports 4,227 coronavirus cases; nationwide tally 24,200 See in context

Lot of people want the situation to improve not to be put under a blanket and are tired of having to deal with the do nothing, covid is no problem, fatty life is not worth the trouble, just glup vitamine D, mask are useless, things will solve by themselves, ... and so and so.

When the cases decrease should you not instead be happy, encourage people to continue to do their best, encourage people not doing it to start doing it as it works, ... instead of using it against people which want the situation undercontrol and encouraging people to do nothing or stop doing thing as the situation will solve by itself.

Sorry but this is incomprehensible

1 ( +2 / -1 )

Posted in: Tokyo reports 4,227 coronavirus cases; nationwide tally 24,200 See in context

Why it is that widescale testing wasn't done at the venue is behind comprehension, especially given the attendees were among the least vaccinated age groups in the country.

Because the government are incompetent and worse don't even care.

10 ( +10 / -0 )

Posted in: Tokyo reports 4,227 coronavirus cases; nationwide tally 24,200 See in context

Having said that, unless they get most people vaccinated asap, it will start rising again soon as people will inevitably start to relax again now (thats been the pattern of every wave so far here). And of course new mutations could be round the corner.

3 ( +4 / -1 )

Posted in: Tokyo reports 4,227 coronavirus cases; nationwide tally 24,200 See in context

Either testing is more suppressed or the number is faked, because there's absolutely no reason as to why the actual numbers would fall other than political.

That's not true.

First any wave will be.. a wave. So it will fall eventually as all the susceptible people catch it. You can look through every epidemic in history if you are not convinced.

Second vaccinations are increasing. Sure its all too late and they messed it up, but the fact is they are increasing.

Third there has been a reduction in movement. Its not near the targets but there has been a reduction.

Like it or not (it's amazing that some of you don't like it) but this wave has peaked. Cases are falling, testing is has not decreased, and positivity rate is not increasing.

-9 ( +1 / -10 )

Posted in: Tokyo reports 4,227 coronavirus cases; nationwide tally 24,200 See in context

Is Tokyo going down when all the rest of the country is still going up ? Good question.

If it is it would not be suspcicious. Tokyo is the epicenter of each wave.

9 ( +10 / -1 )

Posted in: Tokyo reports 4,704 coronavirus cases; nationwide tally 24,976 See in context

*as reported

0 ( +0 / -0 )

Posted in: Tokyo reports 4,704 coronavirus cases; nationwide tally 24,976 See in context

Well let's see have you looked at the charts provided by Tokyo gov?

Yes, that's from where I'm quoting the moving averages on reported on those particular dates.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

Posted in: Tokyo reports 4,704 coronavirus cases; nationwide tally 24,976 See in context

I don't get the constant claims here that testing is decreasing. 

7 day moving averages:

23rd 15620

16th 14942

9th 13741

2nd 13342

Of course, the 20%+ positivity rate is absurd. However it peaked on 15th August at 23.8% and yesterday was at 20.7%.  I'm not saying that's a significant decrease, it's not. But its not going up. So I don't see the evidence for decreasing testing nor increasing under-detection either. (Under detection is for sure huge, I'm just saying I don't see an argument for its increasing).

For sure, the situation is dire, and the govt has done the worst job imaginable.  However, it does look like this wave has peaked, and if they continue to get the vaccinations out at a good pace we may not see another like this (unless more awful mutations, which admittedly wouldn't be surprising).

-7 ( +6 / -13 )

Posted in: Foot traffic still high despite state of emergency See in context

You are supposed to automatically assume those with the infection are unvaccinated and/or bad people.

I guess that explains it. It's shocking how narrow minded people are.

Fact is is totally pro-vaccine and looking forward to getting my 2nd shot tomorrow. I am just genuinely interested to get more data on the relative risk of delta even when vaccinated. Like a rational, sane person, looking for information to inform and guide my decisions.

But apparently all the down voters interpreted my request as an anti vaccine statement. A perfect example of how polarised things have become, and how this is all now just a matter of identity politics rather than facts. People simply dont want to take in information that doesn't fit their pre selected view of the world. Sad.

-1 ( +2 / -3 )

Posted in: Foot traffic still high despite state of emergency See in context

For what possible reason would you downvote my question asking about if there is known data on proportion of new infections which have been vaccinated? Please enlighten me.

-15 ( +8 / -23 )

Posted in: Foot traffic still high despite state of emergency See in context

Does anyone know of data on what percent of new infections are (1) partially and (2) fully vaccinated?

-6 ( +6 / -12 )

Posted in: Tokyo reports 5,534 coronavirus cases; nationwide tally 25,156 See in context


Ok then explain ba very simple thing.

If the Tokyo government is not control or capping testing, why is it we can predict near exactly how many tests will be done tomorrow and be 90% sure we are Right.

Every day starting Monday the number of tests drops approximately 3,000 each day and we know Sunday will be 3,000.

The Tokyo government testing is more predictable and reliable than "old faithful".

So give us a logical explanation?

We are waiting.

It's because the private clinics close at weekends.

FWIW see the New York data here:


See how cases in New York are consistently, significantly lower at weekends. Every weekend on the chart. Is this because there is also a conspiracy in New York too? Is this because people get less covid at weekends?

No, its due to reduced testing at the weekends.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

Posted in: Mother, 2 young children found dead in apparent murder-suicide in Nara See in context

Cruel, cruel world. Many couples desperately sad as unable to conceive.

1 ( +1 / -0 )

Posted in: Tokyo reports 5,534 coronavirus cases; nationwide tally 25,156 See in context

Furthermore, the reality is it's now just before the Paralympics and we in fact have record cases. If there was a govt conspiracy to make things look ok for the Paralympics they are not doing a very good job are they. If they were controlling the numbers why wouldn't they just knock off say a 1000?

0 ( +2 / -2 )

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