Japan Today

beangry comments

Posted in: Panel on TEPCO reform calls for more cost-cutting measures See in context

The blind leading the blind. In other words, politicians (such wonderful trustworthy men - women not allowed in Japan who love to help the public) want to fix problems they created in a bi corrupt company. But they're all corrupt, so no one has faith in this. And the figures are a joke: many thousands are affected, so even if they sold every screw the company owned, they couldnt compensate the victims. This is about saving TEPCO. Pitiful.

2 ( +2 / -0 )

Posted in: U.S. Senate weighs bill to punish China for undervaluing currency See in context

And the amercams aren't undervaluing their own currency with "QE" and "QE2"? It's the Chinese and other investors who lost billions because of the currency was already underway. Who believes this nonsense?

1 ( +3 / -2 )

Posted in: TEPCO report faults operating manual; disputes hydrogen explosion See in context

It's easy to blame TEPCO for this but this is a regulation problem. The govt agencies and politicians who run them could have had better rules in place. TEPCO denied the possibility of animator problem at the plant and the govt agreed and went along with it, so it shows a culture of negligence and corruption.

And it's not like we can say TEPCO and the govt have improved: the govt doesn't even know what the new manual says, and whilst some criticised TEPCO, they're taking their sweet time in addressing the problem. Best hope another eq doesn't come along in the mean time. Btw, what about the other companiez and their manuals?

2 ( +2 / -0 )

Posted in: Public support for Noda falling See in context

"Blaming him personally while ascribing attitudes and policy stances based on ministers Fujimura and Adano laughing in a very short YouTube clip isn't particularly compelling". Except I never blamed Noda as an individual in my post, you are misrepresenting what I wrote."

"Is this the same Nodq govt that like to laugh in parliament when people complain schools force children to eat potentially radioactive food?" First that is a question, not an accusation. Second, by saying "Nod[a] govt that like to laugh in parliament" is not referring to Noda as a specific person (my emphasis on "like"). In British English, unlike American, it is permissible to refer to an entity or group in the plural, which is what I did when used the verb "like" without an "s", never ever intending for it to mean Noda was in the video laughing himself (is he?). It is well understood that the "govt" refer to more than one person, ie. those that serve under him, but could include him as head. Lastly on that other part: "when people complain schools force children to eat potentially radioactive food?"

I made no accusations. I wrote that people complain schools force children to eat, something you can see being done in the video by the woman making the speech. If you want more evidence I suggest you ask her, not me.

As to the next clause you added the bold letters, not I. And that clause refers to other comments that Noda as an individual was quoted in newspapers for (unrelated to the sentence before it); he presented himslef as a strong politician who could disregard public opinion in a news article I read. Saying you can ignore public opinion in undemocratic, something which is a common tendency these PM's do and a factor in their low ratings.

-1 ( +0 / -1 )

Posted in: Public support for Noda falling See in context

Btw, itsme

I live in Japan and deal with the issues, I didn't just read some blog. Heck I've been here for years, so please stop making assumptions. We all know he ppolitics here is rubbish, and the prime ministers change all the time. But unlike you j demand my civil rights. Ie. the right to vote. Nobody asked me if Noda should serve, but I pay taxes too.

-1 ( +1 / -2 )

Posted in: Public support for Noda falling See in context


I asked if this was the "Noda govt" was laughing. If it wasn't then great, you answered the question I asked. There is no "libel" whatosever. It seemed to me Edano and Noda were there, but don't misrepresent my writing. Dont even start that nonsense.

It's an established fact that some schools have served contaminated food in places like Tokyo, as was reported by the press at the time. Look it up. Don't want to? That's your problem. But that doesn't mean it never happened. As to the claims in question, I make no accusation of guilt but rather told the person interested to look at the links WeedKilla posted in a different thread, which discussed milk and mushrooms. Seems you are getting confused by entering a conversation that had nothing to do with you. Responsibility? Yes we do have those. Start by accurately restating what I wrote, not making hysterical false accusations and accusing me of criminal behaviour. That's irresponsible on your part.

@it's me I misread who your other comment was directed at, and you have my apology for that. Now you will have to deal with the fact that schools have local jurisdiction, and the menus differ. Just because your ward doesn't serve beef, doesnt mean other schools follow it. I've personally eaten beef in schools during the time frame mentioned.

-2 ( +1 / -3 )

Posted in: Public support for Noda falling See in context

Look, see the info and evaluate it for yourself. They dont even need to establish it was forced on them. Serving it in the schools, if it's got radiation, is in itself prima facie to support a claim of criminal negligence, which is part of what is going on. The childen are not in a position to refuse, which any psychologist would point out. Ridicule, peer pressure and ostracism might not matter to yiu, but to a 6 or 10 year old in a society that uses this as a form of punishment is by definition coercion. The plaintiff says the children have cesium in them, and if you think the food the kids eat is unrelated, what do I care?

-2 ( +2 / -4 )

Posted in: Public support for Noda falling See in context

@it's me

It's not my job to educate or provide you with anything. If you bother to read he links the other guy posted, you can find the answers you claim you want. Further it is necessary to establish hey forced kids to it. The fact they sold contaminated food to kanagawa and other places is well documented. It's called negligence. This isn't about beef, raged hey discussed milk and mushrooms. And if you believe schools in Japan no longer serve beef than you're wrong. They still do. Stop shouting.

-1 ( +2 / -3 )

Posted in: Public support for Noda falling See in context

Is this the same Nodq govt that like to laugh in parliament when people complain schools force children to eat potentially radioactive food? Yes, he forgot that he was a public servent. He seems to think public opinion is irrelevant http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Aq4JG9ULVNE

-2 ( +1 / -3 )

Posted in: Evacuee volunteers join teachers in school cleanup in Minami-Soma See in context


I'm sorry you feel that way, but there is plenty of evidence to support my claims, none of which is controversial. The fact you are not familiar with it reveals your own ignorance; the fact you acknowledge reading some of it but reaching completely different conclusions shiws either you have trouble interpreting the data or don't want to accept it.

But don't falsely state I'm preaching "fear". I have nothing to justify to you, the same who doesnt understand the first thing about radiation detection. Good luck picking up he alpha particles with that Geiger counter mate. Plutonium, strontium, amerisium and hot particles...it's more complicated than that. In the absence of concrete tests we must err on the side of caution, but you argue throwing it to the wind.

0 ( +2 / -2 )

Posted in: Evacuee volunteers join teachers in school cleanup in Minami-Soma See in context

@HedaMadness Being there with a Geiger counter would not be very useful in itself. Water, ground and air samples have to be conducted, and I'm sorry to tell you that Geiger counters simply arent sensitive/sophisticated enough. We've got reports of plutonium and strontium in nearby areas. and whilst this one school may not be affected, it is affected by higher cesium levels than is normal. That alone is reason not to have school there. All you do is attack my comments. I'm sorry but your not being objective. Please send your children there and hen come talk to me.

0 ( +2 / -2 )

Posted in: Miyagi begins testing debris for radioactivity before sending it to other prefectures See in context


I never said people shouldn't volunteer or that none took precautions; fact is some don't understand the dangers and unknowingly exposed themselves to help others. Nothin wrong with helping provided you understand the risks and take necessary measures to protect your health. I know some who did not do that.

As to peaceboat and other groups they're more connected and usually have better personnel on hand, so I'm not criticising them at all. I'm saying that 6 months ago they should have launched a training programme whereby intl amd local experts rapidly train 500,000 or so volunteers on a small stipend to deal with these problems. Even I might have joined. We can still do it. I want progress just as much as anyone but the govts ad hoc measure will fail, and here are alternatives.

0 ( +1 / -1 )

Posted in: Miyagi begins testing debris for radioactivity before sending it to other prefectures See in context


As the Crow Flies was saying, there needs to be some realism involved: rebuilding is a good thing if it is well thought, done in areas that will see a big return of people, not be too contaminated for safety and don't just fund endless building projects like went on in the 90's. With a good plan they could avoid the bad area, use the good ones and clean up. I don't think Katrina was beyond the US; they simply didn't try. Many professionals and unemployed, military etc could have been used, but there was no real national campaign to fix the areas. Then, as Naomi Klein and others argue, they exploited it - as in Indonesia - for their own commercial purposes, happily driving out the black communities and doing privatisation of the schools and gentrification. Japan is just as corrupt, and though they use nice rhetoric, it's all empty. Seems they're treating it like World Trade: you can't just clear rubble and rebuild (and I'm simplifying it) and put a building. If they lack the resources, they could divert them from others, clean area by area, and leave the ones beyond their means until they've got enough people trained and ready. Seems they' rather just do PR stunts to me...

0 ( +1 / -1 )

Posted in: Woman arrested for abandoning newborn's body in library toilet See in context


"I don't think anyone just says, "You know what? I've carried this baby for 9 months, but when that sucker comes out, I'm totally going to drown it."

Well that is because you don't know what goes on in reality. People DO do that. I alluded to a girl I knew who did precisely that. She died in childbirth, but they said (people who knew her and family well) that she was going to deliver the child and kill it later. Thongs didn't work out as she planned, but she had planned to do it. That's just one example. And when people plan to kill someone in advance the term is premeditated murder. You have trouble believing people do that? Wake up.

I recall back in 97' a mother drowned her 5 sons in the trunk of a car by backing it into a lake. Point is that some parents don't care about kids, and some do have evil intentions. Why do you think we have prisons?

-1 ( +0 / -1 )

Posted in: Miyagi begins testing debris for radioactivity before sending it to other prefectures See in context


Don't you think the people in Minami-Soma should be doing the same? Theyre not using qualified experts in these clean up efforts. The schools are being cleaned by teachers. What do they know about the possible dangers? http://www.japantoday.com/category/national/view/evacuee-volunteers-join-teachers-in-school-cleanup-in-minami-soma

A few foreigners had the bright idea to go up and do this sort of work in April, not taking the necessary precautions you just mentioned. They also got rained on, were under houses, dug out dirt. I'm not an expert in this field, but seems to me some things should be left to those who are experts or the experts should properly train and then lead willing volunteers who understand the risks (and use proper precautions). This particular building might not have had an asbestos problem, but who knows what was in that soil? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kpQeN1c-TZ4

0 ( +0 / -0 )

Posted in: Evacuee volunteers join teachers in school cleanup in Minami-Soma See in context

This is utter insanity and beyond the delusion in magic shows, healing programmes, new age religions and faith based healings - these people are heading into some of the most radioactive areas on the planet to clean a school that should be abandoned permanently. Not that this is being done by professionals who have expert knowledge in how to protect themselves against the contaminants (asbestos form collapsed structures and who knows what else).

This is just one hunky dory big get together where we can all sing songs, toast hot dogs and inhale cesium/other contaminants. There is not a single area in that 30km exclusion zone safe. Ask the workers at World Trade in 2001 about how wonderful an idea it is to just go and clean up; they told them it was safe, and many are now sick and some are no longer here. As the radiation map makes clear, this is lunacy, and for what, a photo op???: http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-P21M9FXGxXI/ToZUb8mO9CI/AAAAAAAACHE/qKcJmJ1dtMk/s1600/hayakawamap-route.JPG

0 ( +2 / -2 )

Posted in: Miyagi begins testing debris for radioactivity before sending it to other prefectures See in context

I think Smith has a good point if I understood it correctly:

If the debris is so harmless, then why are they so desperate to get rid of it? It can't just be about space.

0 ( +1 / -1 )

Posted in: Hula girls' spa reopens in Fukushima See in context

"But it is expected to struggle for survival due to fears over radiation from the tsunami-crippled Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant 50 kilometers away."

These aren't just "fears" but the reality that 50 km from the power plant, which is still giving off 1/4 th the radiation in March, is inherently unsafe and dangerous. The plant is in no way stable and yet they tell us we should cheer for people and create "hope". You normally have to go to a sort of televangelist healers show to see this sort of disillusion. The radiation in the area (as shown in this map) didn't just disappear, and years from now these people will want to know they have problems. http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-P21M9FXGxXI/ToZUb8mO9CI/AAAAAAAACHE/qKcJmJ1dtMk/s1600/hayakawamap-route.JPG

1 ( +5 / -4 )

Posted in: MotoGP champion Lorenzo avoids showering due to radiation fear See in context

I said the levels are high, and yes that includes outside 80 km, as is evidenced in this map. It's not BS http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-P21M9FXGxXI/ToZUb8mO9CI/AAAAAAAACHE/qKcJmJ1dtMk/s1600/hayakawamap-route.JPG

"You must not be able to read Japanese because all the food in my local supermarket has the prefecture and city of origin"

I read Japanese just fine. I said the labels do not say the level of radiation, and they don't. I never discussed the issue of what prefecture it comes from on the labels. It's Greenpeace who asked the govt to indicate the level of radiation in all food http://www.greenpeace.org/international/en/news/Blogs/nuclear-reaction/contaminated-seafood-and-government-cover-up-/blog/36285/ Please try reading what I wrote instead of just attacking me.

"Steer clear of contaminated areas and you are way more likely to catch e.coli or listeria or some other non-radiation related bug than you are to get radiation-tainted food."

Pure nonsense. I stated before, and it was published in the NYTIMES, Japan Times, and even Japan Today - that food was sold in all prefectures which had radiation. I know for a fact - and can verify it - that several supermarkets I shop at sold that beef, some of which was not labelled Fukushima. Fact is the hay was from the area, but it affected animals in other places. Simply avoiding Fukusima products won't help you. As to paranoia those are just meaningless insults from someone who has no objectivity and attacks all I say. Bottom, the race car driver has EVERY right to avoid Japanese food if he wants to, even if you're too closed minded and dictatorial to accept his human rights.

-4 ( +0 / -4 )

Posted in: MotoGP champion Lorenzo avoids showering due to radiation fear See in context


"So the author disagrees with you that "OMG we must flee Japan" so they are not neutral? They are shills for the government?"

Where did I say "we must flee Japan"? It's not in my comment, so stop the false accusations. I clearly said some part of Japan aren't safe, and those with cesium, plutonium, strontium are NOT safe. I didn't say WHICH ones. The govt claims radiation doesnt harm people. That's what they're saying. Heck, they just ended to 30km exclusion zone, but the levels there are high.

Second, I never suggested a conspiracy theory. They should have presented both sides, not just quoting the J-govt which says it is safe. They did that in Date on March 12, and those people got directly hit with fallout.

Lastly your stats are wrong: "Independent readings show the radiation levels in the air and water are pretty much at or below where they were before 3/11." Really? What data do you read? Greenpeace doesnt say that, nor the scientists who published. In fact, they saying the exclusion zone should EXPAND.

So to say "ongoing concern with Fukushima Daiihci is for the people who are displaced" is wrong. At more than 1 supermarket I personally shop at, they sold that contaminated beef. YOU might believe the lies that it is safe, but I'm not giving it to my children. That's not irrational fear, it's based on scientific tests and the fact the J-system sells radioactive food without labels. Sounds like you're just a japanophile who has to attack everything I say.

-2 ( +1 / -3 )

Posted in: Woman arrested for abandoning newborn's body in library toilet See in context

Oh when I say "happens everywhere" that grandma gets hit, I mean that happens in Japan. But it also happens "everywhere" as in every other country. I don't mean or happens in every house in Japan or every family. Sorry for confusion, I just saw my error now.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

Posted in: Woman arrested for abandoning newborn's body in library toilet See in context


It's a problem in every country, I mean if I go to Africa or asia or America etc I will find similar things. There are many great things about Japan, but you k ow there's somehing wrong with the stats when the Tokyo govt says 33% of households have domestic violence. It means the numbers have to be higher, so why hide it? And we see abuse all the time with hitting (kids have hit me many times and i see moms slapping and hitting kids daily, and not always for disciplin) that means it's accepted but denied. Sone even hit grandma, but its not on the news. Yes 80 yr-old grandma! Happens everywhere.

Lots of japanophiles here, so true. It's one thing to like Japan, but it's another to pretend Japan can't have these problems cause it is unique. If we deal with reality we can appreciate the good things about Japan and help prevent people from dumping babies in the toilet. Even if the baby was still born, she should have been at hospital. I wonder if no questions asked adoption would help at police, fire, hospitals all over the country? But if he baby was alive, that is just crazy. There can be complications and the mom can die. This happened to a girl I knew. She had a baby in the toilet and planned to kill it (different country) but she herself died in the process. These things can be avoided. Why? Why??

0 ( +1 / -1 )

Posted in: Lawmaker urged not to visit N Korea See in context


There really does seem to be a bit of flip flopping or strange logic to your comments. But don't pretend you are neutral in Korean affairs. In 1895 you guys demanded Korea but the Russians said no (treaty of Shimonoseki), then you fought Russia in 1905. Then you took Korea by force and occupied it and killed tens of thousands fro 1910-1945. Something like 60,000 Koreans are still missing, and you have the nerve to talk about a few dozen Japanese.

More importantly Korea was one country till you came along. If there was a civil war YOU started it, and the US was happy to fight a war to get a client (ehh vassal) state. And don't pretend you didn't launch a spy satellite last week or hat you don't support EVERY single US action against n Korea, including he live fire military exercise that put artillery shells in disputed n Korean territory. When the north responsed and killed a few people you acted like you hadn't provoked them.

No one believes your propaganda. Not all "gaijin" are dumb enough to go with the Japanese rhetoric of "we love peace" nonsense. If you want peace, why do have so many US bases, soldiers and weapons in Japan? Why did your govt yesterday tell a parliament member not to go to Korea on a peace seeking initiative? Peace my foot!

-1 ( +2 / -3 )

Posted in: MotoGP champion Lorenzo avoids showering due to radiation fear See in context

Btw "The Japanese government has tried to calm fears among foreigners, stressing that Japan in general is a safe place to visit or to live."

some parts of Japan are safe and some aren't (places with abnormal radiation), and the food supply is unsafe when there is radiation in it. Denying these facts shows this is not an Associated Press but AFP article, probably written by another journalist who supports the j govt. That's not neutrality. And the go t did lie about the 3 meltdowns, so those who gave minuses to the comments above need to check their facts.

-7 ( +0 / -7 )

Posted in: MotoGP champion Lorenzo avoids showering due to radiation fear See in context

really peace of mind is priceless since worry and stress make you sick too. They're the lucky ones. We have no choice but to eat poisoned food. Why does the j govt get upset when people do what hey want? If they don't want Japanese food, that is their right. Freedom of choice. Respect people's routs unless you're saying the dictators in Tokyo want to force people to eat certain things and this is somehow acceptable. It is a basic human right to decide what you will eat. This is none if the govt.'s business.

-6 ( +0 / -6 )

Posted in: Lawmaker urged not to visit N Korea See in context

More proof Japan doesn't want peace and never did. After all they have to have some "threat" to justify huge US military bases and massive waste spending (Japan ranks #7 in military spending). Everyone knows what would happen to US-china relations once there is a peace treaty with n Korea. US military would have to leave; this is about china, and the Japanese using the americans to counter them. If you read up on it, he US and Japan have played N Korea over and over, breaking promises and not following through with their agreements, often wrongfully blaming Korea. To be sure N Korea is criminal, but peace is in their interest. Chomsky writes about it, he's far more credible than this Gemba guy who HIMSELF will likely have to travel to N Korea as f minister. Freedom of movement is a human right enshrined in UN conventions Japan ratified.

-4 ( +0 / -3 )

Posted in: Japan's post-tsunami tourism industry haunted by nuclear fears See in context

"Fears about the effect of leaking radiation from the crippled Fukushima nuclear plant 110 kilometers south have all but stopped the influx of visitors from China, Hong Kong, South Korea and Taiwan."

These aren't "fears" at all, but rather people taking precautions. The govt announced 3 full meltdowns in June; then they said radiation released was more than double original estimates; in June they found plutonium in an 80km radius. They only announced it 3 months late, yesterday!

Google maps shows its on the coast north of Fukushima plant, at almost exactly 100km (62miles) away. We know, based on Greenpeace and govf tests on water and fish, that there is a problem with the nearby water, air etc. The levels at that specific city may be lower than others, as the map zichi linked shows, but the article says the disaster must be contained and people must feel safe FIRST. Why do these Japanese blame foreigners for their economic problems? Really its heir fault not foreigners.

But they blame "foreigners" and "Chinese" and "Taiwanese"and "Koreans". Enough of the foreigners (especially Asians they blame for everything) being responsible for "fears". They don't feel safe. The thing isn't "leaking" it's pouring out/gushing radiation at 1/4th march levels. All they cafe about is heir economy. That is pitiful and a disgrace. This is a terrible selfishness that says "expose yourself to radiation so I can make a living". Don't blame foreigners Blane your criminal govt and businesses.

Btw, they're talking about Asians, and you k ow whenever there's a problem you can blame Chinese (seems like a pattern), Koreans etc. The grammar

0 ( +6 / -6 )

Posted in: Gov't lifts evacuation advisory for 5 zones near nuclear plant See in context

@HedaMadness I've no idea what's going on with the points, mine are -2 or 3 as well and I didn't say the same thing. As to comparing with Chernobyl, that is more complicated and simply looking at the death rate won't tell you enough. If course you're entitled to your pov.

@Chris Do not forget to mention some of those sickness wee linked to radiation, including heart trouble from cesium. The fact not everyone died is a moot point. People survived the titanic but it was a terrible disaster. We simply dont have reliable stats on Chernobyl yet (it's politics) and the same may happen with Fukushima. It really doesn't matter which is worse, it matters that people will get sick by living with radiation in Japan.

0 ( +1 / -1 )

Posted in: Gov't lifts evacuation advisory for 5 zones near nuclear plant See in context


Depends who you believe. The liquidators got sick and many of them did die. Did you count the soldiers who are still dying? The stats r fake.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

Posted in: Gov't lifts evacuation advisory for 5 zones near nuclear plant See in context


I live here too. I stayed for those very reasons but will always regret it. No job is worth health, and sadly some of us will know for sure we made an error in staying. They put us (people i know) under pressure to stay. But your right, it depends what the levels are and what you're exposed to. However, since we can't rely on j govt for accurate data in a timely manner, we cannot say 80km is safe. Might or might not be plenty of plutonium and who knows what else in the areas they want people to live in. For my family I'm not taking the chance, but I can understand why some do caus eons, family comitments etc make a big difference.

0 ( +2 / -2 )

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