Japan Today

azn_twinkie comments

Posted in: Man with only Y42 on him runs up bar tab of Y137,000 See in context

I don't know why so many people are criticizing the fact that the bar itself was expensive. I agree that these bars and clubs can charge ridiculous amounts but I'm sure the guy (if he had not wanted to do what he did), knew that going to such a place would cost him. If you don't pay, it's illegal. Why does it matter where it is that it took place? Are people now suggesting that just because these bars are charging high prices that it's okay for people to eat and drink and then not pay? If you think about it, with the amount of money he had on him at the time, charging him at the lowest possible prices would have resulted in the same thing, no? So, just because he's poor and that the bars are doing what they're doing, it's okay for people to just walk in to get free food? Where is the logic?

1 ( +1 / -0 )

Posted in: High school teacher arrested for drug possession See in context

I just think that as a teacher of any school, people should know better. I get that there are stresses from work but who doesn't have stress?

And a small amount of anything illegal is still illegal. Having small or big amounts of something doesn't make it less or more of a crime.

I hope he gets his rightful punishment

0 ( +1 / -1 )

Posted in: 17-year-old girl hit by train while using smartphone on platform See in context

Seriously I'm surprised to see that this hasn't happened already before. With the number of people I see every day walking and texting, or looking at the smartphones, I would have thought that such accidents or similar ones would have been reported more.

But seriously, it's kind of annoying and frustrating especially with the amount of school students nowadays walking with smartphones in hand. We all know that people can rarely multitask and I don't understand what is so important that it has to be prioritized ahead of watching where you're going or trying to avoid accidents.

I hope the girl has learned her lesson.

4 ( +4 / -0 )

Posted in: Partially skeletonized human body found near Arakawa River in Tokyo See in context

It:s kind of scary seeing all these reports of human bodies being found recently. It seems that when one crime of sorts is found, so many more surfaces at around the same time.

0 ( +1 / -1 )

Posted in: Woman, boyfriend force her daughter to eat 30 pet goldfish See in context

I don't think anyone here is particularly entitled to saying whether the mom was right or wrong or the psychological state of the woman at the time of the crime. We are not here to justify actions. Truth is, this is what happened and it doesn't matter why she did it. The fact that she did alone is what's of concern here, I think.

-8 ( +0 / -8 )

Posted in: Woman, boyfriend force her daughter to eat 30 pet goldfish See in context

I simply question the sanity of people nowadays in this country.

The old saying of treat others the way you want to be treated doesn't seem to apply anymore...

4 ( +5 / -1 )

Posted in: Woman arrested for suffocating 4-month-old daughter with pillow See in context

I'm really surprised as to how many of these mom-killing-children incidents have come to light recently.

From what I can read in most of these news articles, including this one, I feel like I don't have much right to say whether the mom was psychologically sound at the time of the crime...but seriously, if people are not ready to take on the responsibility of having children (which includes bearing with the human natures such as children crying or causing havoc), then don't have kids?

Also, at least in Canada where I'm from, it doesn't matter the motive behind the act. You can have the most reasonable motive for wanting to do something but killing someone is killing someone.

I just feel sorry for the baby girl. I'm sure she didn't do anything wrong to deserve her life taken away at only four months.

2 ( +2 / -0 )

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