Japan Today

berri_fusion comments

Posted in: Japan business leaders hoping for GM revival after bankruptcy See in context

If you think about it, the auto industry in America is responsible for much of the countries debt.If not directly, via association and causality.

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Posted in: Iraq says it is close to deal on U.S. troop withdrawal See in context

two words: glass crater.

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Posted in: Mother, daughters die in suspected murder-suicide leap in Kanazawa See in context

Well, it's not all that surprising to hear about suicides in Japan all the time. The highest suicide rates in the world are mainly all in Eurasia. Also, certain island countries have high suicide rates. It just depends on environment, mental health, weatlh, culture, and the presence of justice. It has been said that satan has a "rectangle of influence" that is the strongest in the world over most of Eurasia, don't know whether that is true or not but it would certainly explain a lot if it were true. That's only if you believe there is a God/Devil.

Sorry to hear about those three deaths, may they rest in peace. <3

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Posted in: Do you think the Olympic Games will be a success? See in context

Restrictive and censored success for all! We are in it together! China is hosting the games, AND YOU'LL LIKE IT!!! Now get back to work operation sparkling olympic China manual labor team, and stay on sina.com.cn, no chatty cathy's! >_< lol.

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Posted in: Mediterranean union launched with Mideast peace hopes See in context


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Posted in: Color contact lenses to be strictly controlled See in context

Why not hair treatments too? lol. I hear coloring your hair leads to cancer...we all know many people in Japan do both...I thought looking the same was back in starting last year? lol.

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Posted in: JAL may discontinue Kansai-Heathrow flights by March See in context

LOL!@ Speed.

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Posted in: Italians amazed at fallout in Japan over graffiti See in context

A week suspension would have been in order...Not even that, what the hell does your job have to do with your vacations? LOL! They could have just made him pay a fine to Florence Italy, do they believe in fines in Japan? haha. They treat pety criminals like lepers in Japan, I think it's disheartening. They're all about respect there but it's not very respectful to make an employee resign for something that could have been settled an alternate way...

Not to mention, "grafitti" seems very common a thing to do once there, they should provide walls for people to do this on if it's that big of a deal.

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Posted in: Japanese game shows coming to America See in context

I like it. It's one of the best shows I've seen in a while. In California, we don't have very much J-TV so I welcome any. It's not really J-TV but it's close. I like it just because it's different, honestly...I'm tired of the myriad of stupid reality shows. While this is reality at least it's different. I hope they continue the show.

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Posted in: L Word See in context


Um, someone said they need a visit from the fashion police? DUH!! their lesbians.

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