Japan Today

B.l. Sharma comments

Posted in: Slain ex-PM Abe honored at divisive state funeral See in context

Former Prime Minister Abe was held in high esteem in the hearts and minds of Indian people. He had devoted his best for the promotion of strong Japan India ties and took it to new strategic height during his tenure . We fondly remember when had visited Gugarat alongwith Mrs AKIE and was given a grand welcome rarely given to any visiting foreign dignitary in India. PEOPLE of INDIA mourn his untimely death and pay our respect to his memory . and pray to God to rest his soul in peace .

-17 ( +5 / -22 )

Posted in: Shooter says he believed Abe promoted religious group that bankrupted his mother See in context

Political connections of YAMAGAMI should be thoroughly investigated to ascertain whether any foreign power in involved in the shooting of Shinzo Abe . Akie Abe should now join L D P and play a significant role of nation building and finish the unfinished tasks of Shinzo Abe.

-4 ( +1 / -5 )

Posted in: Ex-PM Abe in critical condition after being shot while campaigning in Nara See in context


-1 ( +6 / -7 )

Posted in: India virus death toll passes 300,000; 3rd highest in world See in context

Modi is doing everything possible to contain the spread of this evil COVID -19 deadly disease started from Wuhan . Nobody talk about those who were engaged in Corona research since 2015 and providing financial funding for the operations at Wuhan . There should be fair independent investigation into the origin of the virus to fix the responsibility of the all culprits involved in the sread of Corona virus in the world that had taken millions of lives in the world so far.

-3 ( +0 / -3 )

Posted in: 22-year-old man arrested for killing brother with hammer See in context

Persons , entertaining killing instinct in their in their mind , need thorough counselling in the very early stage of childhood , to prevent them from indulging into killing spree later in life

-1 ( +1 / -2 )

Posted in: Tokyo reports 139 new coronavirus cases; nationwide tally 482 See in context

JAPAN and India should put in place a permanent infra for development of new vaccines whenever any new virus is released by any notorious country in the world to gain supremacy over others as we have seen in case of Covid -19 pandemic.

-11 ( +0 / -11 )

Posted in: Pompeo uses Tokyo visit to slam China, seek Asian allies' support See in context

All countries must reduce their dependence on China to the maximum to be more safe and secure in the future as it is most untrustworthy country in the world and flouts all accords and agreements with immunity.

6 ( +8 / -2 )

Posted in: Abe says decision to resign before accomplishing his goals 'gut-wrenching' See in context

Whole of India got the shocking news of PM Abe resignation with unbelief .People of India were expecting to visit India next month . PM Abe should be given the best of medical treatment available so that he could continue for more years to lead the affairs of JAPAN. He must reconsider his decision of resigning as PM of Japan as he is the most experienced and able leader that Japanese have in the present circumstances when the world is witnessing so explosive situation in the South China Sea which can trigger world war at any time.

-27 ( +8 / -35 )

Posted in: If Abe falls out with China completely, it will be detrimental to him at home and abroad. See in context

It is for the world to hold those responsible for all death and destruction spread in the world through Covid 19 and must be made to pay compensation to all those who are suffering and suffered enormously due to it..

0 ( +0 / -0 )

Posted in: Japan approves remdesivir for coronavirus treatment See in context

Ivermectin as claimed by Monash University study that a single dose of this anti parasite medicine can stop Covid 19 virus growing in the cell culture and kill it within 48 hrs inside the body.

-2 ( +0 / -2 )

Posted in: Koike calls for state of emergency to be extended nationwide See in context

By sitting together in groups on benches in the open air, as shown in the photograph, you can not control Corona virus , only increasing the pandemic in JAPAN . For your own and safety of others too , stay at home and strictly maintain personal distance of at least 8 feet one and other and from CORONA VIRUS infected persons.

-1 ( +0 / -1 )

Posted in: Bullet trains, expressways, airports deserted ahead of Golden Week See in context

All should stay at home and observe all Abe government's directives to fight spread of CORONA virus. This gesture of the people will certainly make the Week Golden in reality for JAPAN .

-4 ( +1 / -5 )

Posted in: Japan's state of emergency is no lockdown. What is it? See in context

Japan's state of emergency gives complete freedom to the people to observe it at their own sweet will without any legal compulsion on them to strictly follow it in their day to day life.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

Posted in: Abe to declare state of emergency for Tokyo, 6 prefectures See in context

Timely decision by PM Abe to declare State of Emergency in Tokyo and six other prefectures of Japan to prevent Corona Virus to spread to community level. All those countries who had not taken preventive measures in time, are now , heavily suffering due to surge of Corona virus in their countries We all can see such suffering in Italy , France , Spain , U K . U S A which have now become new hotbeds for spread of Corona virus in the world

-3 ( +1 / -4 )

Posted in: Gov't to give ¥300,000 in cash to each household in need See in context

PM Abe's announcement of providing 300,000 yen assistance to 10 million households in Japan is a bold step to mitigate the sufferings of the weaker sections of society facing falling income due to spread of Corona Virus from Wuhan. People should applaud PM Abe for his bold initiative to reduce the suffering of people in this hour of crisis and fully support his moves as a token of approval and give another fourth term term to him to lead affairs of Japan.

-7 ( +4 / -11 )

Posted in: Abe's two-mask pledge met online with derision and humor See in context

Even though, there is world wide shortage availability of Masks , PM Abe has taken a bold decision to provide two reusable cloth face mask to every household in Japan to protect them from the onslaught of CORONA VIRUS in the country.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

Posted in: Should you wear a mask in public if you don't have the coronavirus? See in context

Everybody must wear mask as Corona virus is capable and can spread through air and can remain contagious for hours after patients have left . So people may be able to get infected with Corona virus without even coming in contact with infected person . It is highly essential that one must maintain safe distance of at least 27 feet away from the infected person for his or her own safety and security.

-2 ( +0 / -2 )

Posted in: Tokyo Olympics rescheduled for July 23-Aug 8 in 2021 See in context

Rescheduling of Olympic games to next year is an excellent decision taken by PM Abe's government in view of the grave danger posed by COVID 19 pandemic in the world. Postponement of the Olympic games will provide more time to his government to concentrate on providing and ensuring safety and security to its people against Coronavirus epidemic by developing an effective vaccine against this dangerous disease either through its own effort or in joint collaboration with friendly countries at the earliest in the near future.

-11 ( +0 / -11 )

Posted in: Japanese comedian Ken Shimura dies from coronavirus-caused pneumonia See in context

Japanese are famous for leading a long life in the world , it is sad that Kim Shimura has succumbed to Covid

19 pandemic which starting from Wuhan . is now spreading havoc in the world. Early development of an effective vaccine is urgent need of the hour to curb its spread.

-1 ( +3 / -4 )

Posted in: New Year Fire Review See in context

Really a superb view of ladder acrobatic in the new year.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

Posted in: Japan, India boost digital partnership for new technology era See in context

Tremendous scope is existing for boosting our close strategic partnerships in diversified fields of our economies to further strengthen our relations . PM Abe's visit had to be postponed due to the futile agitation launched by frustrated opposition parties to regain their lost space in the political field. People are eagerly waiting for PM Abe's visit at the more opportune time .

0 ( +0 / -0 )

Posted in: Near-death experience gives Naomi Osaka perspective See in context

NAOMI escaped near death situation because she was born on the auspicious day 9th of Indian calendar .

-4 ( +1 / -5 )

Posted in: 61% believe women should continue to work after giving birth: survey See in context

Women should be allowed to work with reduced working hours of 4 or 5 hours so that they can devote enough time to household affairs and children.

1 ( +1 / -0 )

Posted in: Trump declares an Iranian's general's 'reign of terror' over See in context

After drone attack on Soleimani, next should come on President Trump's radar those terrorists sitting in Pakistan who have been involved in series of terrorist attacks in India during the last few decades.

2 ( +3 / -1 )

Posted in: LDP set to retain majority in upper house election See in context

LDP AND KOMEITO will get majority in the Upper House elections today. PM Abe will need one more term after 2o21 to complete his unfinished agenda.

-2 ( +2 / -4 )

Posted in: Trump tees up for golf with Abe See in context

Delighted to watch live telecast of Grand Sumo tournament via NHK Newsline and Asanoyama winning US PRESIDENT'S cup and PM Abe' trophy. Japan should make Sumo an international game and its tournaments should be held in various capitals of the prominent friendly countries.

-2 ( +3 / -5 )

Posted in: Emperor Naruhito pledges to work as symbol of the nation See in context

Best wishes and warm greetings to Emperor Naruhito, on the happy occasion of his accession to the throne . May he usher in more happiness, contentment, development for the people of JAPAN and peace in the world in this new era.

3 ( +3 / -0 )

Posted in: Kremlin says talks with Japan over territorial dispute could take years See in context

Persistent follow up of talks with patience over Northern Territories with Russia can reduce years of delay into months. PM Abe's efforts to find solution to this long pending problem will ultimately become successful to usher in new era of relations between the two countries.

-5 ( +0 / -5 )

Posted in: Osaka reaches Australian Open final, closing in on world No. 1 ranking See in context

Naomi has won the Australian open and beat Petra Kavitova in the final today . Congratulations Naomi for your victory.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

Posted in: Osaka reaches Australian Open final, closing in on world No. 1 ranking See in context

Well done Naomi , you are destined to succeed and win the championship Keep it up .

0 ( +1 / -1 )

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