Japan Today

Becki Collins comments

Posted in: Apartment hunting do’s and don’ts in Japan See in context

Also keep in mind that there are slum lords here in Japan - at least in Tokyo. They count on the fact that foreigners won't avail themselves of the Japanese legal system. Once such entity is Chuo-Nittori. We paid a ridiculous amount of money for rent and they routinely 'declined' to fix safety issues. 5 months after a flood that put water in our ceilings and under our floor, they finally agreed to a mold test. They delayed delivering the results and came in to the home and told me that 3X the mold level in the air was 'Not A Problem'. So, while as a landlord myself, I do advise courtesy and respect in maintaining whatever property you decide to rent, it shouldn't just be 'foreigners' that have a bad name in the rental market. And, KEN Corp only advocates for the owner. In circumstances of an issue, they will not take care of you.

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