Posted in: Microsoft, Apple tablets have most profit margins See in context
No surprises here, lots of people don't think Amazon or even Google when it comes to tablets, not that competition isn't a good thing for us.
basroil use some common sense and don't trash talk others. You're spamming the same comments in response to other people's valid observations. Your last comment ironically sums you up. I take it you've never tried debating people in real life with that approach. Try it.
2 ( +3 / -1 )
Posted in: Apple sells 3M iPads after Mini launch See in context
Nobody uses ipad for word processing, it's not a personal computer. You use one to surf the web, buy software which mostly costs $0 to $1, and do simple crap a full Windows PC struggles to do. I've always had both PC and Mac and both have their uses, but I always point out I only have to reboot my mac about once a year and I have 100+ apps on my ipad that in total cost lest than one of the more expensive apps on my PC.
There's free soft on both PC and Mac that works on all word docs and runs faster to boot. Why in the world anybody uses Office is probably explained by ignorance and inability to change software habits.
It's funny, because every iteration of Windows has been a "horribly useless amateur copy" of old Mac OS versions. The name "Windows" itself is a parody of Mac windowing.
0 ( +1 / -1 )
Posted in: 5 men confess to dumping co-worker's body in company storehouse See in context
Oh that's easy. They're in custody without any communication and it's the prisoner's dilemma. You tell every single one of them their buddies ratted on him and if he doesn't confess he'll get a harsher sentence than the rest. Do this 10 hours a day for 21 days and all you need is one schmuck to believe you and that guy will do your job for you and tell you everything. That's the worst case. Best case, someone rats right away without you even trying.
The US did this all the time back before Miranda rights were upheld. Like many things in Japan,they didn't invent it just copied and improved it.
-2 ( +0 / -2 )
Posted in: Golden image See in context
Blame the Canadians for using dollars, not the US or Japan. Pounds are only used in a few small countries in Africa and Europe (most notably Britain).
0 ( +1 / -1 )
Posted in: 5 men confess to dumping co-worker's body in company storehouse See in context
Who cares if they beat him to death or not, they disposed a corpse without authorization. Without authorization!
Jokes aside, for those new to Japan this is actually an effective tactic by police to arrest someone initially for a lesser crime so they can have everyone in custody as they build their case. They'll probably add the murder charge after forensics comes back and they've had a few days/weeks of interrogation.
-1 ( +0 / -1 )
Posted in: NEET spouse in the house not such a neat arrangement See in context
These two people clearly deserve each other.
Furthermore, while man or woman are both capable of filling any role, in this case both agreed she should be a housewife. So he should stop complaining.
0 ( +0 / -0 )
Posted in: Driver pleads guilty in Utah bus crash that killed 3 Japanese See in context
I'm glad they're following up on this, too many accidents from impaired drivers.
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Posted in: DNA on hotel maid’s shirt matches sample from Strauss-Kahn See in context
Kaptankichigai, Strauss Kahn was arrested at 2:15am. Nobody, not Strauss himself disputes that it was 2:15am in the morning when he was arrested. Thus, they are goddamn liars if they said he had lunch anytime near to his arrest time. Goddamn liars. I mean his lawyers are bats--t crazy if they actually said that.
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Posted in: DNA on hotel maid’s shirt matches sample from Strauss-Kahn See in context
gonemad, you need to reread the article. It clearly says they're looking for semen. Please, don't comment if you skip over the critical parts like this.
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Posted in: DNA on hotel maid’s shirt matches sample from Strauss-Kahn See in context
What a surprise. So his defense is actually going to be that it was consensual? Around midnight she goes up to the room and gives him oral sex, he rushes for the airport and drops his phone while she calls the cops?
Notice how in other articles they mention their lawyers asked for a delay so they could await the results of the DNA test. Gee, why would they do that if they're going to claim it was consensual? It almost seems as if they're tailoring their defense to whatever the evidence happens to be, regardless of what actually happened. What a surprise.
IMF, the rapists of the world.
0 ( +0 / -0 )
Posted in: Why do tourists continue to stay away from Japan, despite the fact that there are many places of interest far away from the crisis-affected areas? What should Japanese tourism officials do to promote See in context
Have these officials checked the exchange rate? It's even worse for Yen to Euro than it is for Yen to dollar. It's as if you had to pay a 40% sales tax on everything, think of it that way. Please use some common sense.
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Posted in: ‘Mrs’ Ayumi Hamasaki poses in first sexy shot after marriage See in context
My wife never changed her name. You're thinking of something else. Just want to correct some misinformation here.
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Posted in: What makes conspiracy theorists tick and what is the best way to combat their beliefs? See in context
The belief that people are listening to them when they preach.
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Posted in: Club manager arrested for hiring high school girls to flash underwear for patrons See in context
The only strange thing about this is why he bothered to use real Japanese schoolgirls for his club. They were cheaper? Sadly, nothing else surprising here
0 ( +0 / -0 )
Posted in: Travel industry rep wants U.S. to speed up visas See in context
Captain Obvious always loses to Commander Paranoia, old story.
0 ( +0 / -0 )
Posted in: How one Japanese village defied the tsunami See in context
For once I actually agree with Klein. He answers Yuri's question of "who will pay" very well. They did pay - $200,000 per person (or $1 million per family) to build this wall. So yes there is a huge ocean of money to relocated people that was instead diverted to building this wall. There's your answer.
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Posted in: How one Japanese village defied the tsunami See in context
In fact, 15.5 meters is a lot shorter than some of the walls the tsunami went over. There's a lot of videos of this even on youtube.
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Posted in: How one Japanese village defied the tsunami See in context
In the other towns' defense, many many villages had these exact same walls and the tsunami went right over them. This village was simply a lucky exception.
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Posted in: $6.1 mil awarded to Tennessee man in Japan child custody battle See in context
The only thing that protects her is she kidnapped them in America and went to Japan. If she had done both in Japan, it would have been kidnapping even under local laws because she gave up full custody first before taking them away.
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Posted in: $6.1 mil awarded to Tennessee man in Japan child custody battle See in context
Haven for child kidnapping. If it makes him feel any better, Japanese fathers have dealt with this for a long time. Difference in this case is, she violated her explicit divorce settlement and is a wanted fugitive. It would be kidnapping even in Japan to give up custody and take the children away, even as the mom.
0 ( +0 / -0 )
Posted in: Mother of falsely accused groper who killed himself files damages suit See in context
Fadamor, you don't know the other details of this case, which this article has completely omitted. Her friends attacked and beat this guy like an animal before the police showed up. The police treated him like a criminal, even after they were told by the victim herself that it was the wrong guy. he left thinking he was going to be prosecuted (and he was, they sent the file to the prosecutors), of which there is roughly a 97%+ rate of conviction irregardless of guilt. Welcome to Japan.
Please don't base everything on a cursory follow-up article.
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Posted in: Mother of falsely accused groper who killed himself files damages suit See in context
Hit the nail on the head: If they had apologized and Harada had got angry, it would have been unpleasant. That’s the only reason I can think of for not making it clear to him that he was no longer a suspect.”
The details here prove the police and the victim both agreed they had the wrong guy. The fact that her friends assaulted this guy and weren't prosecuted is a double slap on the face.
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Posted in: Parents charged over death of 3-month-old baby in January See in context
By publicizing this you are warning child abusers not to go to the emergency room.
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Posted in: Taliban say deadly Pakistan bombing revenge for bin Laden's death See in context
Oh noes they never going to stop killing other muslims in revenge for bin Laden. Oh noes
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Posted in: Bin Laden's sons say U.S. broke international law by killing their father See in context
If he cared so much about the law, why didn't he turn his father in. He never cooperated in that aspect, but now he's talking about the law.
OBL launched attacks in a war. He was a military commander, and nobody not even Al Qaeda ever disputed this. Not even Al Qaeda says it was unfair to kill OBL because they know this is a war - it's just pussies like OBL's son that whine about it. At least Al Qaeda gets it.
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Posted in: Facebook-Google rivalry intensifies with PR fiasco See in context
Not surprising coming from those scumbags. I know some people don't like google, but not many of them like facebook any more lol.
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Posted in: Taliban say deadly Pakistan bombing revenge for bin Laden's death See in context
Please really, keep killing fellow muslims in your revenge frenzy against the West.
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Posted in: Taliban say deadly Pakistan bombing revenge for bin Laden's death See in context
Really, attacking the Pakistanis is revenge for Navy Seals and Obama double shotting Bin Laden's face? I consider this a failure on their part, no Americans dead yet again. I wonder why, maybe because they can't.
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Posted in: Bin Laden's diary shows he was looking for new targets, big body count: U.S. See in context
Dear diary, someone's at the door be right back!
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Posted in: Passenger tries to open emergency door on plane trip from Orlando to Boston See in context
You can't stop crazy people from being crazy. Every year a small percent of the population tries to commit suicide. Of those, a small percentage of them try to take other people with them. Just accept it and deal with it as the situation allows, and move along. Nothing to see here.
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Posted in: Ishiba heads to U.S. for Trump summit
Posted in: On eve of summit with Japan PM, Trump reportedly meets U.S. Steel CEO
Posted in: Tokyo world athletics party can make up for Olympic lock-out, says CEO