Posted in: Japan in 1965 sought U.S. nuclear shield versus China See in context
Japan wanted the US to demolish China with the Nuke! What will be the consequence of this revealation? Disaster to Japan!
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Posted in: Yokohama mayor sued by ex-hostess for ending relationship See in context
Nana! What a brave girl!
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Posted in: Does the U.S. need to have military bases anywhere in Japan? See in context
I'm very sorry that at this point, I agree US has to station in Japan. Sorry about it. I know how hard it is to live under the foreign influence!
US military bases have caused numerous crimes to the innocent citizens in South Korea and Japan. Still many Cons want them in Korea. I strongly disagree with that. Yet, Japan...there are too many Cons like Korea..Sorry about that.
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Posted in: Hiroshima mayor hopes next U.S. president will back ban on nuclear weapons See in context
What a non-sense!
Nuclear weapon was used to collapse and ban the Japanese militarism!
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Posted in: Does the U.S. need to have military bases anywhere in Japan? See in context's really hard to understand Japanese are civilized in terms of "humanity and dignity on themselves and others".
The US, the strong military power, the primitive measure is very useful and effective in this country, Japan.
Even China, Russia, and North Korea are eager to have the US military stationing in Japan.
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Posted in: Obama looking for VP who says more than 'Yes, sir' See in context
Harmony and efficiency oriented guys are out!
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Posted in: Los Angeles bans plastic bagging in stores See in context
At first, it was very inconvenient not to use plastic bags for the purchase. Yet, now it's ok. No problem. The B.J. whole sale store does not provide plastic bags.
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Posted in: America is the most selfish country. See in context
Finally, Japan seems to find its breakthrough in environmental issue. Yet, Japan needs to place on "parallel development of human and environment".
Charity...I'm shocked that Japan is not on Top 10 charity nations. In fact, as long as I know, Japan has huge donor of aids to Asian and African countries.
Yet, Japan has different idea in applying the charity to its partner nations. I can call it "Quasi-donation or Quasi-charity".
The Japanese government gives "loan without interest" under the name of donation, charity, or reparations.
It is known that Japan paid the reparations of $50 million to Singapore. Yet, half of it was actually a loan without interest.
Japan has given "huge aids" to South Asian countries. Yet, the aid was given under the condition that those aids must be used for purchase of Japanese products in the certain periods.
2008, the US sent "$5.5 billion" to North Korea despite the sour debate on the Nuclear issue of North Korea. This huge money is really "free", not the aid with no interest in terms of Japanese system.
"Kyoto Protocol". 90% of world air pollution is caused by all developed countries. It is an urgent World issue in addition to the international human rights issue
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Posted in: Obama addresses 200,000 in Berlin with message of unity for world's people See in context
His political stance really attracts me. Of course, the young generations of the US must be really attracted with his vision of "Change". The Germans are not the exception of this trend.
In current year, we've witnessed too many policies and decisions based on "Just Interest" for some nations and groups. I'm really sick of it. Wars in Afghanistan, Iraq, Middle Eastern Countries,African countries.
No one is really concerned wit this issue.
In particular, take a look at the Green House Effect!
Now, he is talking about these urgent issues directly related to us.
So, I'm supporting him.
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Posted in: S Korea reportedly plans to build hotel on disputed islets See in context
Seiharinokaze Thank you for your detailed information. Yet, Jukdo that Choi mentioned indicates "Dokdo" as of the current years. The maps was made by Japan, in 1930.
Bring a Japanese Academic historian's argument! Do not bring some rumors or allegation!
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Posted in: Who would be the best U.S. president from Japan's perspective? See in context
In my opinion, public opinion is quite different from what the Japanese politics has positioned in Japan-US relations. For the Japanese people, OBAMA would be the best.
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Posted in: S Korea reportedly plans to build hotel on disputed islets See in context
Again, let's see the historical context. Koreans and other your neighboring countries see this issue as a "Japanese colonial legacy".
Everybody in the current generation may think along with "rationality", "interest", "reasoning", "international law", "shared principles", "norms", and "common sense".
Those values are really important criteria to judge what the right and wrong are.
Yet, those are just a blind eye unless those values are based on "identity", our root of being human derived from consistency on our historical past.
Today, the South Korean government turned out to be really ridiculous on dealing with the international issue. it's too myopic. Cons in any country do not have any human face idea and ideology. I know that Japan has made the same mistake as well.
I hope "nanko10" could go fishing in Dokdo someday and I could visit the tempel in Tsushima and Oki to pray for the world peace. Just put all things down and suit yourself.
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Posted in: S Korea reportedly plans to build hotel on disputed islets See in context
Apology for your feeling insulted on any point in what I have said. We're just individuals having no such a influential power on the Government power. Have a pleasant weekend!
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Posted in: New York Times defends decision not to run McCain's op-ed article See in context
Betzee McCain is called as "Socialist".
In my opinion, the division of Liberal and Conservative is based on views on several sectors: 1) welfare system-safety net, 2) market system, 3) target groups for the support, and 4) foreign policy.
Among several sectors, he looks quite overlapping with Liberals.
Yet, his clear distinction of political position is "Foreign Policy, stationing for 100year in Iraq", showing the emphasis on the military to expand their interest, political or economic, even cultural.
He has no intention to accept the different culture and different interests.
In particular, he does not have any idea of "Environmental Protection".
Finally, he is in a moderate conservative line. This is just my idea.
I hope to see a different idea.
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Posted in: New York Times defends decision not to run McCain's op-ed article See in context
We're living in the Neo-Cons. Empire, the US, Japan, South Korea...
New York Times is really excellent newspaper.
Different from Washington Post which many Japanese may like.
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Posted in: S Korea reportedly plans to build hotel on disputed islets See in context
It's like neck-to-neck or eye-to-eye solution in the Bible, as if relentless retaliation on "911" is on the American invasion to Afghanistan and Iraq.
Neighboring countries are tired and exhausted with the endless trouble maker, the Japanese cons.
Now, they are preparing some effective leverage, like counter neck or eye.
Ha, Ha, Ha, .... Anyway, hermitage, I know your understanding and humor. Bye.
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Posted in: S Korea reportedly plans to build hotel on disputed islets See in context
I think that now you can feel the Korean outrage over the Japanese allegation on Dokdoshima.
You are getting upset, upset, upset...Ha Ha Ha...
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Posted in: S Korea reportedly plans to build hotel on disputed islets See in context
Why do S. Korean people instigate the people unnecessary?
Again,as I said, in the historical "context".
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Posted in: S Korea reportedly plans to build hotel on disputed islets See in context
Excellent point! You got it! Now, you have many disputed territories, including "Oki" and "Tsushima", and your Emperor's territories since some people contend those territories belong to Korea.
Your logic is really wonderful one! Someday, Tokyo could be brought to the ICJ. Thanks for your point!0 ( +0 / -0 )
Posted in: S Korea reportedly plans to build hotel on disputed islets See in context
Sorry, "the territorial conflict made by Japan is getting more intense and widespread, yielding another counter-territorial request from Korea".
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Posted in: S Korea reportedly plans to build hotel on disputed islets See in context
hermitage I hope that someday the two countries have some agreements on this issue like what you suggested. Your story is quite witty.
I would like to deliver another solution for this issue.
Many Koreans contend that "Tsushima" and "Oki" islands belong to Korea. The other day, the head of a major Korean Buddhist denominator suggested to the Korean Prime Minister that Korean government must request the Japanese government to return the two islands, "Tsushima" and "Oki" to Korea.
Yesterday, 50 South Korean lawmakers proposed that the South Korean should request Japan to return the two islands. They argued that historically, those two islands belong to Korea.
The territorial conflict made by Japan is getting more intense and widespread, yielding another counter-territorial request for Korea.
I sincerely hope that North Korea would not be involved in this territorial issue, Dokdo.
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Posted in: S Korea reportedly plans to build hotel on disputed islets See in context
*imagawa*OssanULTRA First, as I said, "context" is critical in bringing to the ICJ. Given the irresponsibility of Japan in the word community for a century, no one can believe that Japan may comply with the decisions made by any other IGOs, including the ICJ. This kind of tactics is a deep-rooted one of Japan. Again, no one wants to be deceived by the Japanese "allegation" with the 1905 declaration.
Accordingly, South Koreans are not afraid, but feel useless to discuss this issue with Japan in the mediation of any third party.
Second, the territorial issue is an indisputable one for the possessor.
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Posted in: S Korea reportedly plans to build hotel on disputed islets See in context
Sorry for the late response. I would have to answer "why not ICJ". My answer is straightforward. Because in the modern history, Japan haven't shown consistency on dealing with the international organizations such as the UN, ILO, and ICJ.
When I answer like this, some Japanese people may think that it is very hard and difficult to discuss with Koreans on some issue, in particular history related issue with Japan or China.
In my opinion, Koreans may view "historical events or facts" in the "context". For example, an event, in particular historical, does not emerge without "any hidden intention or plot."
What is a scientific analysis? The scientific knowledge is based on "regularity" (consistency) of phenomena or behavior, social or natural. In developing our scientific knowledge, the most important thing is how to find and interpret the "fact". Yet, the "fact" is quite "theory-laden". That is, the fact is dependent on our argument, the theory.
Some Japanese people employ very limited fact, limited historical fact of Dakescima from 1905 to 1945. Koreans use the historical fact of Dokdo for several thousands (from ancient period to 2008). Which fact would be convincing in terms of regularity or consistency? Think about it!
Many Koreans are attempting to think in the way of this scientific common language.-1 ( +0 / -1 )
Posted in: S Korea reportedly plans to build hotel on disputed islets See in context
The reason why South Korea does not have any intention to go to the ICJ is that the Dokdo issue is not a disputable one with any country.
In addition, the South Koreans have a long standing and deep rooted distrust and disbelief on the Japanese tactics, in particular Japanese Cons.The Japanese Coms. do not have any concept of "Justice" to the significant extent that they can comply with the principles and norms basing the IGOs. The Japanese Cons. only view the international community in order to take advantage of other small and weak countries and numerous innocent countries.0 ( +0 / -0 )
Posted in: S Korea reportedly plans to build hotel on disputed islets See in context
I really hope that the Japanese populars are well educated in her history,thereby can construct a communicative history with her neighboring countries.
Yet, the serious problem is predominance of Japanese Cons over the Japanese politics. The Japanese civil society is so vulnerable and weak in democratic participation. Of course, I know that some Japanese professors acknowledge that Dokdo belongs to South Korea, not Japan.
Yet, the Ultracons led Japanese politics have caused endless problems in North East Asia. Territorial disputes are common and constant measure to attract Japanese Cons. The current South Korean Ultra Cons, also use this Dokdo issue to avoid its difficulty in some domestic issues.
In short, the Koreans Cons and Japanese may have "some conspiracies" on this issue. Japan must develop the Liberal Democracy, oriented to the Left.0 ( +0 / -0 )
Posted in: S Korea reportedly plans to build hotel on disputed islets See in context
hermitage Thanks for your critical and insightful analysis on this issue, taking into account several crucial circumstantials factors. Yet,the current popular upsurge manifests the unique Korean perception on the territorial dispute with other countries, in particular Japan, in the historical context.
Japanese always put themselves in the same process and strategy for invading Korea. In 1390s, Japan started to invade Korea, by requesting Korea to open the the road for the Japanese army. The beginning is quite absurd and illogical. And then, they employ the refusal of their request as the political pretext of invading Korea.
Before invading Kroea in 1910, Japan declared Dokdo belongs to Japan in 1905.
Koreans are well cautious of any Japanese illogical request like Dokdo issue.
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Posted in: S Korea reportedly plans to build hotel on disputed islets See in context
In my opinion, japan and you take really inconsistent policies, inconsistent logic, and inconsistent examples with your neighboring countries. In short, Japan and you are really unpredictable.
In international community, unpredictability does make any sense! You do not have any idea of your own government full of the ULTRA CONS.
-1 ( +0 / -1 )
Posted in: S Korea reportedly plans to build hotel on disputed islets See in context
Japan has an inconsistent position on the territorial disputes with its neighboring countries.
Why is the Japanese government reluctant to bring the Sengaku islands in question with Taiwan and China, or 4 islands with Russia to the ICJ ?
Dokdo is the one that was restored as Korea restoring its independence, there is no need or reason to bring it to the ICJ.
-1 ( +0 / -1 )
Posted in: S Korea reportedly plans to build hotel on disputed islets See in context
Take a look at yourself, your logic, and your history.
You people and your history always struggle to justify your greed, territorial disputes, disguising it with fake document or illogical allegation.
You are acting exactly the same as your latest ancestors did. No country, in particular your neighboring countries, believes the Japanese allegation complying with the rules and principles of the IGOs since the Japan has violated many international treaties, conventions, and resolutions made by the IGOs.
Are you really willing to comply with the resolutions of the ICJ?
If so, first send the World Community your willingness to do it by implementing all the resolutions suggested by the UN, the ICJ, the ILO,and other regional conferences and 1993 Vienna conference, 1995 Beijing international conferences, 2000 International conferences, and others.
-1 ( +0 / -1 )
Posted in: S Korea reportedly plans to build hotel on disputed islets See in context
Why are so many South Koreans getting crazier to the the Japanese allegation on it?
This small, rock islands have symbolic significance of "Japanese relentless aggression toward Asian countries" carried out in the beginning of 1900s. In particular, the small islands, Dokdo, always reminds all the Koreans, including North Koreans, of the Japanese annexation to South Korea in 1910.
The Japanese brutal aggression toward its neighboring countries started with declaring that this island, Dokdo, belonged to Japan in 1905.
In short, looking at the endless Japanese greed on the territory, the Koreans and other Asian countries think that the Japanese people have not given up any greedy intension to invade its neighboring countries. All your neighboring countries people, including Chinese, Russians, Taiwanese, Vietnamese, Singaporeans, Thai, Indonesians, Myanmar,and Koreans, Americans, Dutches, Canadians, Australians, British, etc, who suffered the grave historical injustices committed by Japan,are cautiously looking at the Japanese greed now.Don't you think how absurd it is to allege the right of the Islands with the fact of the 1905 declaration on the Islands while the Islands belong to Korea for several thousands years?
-1 ( +0 / -1 )
Posted in: Vance attack on Europe overshadows Ukraine talks at security conference
Posted in: Judge sets 5-day deadline for Trump administration to start lifting its USAID funding freeze
Posted in: Vance attack on Europe overshadows Ukraine talks at security conference
Posted in: Vance attack on Europe overshadows Ukraine talks at security conference