Posted in: Japan's neighbors react strongly to Fukushima water release decision See in context
Currently, it is known that 30% has been purified by reprocessing.
Not correct.
29% is processed by fully equipped ALPS. Reprocessing has not be done yet.
So, 70% is left, and how many years will it take to purify, dilute and release? (For example, At the end of eight years Greenpeace announced that 80% of purified water treated with Alps was not properly treated.)
How many year to purify is not yet decided but in order of decades as reported.
What happened from the 80% to 70% is that the ratio of water which was not purified fully or at all decreased,
as total amount of water increased.
This might have led your misunderstanding of reprocessing.
2.The Japanese government has consistently refused to ask a third country maritime expert to measure the pollution level of Alps-treated water in order to relieve the anxiety and opposition of neighboring countries, and to allow someone from neighboring countries to participate in it to check the pollution level.
Measurement by third party has already been decided. In order to check contamination level, who to be
asked is not maritime expert, but physicists.
For about anxiety, I don't think Korea or China will agree even if other countries agree.
They complains since it's related to Japan. They ignore tritiated water discharging by themselves now.
So, in these days, if you want to convince people, proof! In other words, isn't it natural that you have to confirm it and give it faith?
Proof. Funny word. Is it different from measurement result? Who's result do you think as proof?
Do you think IAEA just read the number and said OK?
They say that they are treated fairly and thoroughly so that there is no concern from neighboring countries, and they ask you to believe based only on the letters and numbers written on the paper handed out by the Japanese government. How would you believe?
Letters and numbers, what do you need else? Special care for your feeling?
If you go data web-page of all measurement, you can check by yourself.
I know that Green Peace says doubtful numbers are shown, but they points are also doubtful.
-2 ( +0 / -2 )
Posted in: Japan's neighbors react strongly to Fukushima water release decision See in context
@ Numan
You are self inconsistent.
You wrote that "The company has also refused to permit independent organizations to test the water that is being stored at the site."
For this case, "some evidence from these third parties that show reports showing that the water was not cleaned properly contrary to what TEPCO was telling the public are wrong" cannot happen.
About the third party inspection, again, it is already decided. Check the plans how the stored will be discharged.
Your are far a way from public records now, and then feel that things are covered.
-2 ( +1 / -3 )
Posted in: Japan's neighbors react strongly to Fukushima water release decision See in context
@ Numan
What you pointed out were not lies or secrets or something.
It just means that you are blind to the public record.
Third party measurement is also already determined.
-4 ( +2 / -6 )
Posted in: Japan's neighbors react strongly to Fukushima water release decision See in context
@ voiceofokinawa
Tritium is also generated by spallation by cosmic ray and the rate is about 10^17 Bq per year.
Tritium generated in all power plants and reprocessing facilities is about 10^16 Bq per year.
Nature is stronger than Human.
1 ( +4 / -3 )
Posted in: Japan's neighbors react strongly to Fukushima water release decision See in context
@Desert Tortoise
There are many successful techniques to remove tritiated water in laboratory level not even in Russia but in Japan as well, which have the similar issues about size and waste.
I agree to discharge filtrated, re-processed, diluted water.
-3 ( +0 / -3 )
Posted in: Japan's neighbors react strongly to Fukushima water release decision See in context
@ Samit Basu
How do you think about Korean ruling party complained about Wolsong plant?
(which was accused by Korean scientists though, of course)
1 ( +5 / -4 )
Posted in: Japan's neighbors react strongly to Fukushima water release decision See in context
@ Samit Basu
By the way, why did Korean change the name Yongwang to Hanbit and Uljin to Hanul?
0 ( +5 / -5 )
Posted in: Japan's neighbors react strongly to Fukushima water release decision See in context
@ Septim Dynasty
There is no technology to effectively remove tritium and other pernicious radioactive materials in the water. Even if there is one, then Japan can't afford it.
This is partially wrong.
There is no effective removal measurement against tritium.
There IS effective removal measurement against other radioactive substances.
Despite the fact that 84% of the treated contaminated water contained radioactive materials other than tritium that exceeded the standard (20,000 times higher than the standard in some tanks), TEPCO continued to lie that the radioactive materials other than tritium were removed
This is partially wrong.
ALPS, the radioactive substance removal facility, has been upgraded for years. Now ALPS is able to remove those substances effectively and remaining 16% other than 84% (this number was in 2019) is increasing.
Remaining 84% (obsolete number, as mentioned above) which was processed by older, less effective ALPS, or was not even processed at all in 2011, will be reprocessed by the latest ALPS facility.
These numbers have been continuously reported by TEPCO.
-2 ( +4 / -6 )
Posted in: Japan's neighbors react strongly to Fukushima water release decision See in context
@ Samit Basu
How do you and your Korean neighborhood think about emitted water from Kori, Wolsong, Hanul and Hanbit?
3 ( +7 / -4 )
Posted in: Japan's neighbors react strongly to Fukushima water release decision See in context
@ Goodlucktokyo
How about stopping at one Single?
2 ( +2 / -0 )
Posted in: Japan's neighbors react strongly to Fukushima water release decision See in context
@ Joe Blow
Japanese H-IIB rockets could bring stuff at most 8 tons for geostationary orbit.
Fukushima-1 has 1.2 million tons now...
1 ( +1 / -0 )
Posted in: Japan's neighbors react strongly to Fukushima water release decision See in context
Fact :
Most of radioactive contamination has been and/or will be removed by ALPS by means of filtration or absorption.
The amount of remaining contamination of purified water will be cross checked by third parties.
This is called "treated" water, which includes certain amount of Tritium and negligible other contamination.
If the contamination is under a pre-defined threshold, the purified water will be further diluted by factor of 100.
Final Tritium level will be below 1/40 of Japanese drinking water standard or below 1/7 of WHO drinking water standard, both of which are far below the effluent standards.
Tritium level in environmental water will be continuously checked at many fishing grounds and beaches.
These processes have been confirmed and affirmed by IAEA, and affirmed by US.
Total amount of Tritium emitted from Fukushima-1 will be similar to that from Korean Wolsong nuclear electric power plant (6-years equivalent), Chinese Daya-bay nuclear electric power plant (20-years equiv.), England
Heysham nuclear power station (2-years equiv.), Canadian Bruce nuclear generating station (0.5-year equiv.), Japanese all nuclear power plants before 2011 (2-year equiv.).
The amount is below England Sellafield thermal oxide reprocessing plant (0.5-year equiv.) and below France La Hague nuclear fuel reprocessing plant (0.06-year equiv.).
-2 ( +5 / -7 )
Posted in: Japan's ruling party calls for government to cancel Xi visit See in context
It must have been long long shame if Japan welcomed Xi.
Indeed, we almost had to welcome Xi by political power of Panda-huggers, lead by Nikai.
We are lucky though, Xi himself has ruined this by Covid-19, Hongkong etc.
Of course I rather hope Japan stands against Xi even without Covid-19, since there are so many problems around him.
8 ( +10 / -2 )
Posted in: Japan lodges protest with China over ships near disputed islets See in context
You should remember China's intrusion stared before Ishihara, 2012, which is far from "shelved".
Easy check over internet reveals it.
Do you intend to confuse other guys or just your wrong memory?
5 ( +7 / -2 )
Posted in: Japan conveys objection to Trump's plan to add S Korea to G-7 See in context
June 9, 2018
We, the Leaders of the G7, have come together in Charlevoix, Quebec, Canada on June 8–9, 2018, guided by our shared values of freedom, democracy, the rule of law and respect for human rights and our commitment to promote a rules-based international order. As advanced economies and leading democracies, we share a fundamental commitment to investing in our citizens and meeting their needs and to responding to global challenges.
Well, obviously Korea and Russia do not suit this shared values.
Very simple reason for refusing them to include to G7.
3 ( +8 / -5 )
Posted in: Arrest of ex-justice minister could hasten Abe's departure See in context
PMs in Japan since 2020.
Do you remember anyone below ?
2000 - Yoshirou Mori
2001 - Jyunichiro Koizumi
2007 - Yasuo Fukuda
2008 - Taro Asou
2009 - Yukio Hatoyama
2010 - Naoto Kan
2011 - Yoshihiko Noda
And current leaders of parties in Japan (order of popular ratings).
Yukio Edano (Constitutional Democratic Party of Japan)
Ichiro Matsui (Japan Innovation Party)
Natsuo Yamaguchi (Koumeito)
Kazuo Shii (Japanese Communist Party)
Yuichiro Tamaki (National Democratic Party)
MIzuho Fukushima, Taro Yamamoto, Takashi Tachibana etc.
Men, it's really a nightmare I don't have better choice than even Abe.
0 ( +1 / -1 )
Posted in: Arrest of ex-justice minister could hasten Abe's departure See in context
His voter ratings fell below 30% in two opinion polls last month - often seen as a danger sign. A June 5-7 survey by the Nikkei business daily showed an 11 point drop to 38%.
38% has been enough strong in Japan.
If a reporter tells that a prime minister is in danger, according to this rating, it is not a objective evaluation, but is merely his or her wish.
On the other hand, the political dynamics in LDP is getting very complicated.
The chief cabinet secretary, Suga, who recommended the ex-justice minister Kawai and his wife,
seems rapidly losing power inside the LDP.
The secretary general, Nikai, a famous "Panda hugger" and a power broker is seeking a rival candidate. Though Ishiba is well known as a powerful candidate, he is popular just outside the LDP, therefor he shall not be a candidate.
So it is a great interest who is decided as a next leader of the LDP.
1 ( +2 / -1 )
Posted in: European lawmakers chide Japan over parental child abductions See in context
In this country, Japan, where the male chauvinism overwhelms,
the custody of children is usually provided mothers with in most cases.
This is not an issue about EU.
This is an issue about a bad custom of robbing custody from one parent, mainly a man,
and about taking it for granted.
-1 ( +1 / -2 )
Posted in: Japan hopes to draft G7 statement on China security legislation on Hong Kong See in context
Japan opts not to join U.S., others in criticizing China for Hong Kong law
June 7 04:04 pm JST 76 Comments
Japan hopes to draft G7 statement on China security legislation on Hong Kong
Today 06:00 am JST 5 Comments
-1 ( +0 / -1 )
Posted in: Japan hopes to draft G7 statement on China security legislation on Hong Kong See in context
There were many who criticized JP Gov't according to the FAKE news above.
Are they going to reflect on their bias?
-2 ( +0 / -2 )
Posted in: Japan opts not to join U.S., others in criticizing China for Hong Kong law See in context
Now this news became obviously FAKE,
how are these guys above thinking now?
Especially "Yubaru", saying "Not surprising really, Abe cant afford to piss off China!"
What surprised you ? Truth ? or Fake ?
Your prejudice also became obvious anyways.
0 ( +0 / -0 )
Posted in: Tamaki wants U.S., Japan, Okinawa talks on U.S. base move See in context
@ darknuts
I aleady recognize that issue, one of problems of Japanese judical system. On the other hand there are problems that when a US soldiers are kept inside its military, he could return back to US while a judical process in Japan is on going, and even he does not need to come back to Japan after he is found guilty, or that the punishments are sometimes much lighter than those in Japanese system, or even in US mainland system.
These problems as well as long history of crimes, (including when those who accused for rape were kept inside US military) gives Okinawa citives a clear prejudice, although crime rate per capita for US troops is much lower than for Okinawa citizens.
What I meant was a obvious concession (rather seems to have occured from US troops itself) will ease opposition.
0 ( +0 / -0 )
Posted in: Tamaki wants U.S., Japan, Okinawa talks on U.S. base move See in context
It is nonsense to discuss the area ratio of US military bases in Okinawa and those in other area in Japan.
For example, municipal waste disposal facilities and crematories, which are generally disliked,
are built within a narrow area of the cities and refusal from the area is often ignored.
This problem is similar to that, just like a garbage disposal facility and a crematorium, a base is built in the necessary place in necessity.
Okinawa is extremeley important against China, as Ishikawa, Aomori and Hokkaido against Russia, Nagasaki and Yamaguchi against North Korea, Nagasaki against China.
Therefore, there is no option to eliminate both Futenma and Henoko bases as a nation, and if Okinawa definitely denies Henoko, I think the govt should maintain Futenma.
As Tamaki says, people who oppose the government often say "democracy is tested".
What they have missed is that the government is chosen by a larger election based on democracy.
Some people say, there is nothing nonsensical as the importance of dugongs and corals,
since they are not at least negative to the fact that Okinawa airport and Urasoe military port are now being landfilled.
However, I insist that current situation should be modified.
There are at least two things to modify.
1) US-Japan Status of Forces Agreement
Japanese judicial access to crimes by US soldiers which have become frequently problematic
must be similar to that to crimes by Japanese.
Currently it is quite different from such agreement between US-Germany or US-Italy.
2) Vague relation between Henoko extention and Futenma restoration
The Japanese govt has been kept it very unclear.
If they want more approval from people in Okinawa, this should be clarified, of cource in the manner that
the Futenma base will be surely returned after a couple of years after the Henoko extention is finished.
2 ( +3 / -1 )
Posted in: Trump-Kim rift over nuclear weapons underlines threat to Japan See in context
Cap of 1% of GDP is much smaller than the other major countries, which should be removed.
Russia 4.3%, US 3.1%, SK 2.6%, India 2.5%, France 2.3%, China 1.9%, UK. 1.8%, Germany 1.2%, JP 0.9%.
0 ( +5 / -5 )
Posted in: Panel denies systematic ministry coverup of faulty jobs data See in context
Even when the current opposition party was the ruling party (2009-2012), this issue existed. This indicates that politicians did not know, and that is understandable. On the other hand, I don't believe that no top level goverment workers have noticed this problem.
For this issue, we also need to discuss how we should take samples hereafter : taking all samples as designed and not fully done so many years due to huge lack of man power and due to periodic personnel shifts ? or taking limit samples as done in US, UK etc, and accepting a finite systematic uncertainty ?
But again in the National diet, always discussion falls into "failure or error of 'Abenomics'" and practical measurement will not be taken...
0 ( +0 / -0 )
Posted in: Okinawa base referendum may deal nationwide electoral blow to Abe See in context
Okinawa, Russia, North Korea etc. if they are settled in a very good condition, it will give large and positive impact on the elections. While even if they are not solved, I don't think they will give large impact on them, since our expectation toward them is already low enough.
Altough all these issues are substantially related to the Constitution of Japan, especailly to the Article 9, motivation of the Japanese to modify it is too low, which implies that they are not interested to these issues.
The largest and maybe the sole issue they care is ecconomy, and at least for now, the govt has treated things well. Damages from US-China conflict, or Brexit and +2% consumption tax could give substantial impact to the elections.
Impacts from other issues only depens on how they are broadcasted. e.g. "Mori Kake Spa"
If you are an Japanese or those who lived long in Japan, you knew this, right?
1 ( +1 / -0 )
Posted in: Kono denies S Korean account of talks; calls for appropriate response See in context
@ Kobe White Bar Owner
@ alwaysspeakingwisdom
Probably the watch is in the tweet.
It looks like bamboo.
The tweet says the givt in the ASEAN 50 years anniversary, and it's nice and light.
It also says that it's better for his atopy.
3 ( +3 / -0 )
Posted in: Kono denies S Korean account of talks; calls for appropriate response See in context
Already officially and unofiicially the Japanese govt have protested the SK govt on the Moon Hee Sang's comment.
What could the SK govt achieve by denying the existence of the protest in the bilateral meeting?
Who believes Kang Kyung Wha and the govt after we saw their lies on the radar issue and the Bloomberg issue?
Does the govt really care about the former "confort woman" ladies, not the "confort woman" issue?
2 ( +2 / -0 )
Posted in: N Korea says Japanese abductee alive in Pyongyang See in context
Following sources are all Japanese. Sorry for those who cannot read them.
KYODO itself already reported
Mar. 16, 2018
and other news sources as well
also some discussion between Yosifu Arita and PM. Abe in
Budget Committee of House of Councilors
Nov. 7, 2018
There seems no update on the news since then. Weird...
0 ( +0 / -0 )
Posted in: N Korea says Japanese abductee alive in Pyongyang See in context
I doubt this point.
The two men, who are said to have fathered children after arriving in North Korea, do not wish to return to Japan, the official said.
They could not tell anybody their real intentsion especillay if it is homecoming.
My question is why it turned out at this moment, 5 years since it was told and have been kept secret.
5 ( +5 / -0 )
For a knife attack in Japan, I don't. I am a little bit more paranoid though when I read about…
Posted in: Overflowing sewage stops Bryan Adams concert in Australia
Or they could make Valentine's Day a bit more like it is in the West w/ a nice night out…
Posted in: Japan's workplace Valentine chocolate-giving tradition waning
Posted in: Japan's workplace Valentine chocolate-giving tradition waning