Japan Today

Aurora comments

Posted in: Why Japanese women go for fake crooked teeth See in context

I have these type of teeth naturally and firstly the comment section has not helped me feel any better about it haha. But second, yall do realise people in the west to the exact same thing but backwards? Exhibit A: myself. There's nothing wrong with my bite and the teeth cause me no real issues. But because they're not "straight enough", people see it as something bad I have to fix. By getting potentially harmful and expensive braces or invisalign, spending months to years pushing my teeth from their sockets, and then waiting for my bone structure to change only to still have to wear a retainer for the rest of my life. And so many do it! Heck, I'm considering it!

Just because there's a trend in Japan that doesn't fit with your idea of "beauty" you go OH NO HOW HORRIBLE they need to work on self esteem~~ But what you seem to forget is that the same exact thing is going on everywhere just with different standards and procedures.

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