Posted in: Osaka to reintroduce Saturday classes for elementary schools See in context
Having been in several chugakku schools, the message I get from JETs, ALTs etc is that much of Japanese education is "colouring in maps". The national honour does not allow non-Japanese teachers to run the English program so much of it is done by teachers who struggle in it themselves. The fact that most adults can't offer a basic conversation in English after 6 years of study is witness to that.
2 ( +2 / -0 )
Posted in: Activists begin annual campaign against Japanese whalers See in context
The ongoing deceit that this is "for science" reflects very poorly - and unfairly - on the Japanese people who have little say on its cessation. Just who is making the money to support these expeditions of death?
-1 ( +0 / -1 )
Posted in: Classic Car Festival to be held in Tokyo on Dec 1 See in context
The de Lorean was an 'interesting' design but slower than most modern family cars. A bit of show but little go and certainly NOT a 'vintage car'. How about the Honda S600 or the Toyota GT?
1 ( +1 / -0 )
Posted in: Australia hits out at Japan at whale tracking tech launch See in context
The level of anti-whaling feeling in Australia is considerable. It is the single most intense basis that anti-Japanese feeling exists in Australia. Without that, there is widespread respect for the Japanese since few know about the Taiji cove clubbing of dolphins.
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Posted in: Engine fumes halt ANA Dreamliner's takeoff See in context
"Mere teething problems" I'm sure. But you don't need them at 50 000 feet above ground.
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Posted in: 63-year-old engineer may be Japan's last ninja See in context
Don't confuse the artists with the thug. Bushido is a more noble body of skills and the accountability to match. The mind is the last 'weapon' to be mastered.
2 ( +3 / -1 )
Posted in: Young Japanese women becoming less interested in sex, survey says See in context
Young women of independent spirit have no need of complicating relationships. Those who have the income would prefer to go to 'host clubs' where pretty boys will massage their ego needs while sipping expensive drinks bought for them by the girls.
In some places, there is the option of paying a little more for sexual attention later.
0 ( +2 / -2 )
Posted in: Japan's military: well-armed but untested in battle See in context
If push came to shove, it would be no contest with Nth Korea or China. It's a question of scale in most battles. I have no doubt that most would maintain the bushido spirit, even if some lack the soul. It's a question of training. Grt that right, get the battle right.
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Posted in: Schoolgirl speared in head by javelin at Hiroshima university See in context
I have seen kyudo conducted in large groups in Himeji without a teacher - would never happen in Australia. Japanese students tend to be more dependable. But in a university?! "Oops" just doesn't cover it.
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Posted in: Nearly 2,500 taken to hospital for heatstroke in week to July 15 See in context
Good thing they don't live in Australia where a string of days over 40 happens a few times each summer. And that includes on the south coast, not the tropical north. "Toughen up, people." And don't do dumb stuff when it's that hot.
1 ( +1 / -0 )
Posted in: Uncertain future for Japan's cat cafes See in context
If only the activists were so protective of under-aged girls in men's 'clubs'.
4 ( +6 / -2 )
Posted in: Uncertain future for Japan's cat cafes See in context
Anyone ever see cats wandering during the hours of darkness? Yes. Why is an 8p.m. curfew in their interest? Seems like they are ready to party by then.
6 ( +6 / -0 )
Posted in: Man’s skeletonized body found in Saitama apartment See in context
In a society - anywhere - where you 'mind your own business' and disregard others, everyone loses. What happens when your car breaks down and no one will stop? A multitude of minor acts of civility and care for others costs so little and humanises a community. I was told that Nihonjin were aloof and didn't talk to strangers. Because I had a smattering of Nihongo, I have chatted to dozens of strangers and often left them behind, chatting to one another, something they wouldn't have done had I not 'broken the ice' for them.
1 ( +1 / -0 )
Posted in: Police recruit shoots himself in head at police koban See in context
Sorry: .38 REVOLVER. Yes, there are .38 semi-autos.
0 ( +0 / -0 )
Posted in: Police recruit shoots himself in head at police koban See in context
I have no idea about this case but I have worked with young soldiers who were happy to 'play with guns' even if outside of regulations. Strong probability it was a .38 and, as such, has no safety. Hard to construe this as an accidental discharge, though.
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Posted in: 12-year-old girl killed after lying down on railway tracks See in context
Someone once said, "Suicide is a permanent solution to a temporary problem." I had a uni mate suicide in second year. I saw what it did to his loving parents. I could never do that to anyone. Tragic then - and now.
0 ( +2 / -2 )
Posted in: 417 foreigners sit for Japan nursing exam See in context
With an increasing proportion of educated Japanese having some skill in spoken English, maybe they could find some middle ground. Could they not employ these applicants in hospitals serving tourists and expats?
1 ( +1 / -0 )
Posted in: Did Jesus Christ live and die in northern Japan? See in context
I think not. But the important question is "Where does He live now?" I can't be sure but, as the judges say, "I am satisfied"- enough to believe.
-3 ( +0 / -3 )
Posted in: 180 students from disaster-hit Tohoku to have homestays in U.S. See in context
Surely Australia could do the same if someone had the vision to do so. Coke/Amatil (tobacco) certainly makes enough profit here.
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Posted in: Gov't aims for 18 million tourists a year by 2016 See in context
We'll be back - next year. That'll be visit no. 5 for me, an Australian. Our dollar is strong and that helps tourists if not traders. Yes, there is incompetence and corruption but our interactions with the common people have been wonderful. Radiation issues have been grossly overstated for other than a limited district. People in Hokkaido, Kansai or Shikoku are vastly out of the danger zone. Expensive? Yes, if you choose to follow that path. We can find double accommodation for 8000 yen a day and cafe food that is barely different from home prices, with good serves and high quality
1 ( +1 / -0 )
Posted in: 77,630 school bullying cases recognized in 2010 See in context
While no staff supervision in the yard in breaks, this will only continue. In western schools, a teacher (or two) always wanders the yard to monitor behavioural breaches. And, with modern technology, covert harassment - even outside of the school - is becoming more widespread.
3 ( +3 / -0 )
Posted in: Pachinko addiction a growing problem for Japanese women See in context
Such is the barrenness that has come with abandoning much of the old culture. Where there was so much beauty in many forms, this mindless trivia fills a spiritual void for many who see the machines as a possible route to a better life.
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Posted in: Trump and Musk's dismantling of government is shaking foundations of US democracy
Posted in: Trump unleashes a supercharged MAGA agenda and Republicans come aboard
Posted in: Trump unleashes a supercharged MAGA agenda and Republicans come aboard
This will be a new disaster. Will trump want a part of Japan for security reason and build a trump…
Posted in: On eve of summit with Japan PM, Trump reportedly meets U.S. Steel CEO