Posted in: Kobe beef farmers worry about foot-and-mouth outbreak See in context
Instead of slaughtering the animals,why not let them develop a natural resistance to the disease, its endemic in large regions of the world,consuming the meat is not dangerous, the animals may develop lameness and blisters. If a dog developed blisters in the mouth and a limp would you take it to the vet to be put down. Although "effective" in terms of disease eradication, slaughtering is a diabolical waste of resources stock lines and mountains of beef. The cure is worse than the effects of the disease.
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Posted in: Germany, Argentina advance in games marred by refereeing errors See in context
Ponderous on the ball,slower in imagination what a joke. Rooney has not got it at international tournament level,he is Emile Heskey's natural successor.As usual there is some sort of excuse(the disallowed goal) for them all to use as a crutch,when the truth of the matter is their footballing abilities look amateurish when compared to most of the other "great" footballing nations. Back to basics boys,look around the country for boys with winners mental strengths then teach them to play football.
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Posted in: Dance on! See in context
She needs to work on her look of sincerity,she appears quite near to vomiting.
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Posted in: Tiger Woods' aura gone, probably for good See in context
Its not just women who despise him for what he did, the idea that all men are secretly admiring him is cobblers..there are faithful men who understand the value of commitment and know that infidelity cannot be kept secret from those who matter..look in the mirror have you forgotten you were unfaithful,when your partner tells you she loves you and you mumble back halfheartedly that you love her too,its the memory of that unfaithful act that dulls the sincerity and will dull it forever. The bubble of trust..once burst never re-inflates.As monsieur Woods will in time discover.
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Posted in: Tiger Woods' aura gone, probably for good See in context
His aura has gone,not with the fans but with his fellow professionals,who will, whenever they get the chance, exploit these circumstances to their advantage..should prove more interesting to the casual spectator.I fully expect him to put up his worst masters performance to date.
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Posted in: Hugh Grant on relationships, cheating and the art of lazy acting See in context
tim how happy would the children really be if they understood what was going on,lie to your children what an excellent start in life.
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Posted in: Life in the garage: Architects make cars a part of the home See in context
a floor made from old oak barrels? must be one uneven floor,that oak is curved in every dimension.
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Posted in: Jesus was gay, says Elton John See in context
Was Elton's "Gay middle eastern woman" phase before or after his "Marie Antoinette" phase?
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Posted in: Vancouver Olympics open under a cloud after fatal luge accident See in context
I wonder if the canadian team officials who barred foreign teams from extended pre olympic track tests are feeling a little responsible today for the crash.
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Posted in: Anti-whaling boat sinks off Antarctica See in context
Bobbafett, the whaling is occurring in the southern ocean which is known as the antarctic not the arctic.
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Posted in: Tiger Woods to take 'indefinite' leave from golf See in context
"to cover up what is no-ones business"..well apart from the business of the cheated wife right? Numbskull(a case of nominative determinism?) if your wife..,and i sincerely hope that you have managed to fool no-one down the ailse,but judging by your defence of Mr Woods' lifestyle and the probability that this has been motivated by some deep seated sense of guilt on your own part,you attempt to mitigate his behaviour as a proxy for the need to have your own mitigated,..was actively bedding many men behind your back would you agree it was also none of your business..i doubt it. Men like you are pathetic..your entire life is a lie,all communications with your wives/girlfriend are based on lies..every response to every question is moderated by the lie.A life of lies,shucks, and still death at the end of it..
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Posted in: Bombs kill 14 civilians, including 3 children, in southern Afghanistan See in context
It's mans subjective interpretations of what "god" wants that's causing all the problems..probably best to leave "god" out of it.
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Posted in: Suu Kyi ordered to serve 18-month sentence under house arrest See in context
mrbiggins, i'd be keen to hear you differentiate the Junta of Burma and Saddam Hussein and his hench men,given that you think one is guilty and worthy of liberation and by inference the other not ..
Moderator: Saddam Hussein is not relevant to this discussion.
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Posted in: Ginza hostess' involvement with Oshio ends in tragedy See in context
There is no evidence to suggest that legalizing drugs increases the numbers using them,in fact there is more evidence of the reverse.
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Posted in: Aging libidos require new techniques See in context
sex in a Japanese bathroom is not that dangerous..your always within reach of at least 2 walls to brace yourself against.
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Posted in: Pakistan Taliban leader Mehsud reportedly killed by U.S. missile See in context
it wasn't a Taliban leaders wife it was this Taliban leaders wife.They died in the same attack.. Assuming she married him freely and knew what he was doing,and was able to leave but did not, she was supporting him,but its the Taliban were talking about i doubt whether she had any say whatever in the matter,whether she supported him or didn't.
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Posted in: Cop held after caressing woman's underwear on balcony in Gifu See in context
However if all woman hung theirs inside then these deviants might be drawn indoors to fulfill their needs..and i am guessing that women would prefer the thief outside than inside,probably best to hang some decoy pants outside all properties. JT chooses is headlines with care..their intention is to titillate, emphasize the sexual angle of any story(especially when its deviant in nature),and by doing so attract readers..some of who appear absolutely addicted to such items.
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Posted in: 50 Palestinians evicted from their Jerusalem homes See in context
Helter..glad to see you acknowledge the importance of prior rights to property..i think you'll find many more Palestinians have prior rights over property now claimed or "settled" by Jews.
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Posted in: Saving the planet See in context
I can see pick your own lettuce shops becoming popular.
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Posted in: Barrage of complaints force Miss Universe Japan to change costume design for finals See in context
Nothing generates quite so much copy amongst some, as items about ladies under garments,probably inversely correlated with potency.
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Posted in: Baby taken from slain mom's womb found in New Hampshire See in context
yep sick! sick enough to do the act, and others sick enough to try and make a joke out of it..what do you think ilcub76(ill has two l's in it) Hopefully (time and careful investigation) will reveal this was an accidental death,hastily mislabeled as murder, and the woman 'rescued' the baby..if the alternative is true well its hard to comprehend.Especially as it happened in a country where perversions are,if idle gossip is to be believed, "far less" common.
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Posted in: Gunmen kill Mexican policeman, family in home as drug war escalates See in context
Drugs should be given away free(pharmaceutical grade) to all those idiotic enough to want them..this would remove at a stroke the main motivator for the majority of the crime associated with the illicit trade, which is money not the actual drug.I don't care if halfwit harry down the road is happily sozzled 24/7..but i do care if he burgles my house to fund his losers habit. Cut the price of it by increasing the supply of it..
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Posted in: Baby taken from slain mom's womb found in New Hampshire See in context
hey smith, it seem s i'm not the only one using brackets! "Now, did they kill the woman to get the baby, or did they kill her by chance and took the baby? Both are horrific, but to kill the woman for the specific purpose (premeditated) is slightly harder to swallow than the idea that MAYBE there was another reason and in the end they realized there was a baby in the woman and took it out after the fact. Again, both are sick and unforgivable acts.
I didn't realize this has happened before (recently). I knew from reading that these were the people who committed the recent murder (caught), but still. Sick sick sick." thats your post cut and pasted(in case its slipped your mind).
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Posted in: Police sergeant arrested on suspicion of filming up-skirt videos See in context
smithinjapan, You appear to be having difficulty understanding what "a direct quote" to further your education i will give you an example of one.. This is a "direct quote" from one of your posts on this thread so direct in fact that i was able to use the copy and paste feature.. "It's true, you don't hear about things like this day in and day out in other countries because it happens FAR less, and is not a day to day disease that is going out of control like here."
and as i'm feeling generous today i'll give you another direct quote of yours from,coincidentally enough ,the same thread again using the cut and paste feature(how delightful modern technology is) "Not at all. I said it HAPPENS in other countries, and gave you proof on how you are wrong that it's not reported and goes unpunished" Its little wonder you get confused when you appear to find it impossible to recall accurately what you have posted only seconds before" "Happens in" "Happens far less in"...squewed recall depending on perceived need. moderator:i take it you are being balanced in your censoring today?How about removing the post from smith in japan that accuses me of being a big part of this problem,it seems unfair that this remains and my posts asking for evidence to back this up are removed..what say you?
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Posted in: 4-year-old girl falls to death from 10th-floor apartment in Yokohama See in context may be old enough to imagine what might happen but why should you be protected from the actual image of death while you are entertained/informed(partially) reading about the event? Print the picture..force people to look at it before they post..that might just cause the air heads to move on before they suffer the world with their "wisdom"
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Posted in: Newborn boy dies after being found in Tokyo Internet cafe toilet See in context
"These kind of tragic events just shoots to shreds the whole pro-life movement." "How sad for the little boy who was born into our world to only die moments later." Zurconium you contradict yourself magnificently. Unless your stating that the 600,000 feotuses hoovered to oblivion annually don't count as patent life forms.(they have umbilical chords and the desire for life). If you are really worried just look on this as a really late term abortion and stop fretting. I hope the woman got shot of the placenta at the same time..otherwise she may have a toxic shock, she needs to seek medical treatment.
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Posted in: 20-year-old man arrested for killing woman in Tokyo apartment See in context
Happily Japan is a lot further behind than 20-30 years in the numbers of unprovoked murders committed, league table..and a century or two behind in the random sniper victim, league table.For a "society" to be judged meaningfully it must be judged in its entirety not on a selective basis.
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Posted in: Police sergeant arrested on suspicion of filming up-skirt videos See in context
smith,the problem referred to was the problem of men(not this man) looking up girls skirts(not this girls skirt)..thanks for your opinion on how this particular incident should be dealt with..still doesn't help solve the "problem" of men feeling the need to film up skirts..or the much bigger problem of people thinking this is actually worthy of space on a news site.. don't butcher my quotes, where did i say they "never" report it to the press and that "nothing is ever done about it " correct i did not say that(but don't let facts get in the way of a good rant) As to it happening "far less" in other countries, care to back up that assumption with some facts?(given that you yourself think that evidence should be supplied to back up an assumption )The actual reality is far more likely to be this,(its another assumption with out facts so you may want to skip it) it happens just as often in other countries but is simply not reported or noticed or indeed worried about as much as it appears to be in Japan.You believe that this squewed response is down to some deep seated perversion rampant in a society(in which you are a guest) whereas I tend to think that if its an issues, its simply one because the level of violent crime is so low relative to the place you call home(whichever one of the western nations that may happen to be) "just to prove how wrong you are on all counts"..sounds more like a 5 year old in a school yard that an adult on a discussion board(hang about on rereading that its slightly unfair to 5 year olds) Thanks for the link, i didn't click on it, but your subsequent resume of its contents went someway to proving yourself wrong on the "it happens far less in other countries front" "looks like i win" well yes.."the winner of this years how to argue like a 5 year old, cup is..."..congratulations on your self nominated victory now bend down and do your shoelaces up like a good boy.
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What a shame, did you LEARN anything from this experience?
Posted in: Frozen in time: Hospital room preserved since 1945 Tokyo firebombing
Posted in: Japanese manga serves up McDonald’s hack for making epic pancakes
Posted in: Russia’s shrinking world: The war in Ukraine and Moscow’s global reach
Posted in: Could obesity drugs help with alcohol cravings? New study suggests potential