Posted in: Japan plans July fighter jet tender seen worth $40 bln as China tensions simmer See in context
What say you?
Japan is not lagging in a lot of ways you can ever imagine or scribe in your comment. Japan is making a way NOT to get far behind, not contesting but just getting in line. Now that is what you call PREPAREDNESS.
What say you again???
2 ( +3 / -1 )
Posted in: 'Game of Thrones' season finale scores record ratings See in context
It airs live via Skyperfect's Star Channel here in Japan. FYI to those who do not know!!!
3 ( +3 / -0 )
Posted in: China warns Japan against provocation around disputed islands See in context
China is all just big mouth on this. If wish for war go for it so that you can see what reality will incur in you foolish games. China have never won even a single battle against Jspan in history. The only reason Japan lost during the WWII that includes China's release from Japanese occupation is because the US were on their side then. Albeit the surrender, it was not due to China but to the US. Now that you do not US on your side, better act and talk wisely before all hell breaks loose. Japan is not alone going against you, it will be almost all of the SEA nations plus allies like US and so forth. Wait and see when Japan finalizes its constitutional revision coming summer, you will gat a very different reaction from Japan that's for sure!
1 ( +3 / -2 )
Posted in: Abe expresses outrage at IS video purportedly showing Goto being beheaded See in context
Some islams say that ISIS is not what islam is all about. Well then, just think of it, if somebody uses your name in the name of heinous crimes and terror, wouldn't you do something or even better everything just to clear your name out of it? Well then, TRUE ISLAMS, WHY DON'T YOU DO SOMETHING TO PROVE THAT ISLAM IS TRULY NOT WHAT ISIS IS? CLEAR YOUR FAITH'S NAME AND REPUTATION AGAINST THIS DEMONIC DISEASE.!
-1 ( +2 / -3 )
Posted in: Abe expresses outrage at IS video purportedly showing Goto being beheaded See in context
Some islams say that ISIS is not what islam is all about. Well then, just think of it, if somebody uses your name in the name of heinous crimes and terror, wouldn't you do something or even better everything just to clear your name out of it? Well then, TRUE ISLAMS, WHY DON'T YOU DO SOMETHING TO PROVE THAT ISLAM IS TRULY NOT WHAT ISIS IS? CLEAR YOUR FAITH'S NAME AND REPUTATION AGAINST THIS DEMONIC DISEASE.!
3 ( +5 / -2 )
Posted in: Abe expresses outrage at IS video purportedly showing Goto being beheaded See in context
Some islams say that ISIS is not what islam is all about. Well then, just think of it, if somebody uses your name in the name of heinous crimes and terror, wouldn't you do something or even better everything just to clear your name out of it? Well then, TRUE ISLAMS, WHY DON'T YOU DO SOMETHING TO PROVE THAT ISLAM IS TRULY NOT WHAT ISIS IS? CLEAR YOUR FAITH'S NAME AND REPUTATION AGAINST THIS DEMONIC DISEASE.!
5 ( +8 / -3 )
Posted in: Abe expresses outrage at IS video purportedly showing Goto being beheaded See in context
The only thing Japan did is to give humanitarian aid, and this is what she get in return. I strongly recommend Japan to stop giving money for aids and ODA's alike to other countries. It is wiser nowadays for Japan to just concentrate on using those monies to bring herself back on foot in all aspects. Use all the remaining funds and treasuries to bring the old samurai back and her dignity. DELETE/MODIFY ART 9 AND CREATE MORE JOBS BACK AT HOME. MILITARY JOBS!!!
-7 ( +1 / -8 )
Posted in: 80% of 'black companies' guilty of illegal business practices, survey finds See in context
Just go and charge them! Get them punished....!
2 ( +2 / -0 )
Posted in: Abe pledges to bolster economy, defense in Diet policy speech See in context
The Japanese people knows what is best for them. If it's not worth the change, it will never happen. On the other hand, if they see a tremendous reason to believe so, they will support the agenda a 120%. And you can't blame them, there are grave reasons to believe so.
I think it is just about time for Japan to embrace the CHANGES and face the current events in full confidence and valor.
-2 ( +0 / -2 )
Posted in: Japan deflation persists; industrial output falls See in context
I was very optimistic of the abenomics, thinking the attack on the stagnant economy is in every Japanese' best interest. Bow I am kind of doubtful feeling nothing but higher taxes and living expenses. Abe is strongly urging every company to raise wages to help boost the economy, HOWEVER on the contrary, his gov't is ctting off fed/government workers big time time in their salaries plus a hike in tax and lessened benefits. I am just wondering, why don't he start with the honest taxpayers to get the hike and feel of abenomics' dynamics which are the gov't workers?
0 ( +1 / -1 )
Posted in: Japanese right-wingers protest against S Korean daily's A-bomb editorial See in context
LMAO. You could easily say where commentors are coming from just looking at the way they react to discussions and how they do it. TYPICAL of people who were educated the way they are raised by their own countries' selfish unhumane ideologies. What a crap. So pathetic.
-4 ( +0 / -4 )
Posted in: Japanese right-wingers protest against S Korean daily's A-bomb editorial See in context
Yeah, but 40 or 100 fools are so few that they are not newsworthy. It's like if the press is trying to give the idea that nationalism is spreading to most of Japanese people. But I get the feeling most of people care more about the economy or Fukushima, rather than islands and historical disputes. Japanese people voted for Abe mainly for the economy. But now he is trying to take advantage of the situation to revamp nationalism in Japan. I hope Japanese people are able to see that this is bad.
It is a start of something new and definitely not bad. It has a deeper meaning that reflects the true vitality of Japan towards redemption. NO ONE will help rebuild Japan in her strive for recovery but it's very OWN PEOPLE. It's about time to think and react as ONE. It could be a minute start nevertheless, it is still highly regarded as a good SPARK.
-10 ( +0 / -10 )
Posted in: Tokyo protesters say no to amending constitution See in context
LMFAO, whatever you say jewawa.
The Art 9 revision is a must to stabilize the inconsistencies that it require Japan to protect itself and its allies against aggressors. It is unbelievably illogical enough to even declare it as obsolete, null and void is imperative to assure security and humanity in the asian region in a balanced state, safeguarded against ill witted lures that directly violates and abuses human rights in dismaying peculiarities. Just right enough to keep the balance, nothing more nothing less.
-1 ( +1 / -2 )
Posted in: Tokyo protesters say no to amending constitution See in context
Tricky communistssneaking from behind.
0 ( +3 / -3 )
Posted in: Asia's F-35 buyers forced to wait as China seeks edge See in context
China didn't change a bit at all when it to comes war. They are always in to the quantity and NOt by the quality mentality. A thousand of various gen J's is not just gonna make it with the state of the art F3's, customized and power tuned F-series fighter, stealth subs, powered up Aegis destroyers. If the US would only allow Japan to mass produce it's own arsenals with its pinpoint precision technologies. If the US would only agree on disspelling Art9 and give Japan freedom to make it's own original arsenals again,..this whole story would be so much different. Everyone might just get astonished to see a real war spec GUNDAM fly out in Japan's airspaces as a watch dog.
-1 ( +1 / -2 )
Posted in: 2 stabbed to death, 5 wounded by Chinese man in Hiroshima Pref See in context
just as always I have thought,... BACKSTABBING COWARDS. hope someday these kinds of people meet their match in a frenzy karmatic way!
-5 ( +3 / -8 )
Posted in: China, S Korea envoys skip tsunami ceremony See in context
I bet we will see more from all around the world the sign "NO KOREANS ALLOWED"|. What a show of super duper attitude! China is next, like "No Back Stabbing Chinese Allowed",hahaha If it comes to reality, I would say just " FINALLLLLLLLLLLLY".
-3 ( +1 / -5 )
Posted in: China, S Korea envoys skip tsunami ceremony See in context
I wish the US realizes what a bad investment SK is. Let them deal with their own probs from the North. leave them. As for Japan, leave them without any ODA and other similar monetary support. They ought to know that, instead of bragging for their foolish artificial cosmetics. China just gets deeper into the realm of the "UNFORGIVABLE" side of the katana. They shouldn't be considered as a good neighbor in any sense. So NO need for ODA as well from JP. WHAT the heck is JP thinking, giving ODA (help money) to countries like PRC and SK, and at the same time killing it's own people with lucrative taxes and price hikes.
There is no more respect, just politics. The human race is doomed IMHO.
-5 ( +2 / -7 )
Posted in: Former ASDF general: 'China won't initiate war over Senkakus' See in context
LouReedMar. 01, 2013 - 11:34AM JST China's military would CRUSH the SDF in a matter weeks if the US didn't step in to save the day.
What a senseless thing to say. In what or how technically did you get that thought referenced from? Is there even 1 event in history that could be at least referred to as to support your wishful thinking???
0 ( +0 / -0 )
Posted in: Abe demands apology from China over radar lock incident See in context
lachance: Ultimately, that's the end play. And it's not difficult or even dangerous for us to get there.||
Totally agree. I recall how the "Tiananmen Square" clash could have sparked a near civil war in the very heart of China! Proof of weakness within the PRC that will haunt them in the near future.
1 ( +2 / -1 )
Posted in: Abe demands apology from China over radar lock incident See in context
This has nothing to do with whatever the past had been. Past is past, it's over and dealt with. This is indirectly and a would-be alibi only if to relate to the island dispute. The issue is that PRC's frigate lock their radar on a Japanese destroyer, plain and simple. It's an act of war. It's like pointing a gun in your face and you wouldn't feel any other but aggression. Fak the past, this is now. The whole world with the UN's representation should act NOW! This is not going any better without a neutral 3rd party to help resolve the issue. UN should be more responsible in keeping world peace at all cost in all corners of the world. Isn't that how they are suppose to function? When are they going to act? ACT NOW for chrissake!
0 ( +4 / -4 )
Posted in: 'Abenomics' kicking average wage-earner in teeth See in context
...ungrateful countries like South Korea.
-3 ( +2 / -5 )
Posted in: 'Abenomics' kicking average wage-earner in teeth See in context
You know why, because korean and chinese products are generally a lot cheaper. Imagine buying a Doraemon doll from JP against a Doramon from PRC,.or a Sony Playstation from JP against a Sunny Playstation! And worse is, people buy it without looking at the labels, because it's more affordable....CHEAP TRICKS from cheap money!
JP is trying to go just in between to be more competitive in the market. Just the right level to reveal the truth in quality of products overshadowing huge price diferrences. Abe and company is not that stupid to sink the common people, the salaryman, deeper. They are the majority in JP public just to put that into account.
If I'd be Abe, I'll ignore evrything and let the results explain it to itself. To add to that, so that JP can save more trillions into her pocket, I'll stop ODA (support money to help the underdeveloped countries, what a crap) to PRC and some other self-proclaimed rich countries. The paradox that I cannot understand. And also stop helping ungateful countries build their infrastractures, sewages and etc where you will only get backstabbed after it has gone able to stand on it's own feet. Insane polices like these don't help the common people of JP. It's their money anyway, JP shouldn't spend it carelessly against them.
-4 ( +1 / -5 )
Posted in: China concerned by Japan's move to boost military See in context
ratpackJan. 29, 2013 - 01:49PM JST
I really don't think China has anything to worry about in regards to Japans military might. Japanese guys these days are too worried about their hairdo's and make up. China should only worry if a war breaks out in front of the magazine rack in a convenience store........then China might find themselves out numbered.
@ratfack.,...LMAO! I am cordially inviting you to come and test one of our friends here stationed in Naha trained at Nagasaki. He does puts on make up, all black oil based. Hahaha c'mon down!
4 ( +5 / -1 )
Posted in: Japan talk of warning shots heats up China dispute See in context
Try it on CHIna, Japan's NOT bluffing more. If you think you have all the power to destabilize Japan, go for it and see for yourself what you are going to deal with. It's NOT in numbers , justl ike your commodities - cheap and many, that is going to be the deciding factor here, it;s quality and precision in the highest level of technology that you could ever imagine is what's going to be the winning factor. . PRC knows what exactly they are going to face here if gotten worse, Casualties for sure will be on all sides, but the smaller Japan in histroy alone is top brass. You would need an A-Bomb just to get them to surrender for having a huge number of civilian casualties. Not because they lost.
4 ( +4 / -0 )
Posted in: Chinese media seize on Hatoyama's apology at Nanjing Massacre Memorial See in context
LMAO! This loopy alien is really proving his insanity above and beyond. I don't think that he can even stomach a "harakiri" to clear alll that he has done, but that doesn't matter, he is already in the "T" list IMO. Time is clicking,..tik tak tik tak - kaboom!
-3 ( +2 / -5 )
Posted in: Senior Chinese leader urges island talks with Japan See in context
PRC is in it's prime economically being the 2nd in the world at present, US and JP are 1st and 3rd respectectively. PRC's chance to realize a reunification quest is now the present while at it's strongest. It's now or never for them, the Senkakus will serve as their biggest prize or biggest hurdle. The islands are strategically located in the mouth of the Pacific serving like a gate. Whoever will control the gate will have the Pacific on their palms, commercially and militarily. Nobody is ignorant of what the PRC is trying to achieve in this ordeal, as well as the notorious bullying and killing in some surrounding countries. PRC will not stop pushing, playing bully and a two face joker just to get what they are eyeing for. Sad thing is, #1 and #3 will NEVER let that happen. So in 2021, in their 100th H_A, it won't be that happy as they have wished for, and worse is, there might be NO more PRC in existence. Broken down into small regions, un-unified and separate. PRC in the 20th century is history the world would never forget.
-1 ( +1 / -2 )
Posted in: Abe accuses China of letting Japanese firms be targeted during isle protests See in context
Perfectly said Abe-san. Also, IMO it's not to late to ask the PRC a payback for the damages, monetary and moral. Or at least a sincere apology announced publicly by their premier and thus stop the crazy quest for the Japanese owned Senkakus.
2 ( +8 / -7 )
Posted in: China court orders Apple to pay in rights dispute See in context
I guess China is trying to get some petty cash not from their reserve from that they think they are more absolute of to PAY the damages and fines that they have to pay to the J companies who were smouldered and inhumanized during their last immature boycott in retaliation to the nationalization of the senkakus. lol funny.!
Consficius,..where are you?
0 ( +0 / -0 )
Posted in: USAID is stripped of its lease and staffers turned away from DC headquarters
Depends whether the US is still there to carry the day.
Posted in: What would happen if Japan is attacked?
Posted in: USAID is stripped of its lease and staffers turned away from DC headquarters
We are over 70 years past any legitimate grievance Iran had.
Posted in: Iranians mark anniversary of the 1979 Islamic Revolution