Japan Today

Barry Murray comments

Posted in: 19-year-old woman attacked by man with hammer See in context

Will the lady be OK? I do hope she is quick out of the hospital. How is an obviously mentally damaged person dealt with by the courts in Japan? Is there any help for these people to learn how to deal with their out-of-control mental torment? No one behaves like this who's in their right mind. The desperation caused by constant stabs of emotional pain drives most acts of violence. The woman he attacked is best served by sincere apology where she can feel in her person he is no longer a threat. He needs help to get to that point. I hope she does not respond to this event by living in fear. She needs to go to the place she was attacked and have a coffee, maybe watch a few funny videos on her cell. She needs to change the emotion around the attack. The only way we really know how to do that is to, quote; "get back on the horse". To face it and see it for what it was. A random event unlikely to be repeated. To turn your head in fear is always a mistake... we all know that. I wish the lady a peaceful, untroubled sleep and a content, quiet mind. Soon.

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