Japan Today

betternotsay comments

Posted in: Furor grows over Arizona's new immigration law See in context

How many Caucasians will be stopped for an ID, I wonder...

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Posted in: Palin tells tea party rally: 'We're not going to sit down, shut up' See in context

Can someone please explain to me the legitimate reason why the Republicans and some Americans are against the Health Care Bill? I for one am completely relieved to be receiving the same kind of basic needs as I do now in Japan. Obama did an amazing job of saving millions of people bankrupting from their mounting medical bills.

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Posted in: China making anime push as Japan hits slump See in context

I've yet to see any non-Japanese anime that surpasses the quality of the originals. My 7 years old cousin loves watching Avatar (The Last Wind something) anime, but honestly it looks like a poorly done ripoff of something between Naruto and other over-done boy hero stories. China is a country notorious for ripping off people's ideas....and as long as they continue doing that, there's no way in hell they'd outdo Japan.

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Posted in: 'Heroes' actress Hayden Panettiere gets chilly reception in Taiji See in context

Greapper1: sigh I think I've mentioned this a billion times to people who make ignorant comments like yours, but: please check out a documentary called Earthling. They cover the slaughtering of cows, chickens, pigs, as well as the cruelty of fur, the pet industry, zoos, aquariums, circuses...you name it. It's been made. 'Meat is meat'...wow, wait till the vegans here that.

And kudos to Hayden and her bf for stepping into the god-forsaken Taiji land. I'd go but I'd be too afraid of what people might do to me when they see that I'm not 'pure' Japanese...maybe someday.

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Posted in: Do you believe in life after death? See in context

I paused for a minute before hitting "yes". Paused because the idea of life after death sounds ludicrous, and I'm an agnostic. So I chewed on the thought for a while....and decided, hell with it, a happier person always have some kind of unrealistic hope even in the most dismal. Denial, maybe. But none of us will ever know until we die, so why not believe in whatever we want to believe?

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Posted in: Anger and defiance in Taiji after 'Cove' wins Oscar See in context


I like dolphins too but if they are that intelligent how come they get trapped so easily? One of the reason why the Taiji dolphin-fishing is so scrutinized is because of the way they trap them. Dolphins have very strong social network, and the young ones are always protected by the adult dolphins in the group. The fishermen use this connection by trapping one young dolphin, then the adult dolphins swim in to save their young. It's heart-wrenching to watch.

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Posted in: 'The Cove' wins Oscar for Best Documentary See in context

ReikiZen, I respect your opinion, but just one teeny mistake: Dolphin meat is rarely consumed by the majority of the Japanese. That's one of the biggest problem of dolphin-slaughtering. It's a dead culture, no one eats dolphins except the people in Taiji and a few other remote areas, but the slaughtering is still continuing. I've lived in Japan for more than 20 years and not once have I laid my eyes on dolphin meat, nor have I met anyone who have consumed them. And I totally agree with you on the idea that food health & safety should be a priority, except that's rarely ever the case.

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Posted in: 'The Cove' wins Oscar for Best Documentary See in context

Damien15 I apologize- I thought my point was clear. I don't mean that The Cove COULD have been filmed by a Japanese director, more that IF it were, the Japanese public would have accepted it more as an objective analysis instead of Japan-bashing. "Do you know a better way how can a foreigner educate the J public? Would J listen anything coming from foreigners?" not with a condescending attitude like yours they won't.

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Posted in: 'The Cove' wins Oscar for Best Documentary See in context

MrUSA damn should remember to google before believing what people say. thanks.

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Posted in: 'The Cove' wins Oscar for Best Documentary See in context

I have an inkling that The Cove would have gotten a different reaction from the Japanese if the director was Japanese. More than anything what the Japanese hate is having Westerners criticize their 'culture'.

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Posted in: Why is groping so prevalent on trains in Japan? Anyone care to hazard a guess as to the psychological reasons on why men grope? See in context

because many women, not all but many, won't shout out when they've been groped. though honestly, people who say they should don't really understand how humiliating it is to admit you're being sexually harassed in a crammed train full of strangers. seriously, get groped yourself before blaming Japanese women for not defending themselves. that, and you don't want to blame the wrong guy either. worst case scenario is getting a completely innocent man lose everything and jailed. happens everyday and no woman with conscience wants that to happen. A lot of times you're not sure whether that breast or butt-graze was an accident. professional gropers are damn sneaky. because the groper's wives and gf won't sleep with them and they're too busy with work to release themselves. they view women as sexual objects. they think women like being groped. they think women with short skirts and tight shirts deserve it for the way they're dressed (similar to 3) they have psychological, social and mental issues. or all of the above.

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Posted in: Fur of the Year See in context

She's pissed off a lot of people by wearing that. I can't believe the lack of imagination some people have. Do people seriously think these animals were killed and then skinned? Please, google first before making such an ignorant comment. They are anally or vaginally electrocuted, then skinned alive. I can't even imagine what that must feel like. Noone has to be an animal lover to know that this is just wrong. Sacrificing animals for medicinal purposes are still debatabale, but taking the fashion side in a case like this is pure stupidity. What's the point? We don't live in the North Pole, nor are we in the medival period. There are no circumstances where we have to wear fur. I have plenty of faux-fur coats and hats, and they are perfectly warm, they don't smell, and they look hella good. I'm pretty fashionable and I have good taste, and I've never had a problem not having real fur. Those who have purchased fur items or are planning to this winter....I beg of you. Take a moment and research. See what's happening, and if you still want 'em, well that's your choice. But at least you know and you're that much more aware.

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Posted in: Cop arrested for molesting woman on train See in context

he probably thought it was his own thigh.

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